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Jiyoon was heartbroken by the time Taehyung finished. Taehyung grabbed her face and wiped her drooping tears. "Don't cry Ji. It hurts me to see you like this." Taehyung was feeling something weird in his chest. Like something wanted to protect Jiyoon and to comfort her when Jungkook can't. Jiyoon smiled and hugged Taehyung. "Thank you for telling me Tae" Her face was buried in his chest while Taehyung rest his chin on her head. Jiyoon saw Jungkook in the corner waking up from his little nap. He saw the look on her face and got worried.

"Babe? What's wrong?" He rushed over to Jiyoon. She smiled and shook her head, "Nothing, everything is fine" He looked deeply at you, he sighed and hugged her. "Jungkook? Are you ok?" He laid his head on the crook of her neck. "Please don't leave me." He said breathy with his voice cracking. Jiyoon's eyes widened, Did he think I was planning on leaving him? She thought. "I'm never going to leave you"

She pulled away and grinned. Please don't leave like Sora. Please stay forever. Jungkook pleaded to himself. Jungkook grabbed her hand, "Thank you for keeping her company Hyung" Jungkook said to Taehyung. Tae just smiled and nodded his head. Jungkook led Jiyoon to the corner with the bean bag and laid down with her, cuddling tightly so she wouldn't vanish.

Jiyoon's pov
I jolted upwards from the noise of pans smacking together. "What time is it?" I groaned rubbing my eyes. "It's time to get your lazy ass up." Jin sarcastically said. "Who said you can give me that sarcasm?" I sarcastically said back. "Who said you can give me that attitude?" He place his hands on his hips.

We laughed it off and ate the food he ordered. It was really good. It was already time for the last class. We quickly ate and made our way to class. Thinking of what Taehyung had told me was still bothering me, not in a bad way though. Like wanting to know more about it but from Jungkook. Though I don't want to bring that up to him, because 1. He hasn't told me himself. And 2. It might hurt him internally.

I sighed and leaned back on three seat of my desk. "Is something the matter Miss. Kim?" Everyone in the class looked at me. "No." I said carelessly forgetting honorifics. "Then pay attention, you ill-mannered child!" She yelled at me from her desk. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. She didn't seem like she was having my bullshit today. "Go to the principal's office right now!" She pointed towards the door. I wasn't in the mood that moment. I stood up, swinging my backpack over one shoulder, and walked out the class door slamming it shut.

I mumbled to myself not realising that someone was infront of me. Our bodies collided, making me fall on my butt. "This is just a horrible day for me." I groaned standing up,while rubbing my behind. "Watch where you're going!" A high pitched voice rang through my ears. "Who the-" I looked up and saw Shin Haerin, Yoongi's girlfriend. "Ugh. It's you." She said rolling her eyes. "Look. I don't have the time nor the patience to hear you complain about how much you and your friends think I'm a 'slut'. So step aside." I walked past her trying top get to the office. "Yoongi likes you." I froze. "What did you say?" I turned around and met her sad, cold, dead eyes. "Yoongi has feelings for you. I know it." I was shocked. I remembered my last encounter with him.

A few weeks ago

As I rose my head back up I noticed Yoongi was staring at me. I blushed and looked away. He caressed his nape and chuckled, "You're so cute!" I blushed hard, He grabbed my chin making me look back up him. He leaned in closer to my face. Now I was hardcore legit blushing. "You are very pretty Jiyoon. I've noticed that for a long time now." He stated caressing my bottom lip.

How did I not realise before? I looked at Haerin, she had a tear stroll down her cheek. "Don't worry Haerin. I have feelings for someone else." I reassured her. "I know you do." She wiped her tears away. She made eye contact with me, pretty easily since we are the same height. "How can I make him love me again?" I was taken aback from her sudden question.

"I-I don't know." I pursed my lips together. She really does love him. "I'm really sorry Jiyoon." She looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "About?" I looked at her eyes deeply. "For bullying you. I had no right to. I'm not excepting you to forgive me but Im really sorry." She said bowing to me. "I forgive you." She looked up at me. "R-really?!" I nodded my head. "I don't hold grudges." She thanked me. "I promise to never hurt you" She said. I shook my head. "Dont make promises that you can't keep."

"Miss Kim! Get over here!"

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