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The 8 idiots
-> Make way, Monie is in the building!
-> Lead the way with Diminie!
-> Alert! Alert! Here comes Ko0kie!
-> Wow! It's the one and only, Yoongles!
->Here comes the dashing, Jay
-> OooU, we have mister hot shot over here. CutieGuy!
->Damnnn, look at this boy! Stealyourgirl!

Getout.: 1. Fuck you and that username. 2. Welcome to the group chat, my disciples!

Stealyourgirl: 1. Fuck off. 2. You aren't God, so get on somewhere and 3. Who tf is Jay?

Jay: It's Hoseok, you bitch.

Getout.: How the heck did you
get Jay from Hoseok?

Jay: How the heck did you get Get out from... WhO aRe yOu?

Getout.: It's Jiyoon, you bUm

Jay: smd

Ko0kie: Tf? She's mine, back off.

Diminie: Jungkook

Ko0kie: yes?

Diminie: stfu

Yoongles: Stfu all of you, why am I even friends with you all?

Getout.: Because you lOvE uS
and you would never EvEr
lEaVe uS!

Yoongles: You're ugly for that

Getout.: <--

Yoongles: Gladly.

-> Yoongles has
left the group chat

-> CutieGuy has added
Yoongles to the group chat

Yoongles: You and I are gonna fight.

CutieGuy: You wouldn't touch this precious face •3•

Stealyourgirl: Who's that?

Getout.: Who aRe yOu?

Stealyourgirl: I'm your brother, dumbass

Getout.: Then we aren't related
if you don't know who that is.
It's pretty obvious, clearly
smacking you in the face.

Stealyourgirl: uh. Namjoon?

Monie: My self-esteem is not that high.

CutieGuy: ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)╭∩╮

Getout.:ヽ(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)ノ

Diminie: aNywAy, Who's down to take me to the store?

Ko0kie: You have legs, don't you? Use them.

Diminie: But I don't wanna go alone! What if I get raped? What if I get swArmEd with giRls?

Getout.: If you get raped, then
I'm the one who did it.

Diminie: What?

Ko0kie: Wha?

Stealyourgirl: Wot?

Monie: Wut?

CutieGuy: Huh?

Jay: Uhm...

Yoongles: Why?

Getout.: What?

Yoongles: What?



Yoongles: You're stupid, go put some socks on.

Ko0kie: What do socks have to do with stupidity?

Getout.: You're too young to understand

Ko0kie: I'm older than you.

Getout.: Fite me.

Ko0kie: In bed?

Getout.: <--

Stealyourgirl: Get away. Go. Stop. Get some help.

Monie: You guys need to go back to school, and use that education to get smarter. Like me.

Diminie: If you're so smart then why didn't you graduate sooner?

Getout.: oOu

ko0kie: :o

Jay: Oh dAmN!

Yoongles: -_-

CutieGuy: ._.

Diminie is typing...

-> Monie has kicked Diminie
out the groupchat

Getout.: :)

Monie: What?

-> Getout. has added Diminie
to the group chat

Monie is typing...

Diminie: What the fuck
was that for? You can really run this sm0k€!

Yoongles: You're stupid for that. Go put some socks on.

-> Diminie has gone offline
-> CutieGuy has gone offline
-> Yoongles has gone offline
-> Getout. has gone offline
-> Jay has gone offline
-> Ko0kie has gone offline
-> Monie has gone offline

Stealyourgirl: What did I miss?
Stealyourgirl: oH damn.
Stealyourgirl: I'm just gonna gO

-> Stealyourgirl has gone offline

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