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"Uh... Can you let go of me?" He looked down at your entwined hands. "Oh. Sorry." He quickly let go. You grabbed your backpack from him and began to walk away. Entering your home room, you sat down in your seat and waited for the teacher to come.

"Good morning class." The students stood up and greeted the teacher. "I hope that you all haven't forgotten that today is quiz day." The class groaned. "Quiet down, This test is fairly easy. If you have been pay attention." The teacher stated.

You did struggle a bit with the questions but did end up handing it over a few minutes before the bell rang.

Quickly packing your things, you walked out the classroom door. You had an off period right now so you decided to relax on the roof. Sitting down in the farthest corner and taking out a book. Being too immersed in the story you didn't notice someone walk through the double doors.

"I knew you would be up here." You jumped, wide eyeing the person who scared you. "What do you want?" I looked back down on to the book. "Nothing much. Just to live a good life." You scoffed, "Well I guess you're heading down the wrong path for that one, huh?" He laughed, "You're quite snarky today, Jiyoon. "

You stayed quiet, "Hey, there's actually something I've been wanting to say to you." He stepped towards you and sat down. "If you're here to insult me then don't even bother." You mumbled. "No no. That's not it." You looked at him again. "Then? Spit it out." He didn't look at you and ran his hands through his hair. You saw his lips move but didn't hear anything come out. "Huh?"

"I'm sorry, Jiyoon. I was really rude to you and I just wanted to apologize. I don't expect you to forgive me, of course." He said. You looked away from him as he tried to meet contact. "Oh. Well thanks for the apology." You started feeling uncomfortable around him. "I really am sorry." He said. You nodded and didn't say a word.

After a minute of silence, you spoke up. "Is that all you wanted to say to me?" "Yeah." He said immediately. "Okay then. Aren't you gonna go back?" You said, praying that he would leave you alone. "Go back where?" He placed his arms over his chest and looked down at you. "I don't know. Wherever you were before you came here?" You said opening your book again. He didn't listen and just sat himself next to you

You and Jungkook ended up making conversation, it was actually nice to talk with him. You had thought that you both were pretty similar in some aspects. His parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. However, she's always on business trips though, so he practically lives by himself.

"Jungkook! Where'd you go?!" The door swung open revealing a very angry Hwaji. "Ugh. Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?!" You put your hands up defensively. "He came to find me." She scoffed. "Yeah righ-" Jungkook interrupted, "Hwaji, I've had enough of you. You've been really fucking clingy and it's getting annoying." He ran his hand through his black hair. "Why do you even care that she's with me? It's not like you actually care."

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You don't think I haven't seen you with other boys?" She vigorously shook her head, "O-Oppa! That's not true!" He smiled at her. "It's fine really." Hwaji looked relieved, "Ah! Really! I swear I won-"Jungkook cut her once again. "I didn't loved you anyway."

Her eyes widened but soon changed to hatred and jealously, "W-what? Is it because of her?! Did she try and seduce you?!" She pointed her finger at you. "Me? Get with him? Please." You said, rolling your eyes

"What other reason could he have for not liking me?!" She tried pinning the blame onto you. "I don't know. Maybe it's because you're a raging bitch? Or the fact that he called you clingy earlier? Just a guess." You called her out. She let out a frustrating scream, "Ugh! You'll regret saying that to me, Kim Jiyoon!" After that she walked away, slamming the doors behind her.

"Seems like you have a type.." You said while Jungkook rubbed his temples. "Ha. Ha. I guess I do attract the crazy kind." He said grinning at you. You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth. "the really crazy kind." He chuckled putting his arm around your neck. "Yeah, who knows maybe you'll end up becoming crazy after falling in love with me." He teased.

You grimaced and pushed his arm away from you. "Don't make me vomit." You sat back down and rested your head on the cement bench behind you.

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