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"w-what do you mean by that?" She said while her face became even more rosey. "I meant what I said, You're too pretty for your own good." He said, coming closer to kiss her. "o-oh." That was all she could muster.

Then it hit her, Yoongi has a girlfriend. Before he can lean any closer, she gently pushed him away. She looked at him and shook her head, "Stop, you have a girlfriend. Let me go." She said while standing up. "you're right, I'm sorry." He said standing up as well. "Just don't let that happen again." Jiyoon said. He nodded his taking in everything that was said.

Just as he was about to say something, Someone shouts out. "Jiyoon!? Where are you!?" She turns around and sees Jungkook running around like a maniac looking for her. "I gotta go, I'll see you later." She waved goodbye to Yoongi and walked towards Jungkook.

Jiyoon calls out to him, "Jungkook." He quickly turns around and runs towards her, pulling her into a tight embrace. He was shaking, she could feel something wet on her shoulder. is that his sweat?!

Jungkook released her from the hug and looked her in the eyes. "Why did you run off? I was worried!" He said as he panted. "Stop whining. I ran off because you slapped me." He looked up and guilt filled his eyes. "I'm so sorry that I hit you, I know I promised I'm really sorry." He held me lightly. I shook my head, "whatever, get off of me." I got out of his grip and walked away from Jungkook and walked back home.

She opened the door and walked in. Jiyoon saw someone sitting on the couch, it was that girl. She shut the door and began to walk up the stairs. "Well, look who's finally back." Jiyoon turned her head to the girl's direction and saw her standing up, giving her a glare. "Because of you, Jungkook left me to go get your crying ass." She said giving her attitude.

"If he left you, why are you still here?" She walked towards Jiyoon. "I'm here because you ruined my time with Jungkook." Jiyoon rolled her eyes, "That's no excuse for you to still be in here."

Jiyoon's head turned to the right, Haein was about to give her another slap until Jiyoon caught her hand. She used her other hand to land a harsh blow on Jiyoon. She stood back up and punched the girl back. "Get out of here." Jiyoon said, ready to hit her again. "Hah! You don't own this house!"

Haein grabbed Jiyoon's hair and threw her to the ground. The cut on Jiyoon's began to bleed again. Pushing the girl off, Jiyoon stood back up and kicked the girl in the stomach. "You psycho bitch!" Jiyoon grabbed the girl from her collar and threw her on the first few steps.

"And what? At least Jungkook loves me! You don't really think I believed that you were his sister, right?" She came up behind Jiyoon, grabbing a fist full of hair and brought her back on the ground, slamming her head on the floor over and over. Jiyoon had blacked out from a concussion.

It was then that Jungkook ran into the house. He didn't think he would see Jiyoon on the floor with Haein above her. "What the hell are you doing?!" Jungkook kicked Haein to the ground. Haein looked at Jungkook with wide eyes, "o-oppa?! i-it's not what it looks like! She attack me first! See?! I have a bloody lip!"

His eyes burned with hate, Jungkook walked up to the girl and yanked her up by her hair. "O-Oppa! That hurts! Let me go!" She cried, trying to pry his hand off. He opened the door and threw her out, making her hit her head on a flower pot. "Get the hell out of here." Jungkook said menacingly. He grabbed her forearm and dragged her outside. "Never come back here ever again." He walked towards Jiyoon, took her into his car and to the hospital.

First person pov -Jiyoon

I woke up feeling like shit. The room I was in was dark but there was light coming from the crack of the door. Where am I? I looked around and saw a heart monitor, and IV tubes on my arm. Feeling something holding my forearm, I looked to my right and saw a boy. It was Taehyung, he looked like he was in a deep sleep. I've never been this close to him before.. kinda awkward..

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