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Oᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 31s 2018
5:00 ᴘᴍ

The Jeon's house was chaotic. Grown men running all over the place while a petite young lady with three small children sat quietly on the comfy white couch. The children looked around aimlessly not minding the sudden gush of wind as one of the boys run past them.

"JeonGyu! EunJun! Your brother is calling you!"

Two of the little ones scurried over to the hallway where their names were shouted from. That left the young lady and the small little girl. She was a very beautiful girl. Her long brown hair was curled slightly at the end, her milkly smooth skin was too good to be true, and her golden brown eyes, with a hint of green, was overall complemented with her long black eyelashes. Her button nose, the way the pink hues in her lips were, her little chubby cheeks made her look like she popped out of a manga.

"Hwayunie! Come here, my little princess!"

Soon after, the little girl waddled her way over to the hallway, leaving alone wondering about your future and kids. "Baby! Come here, I need help!" That was your call. Standing up from the soft sofa, you wandered to the voice of your lover.

Opening the white wood door, you saw the boys helping the kids get into their costumes. "You called?" Their attention turned towards the sound of your mere little voice. "Ah, I need you to help Eunjun and Hwayun into their costumes." Taehyung handed you the costume for your little sister and the one for Jin's sister. "Sure, come on babies, let's go make you adorable!" You cheered as the girls waddled towards you.

6:30 ᴘᴍ

JeonGyu was dressed in a dragon onesie, Eunjun was a unicorn and Hwayun was a baby giraffe. "Here's your baskets." Jimin handed the kids their little pumpkin baskets. "Thank you Jiminie!" Eunjun said smiling. "Ok, you guys go get dressed so I can take a picture!" You told the boys as they cooed over the kids. "Stay right here my loves, Noona will be right back." You quickly left to go zip up in your costume.

After a couple minutes, you all finished up the little touch-ups and joined back at the living room. "Quick, let's take a picture and get going!" You quickly handed the camera to one of the maids and got in your place. Smiling brightly as the camera let out its white light, blinding you. "Thank you Maehye! Come, kids, let's go get some CANDY!" Hobi hyped up the children as the began to scream for candy.

8:25 ᴘᴍ

You were in your 6th neighborhood. The kids had gotten countless bags of candy. You all were at a house that had a friendly vibe to it, inflatable characters were in the yard as well as some colorful lights. The kids ran happily, up the owner's driveway. "Trick or Treat!" JungGyu and Eunjun said waiting for the candy to be dropped in their bags. Hwayun was a shy little girl, So she just let the older two say everything. They thanked the old-aged lady and walked away back towards the eight adults. "Noona, look what the halmoni gave us!" Eunjun showed me two bite-size chocolate bars. I giggled silently.

"Wow Eun, Good job!" You cheered her on. "Come on, before the greedy kids take the good candy!" Hoseok shouted as he ran down the street carrying JungGyu. "OH MY GOSH! LOOK AT THAT HOUSE!" Jungkook exclaimed. I pried my eyes up from the ground and saw a haunted themed house. "Wow, Let's go inside!" Jimin shouted. The boys cheered and ran in leaving me with the three kids.

Knowing that the kids were most likely going to be frightened, I offered to stay behind while the boys had some fun. I asked the lady if it was alright to sit down on her property, before resting on the concrete. You could hear the screams of Jimin and Hoseok. The kids were minding their business, checking on how much candy they received.

"Are you guys having fun?" You asked them. "Yeah, This was the best day ever!!" Hwayun spoke for the first time today. She honestly is a mixture of Yoongi and Jin. "We'll go to a few more houses and then we'll head back home since it's getting pretty late." You said rubbing EunJun's head. "No noona, we're no-" JungGyu yawned, "not tired!" You giggled and held the kids close to you.

A few minutes later, you saw the boys run out of the house as if their life depended on it. "Ahhhhhhh!" They zoomed past you as a group of teenagers snuck up from behind. The kids giggled, stuffing their faces with candy.


You looked behind you and saw a zombie chasing Hoseok. "Oh geez." You facepalmed yourself as he kept yelling at the poor kids to go away. "Noona! Look a Pikachu!" JungGyu yelled as he pointed to a big yellow costume. "Wow, isn't that cool?" You said. As the guy dressed as Pikachu got closer, you could see how his costume was. It was just inflatable.

After the little chaos, you took the kids to other neighborhoods.

9:00 ᴘᴍ

You all barely arrived at the house. "Come on kids, it's almost past your bedtime." The little three paddled their feet on the floor to the guest rooms. "You guys check their candy and I'm gonna shower them." You said as you began to climb the stairs.

After getting drenched in water, you laid out the kids pajamas and let them change. The kids sat down quietly as they waited for you to get their beds ready. "Unnie, where's TaeTae?" Eunjun asked as she held Hwayun close to her. "Tae is with the others downstairs. Do you want them here?" The three nodded their heads. You smiled and walked down the hallway to call for the boys. "Guys! Come up here, please!" The boys marched up here one by one in a single file line.

"Hyungies!" JungGyu cheered as they plied in through the doorway. "Hey little man. Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Namjoon grinned as he sat down next to the boy. "Yes, but we wanted you guys here." He explained. "Aww, my little brother is so cute~" Taehyung cried. He jumped on JungGyu, suffocating him with a hug.

The kids all went underneath the comforters and cuddled themselves. "Goodnight little ones." Jimin said as they all gave them kisses on the head.

Hey, I know this is a late special chapter. I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Halloween. Much love

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