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She had been crying her heart out when her phone suddenly rang. Not bothering to check the caller ID, she answered. "hello?" Her stuffy voice whispered. "Hey Jiyoon, it's Jungkook. I forgot that I never gave you my number so I called you." His husky voice rang through her ear. "o-oh. hey jungkook, i forgot that i even gave you my number." She let out a dry chuckled.

"What's wrong, you sound sick."

Jiyoon slowly sat up and wiped her tears. "ahem- i'm fine, i probably drank something wrong." She lied. Jungkook laughed, "How do you drink something wrong? Anyway, you're lying. Tell me what it is." Jiyoon looked down at her glistening injuries.

"nothing i swear, i'm fine. i was just watching a sad drama before you called." Jungkook sighed on the other end. "Why do you keep whispering? Did you get in trouble?" Jiyoon could tell that he was rolling his eyes.

"i guess you can say that. nothing to worry about though. taehi just can't know that i'm speaking to you." She shuddered at the thought of her older step brother. Jungkook hummed and cleared his throat. "What happened?"

"Well you see.."

"Jiyoon, get to the point" He groaned. "your girlfriends came over and-" She told him everything, not being able to stop her tears from coming. She felt that she could at least tell him that.

There wasn't a response back. "hey-" He interrupted her. "Do something for me, will ya?" He asked. "Go get a bag and shove everything you need in there. You're staying with me from now on."

"Go on, I'm getting in my car right now." He quickly hung up the phone. Jiyoon, mildly confused, got out of bed and grabbed an empty grey duffel bag. She put in undergarments, clothes, and other essentials.

After half an hour of packing, there was a thump on the wall by the window. Jiyoon walked over and saw Jungkook down below. "jungkook! what the heck!?" She let out a whispery shout. "Getting you out of here now throw me your bag!" He lifted his arms up, waiting for the drop. She tossed out her bag.

"Great now I'm gonna need you to jump!" Jungkook said, dropping your bag in the floor. "What?!" You quickly covered your mouth and shook your head. "Well do you have rope somewhere?"

Jiyoon thought about where she would have a rope long enough to climb out. She looked everywhere until she found a blue and white dull box. She opened the lid and saw all of her grandfather's supplies.

Grabbing a dirty loop of rope, she began to tie it to the leg of her bed and threw the rest outside the window. "You're pretty smart, hurry up and climb down." She heard Jungkook's voice as she slowly stepped out the window.

Jiyoon soon reached the bottom and got off with Jungkook's help. "Okay, lets get in the car before they see us." He was about to run off but stopped for one last thing. "Oh, Taehyung is in the car. I had to pick him up from detention." She nodded and hurried off into the car with him.

"Hey Jiyoon?" Taehyung spoke from the front seat. "Y-Yeah?" Her hands grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I feel bad for the way I treated you." He looked back at her with a soft smile. "O-oh. Thank you." She returned the smile and averted her gaze.

A few streets later, Jungkook dropped Taehyung off at his house. Continuing to drive in the silence, Jiyoon spoke up. "jungkook?" She turned her head to look at him. Forgetting what she was going to say, she just stared at him.

Noticing that she wasn't responding, Jungkook waved his hand in front of her. "Oh! sorry, i didn't mean to stare.." She said, shaking her head. "It's fine, you can look at me later. What were you gonna say?" He laughed a bit, making Jiyoon's ears turn red. "I just wanted to thank you."

Jungkook side eyed her before looking back at the road. "No problem." He said gripping the steering wheel tighter. Trying to lift the silence, "Did you at least let your mom know I was staying over?"

"No, I basically live alone. You're gonna be fine, I'll get you the things you need. Just stay there and don't go back home." He says as they drove up to the driveway of his home. "are you sure? won't i just get in the way?" She  said looked at h the big building infront of me in awe.

"That depends, don't eat my snacks and we'll be fine!" He said, giving such a playful toothy grin. "I won't eat your snacks, sir!" Jiyoon went along and saluted Jungkook as if he was a captain.

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