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⚠️- Sensitive topic, self harming is involved, talk about abuse

"Miss Kim! Get over here!"

I turned around and saw the headmistress staring daggers at me. I walked towards her holding the straps of the backpack with my fingers. "How can I help you, ma'am?" I said looking at her with my natural rbf. She grabbed my ear and dragged me to her office.

She pushed me down in a chair. I rubbed my red ear while she sat down in her swirly chair. "Why were you out in the hallways and not it the dean's office, young lady?" My tongue clicked. "Did you not see that girl that was with me?" I stammered. The headmistress looked at me in disbelief.
"How dare you! I should call your father!"
She belched. I leaned back and shrugged my shoulders. "Go ahead. He wouldn't care." She rolled her eyes. "Your teacher informed me that you had been disrespectful." She looked at my school file. "Noticing your grades, You're a straight A student." I nodded my head not really listening to what she had to say. She suddenly let a smirk slip.


"Now tell me Miss. Kim. How can a student like you get straight A's for as long as you have." My eyes lifted to meet hers. "What do you mean by 'a student like me'." She clasped her hands together and set them on the table. "I mean, how can a victim of abuse get straight A's, when all they do is get beat?" My left eye and hands were twitching. "You know, once you get abused. It will follow you everywhere." My mind was flooded with nothing but Chen and his dad. All the beatings, the bruises, and my screaming. Why is she doing this to me?

Jiyoon just stared wide eyed to the floor with her lips in a straight line. The door busted open loudly but still didn't break her out of that horrendous trance. "Jiyoon? Why are you in here?" She didn't answer. They looked at each other and rushed towards her. "Jiyoon? Are you ok?" They asked but still gained no response. "Answer them, you disappointment!" The headmistress barked. They looked at the lady with hatred in their eyes.
"Don't ever call her a disappointment. You don't know what she's been through!" Yoongi exclaimed in a serious tone. "I don't care what she has been through Mr. Min. She is disrespectful!" She spat. Jiyoon broke out of the trance, She stood up from her chair and didn't move a muscle.

"You're fired."

Someone said behind her. "Excuse me? Who are you to fire me?" The man chuckled slightly. "I'm your supervisor's child, Byun Baekhyun. I was sent to monitor the school and check up on the teachers and staff, but from what I just witnessed, is definitely not what my father wanted at this school." Baekhyun stated. Jiyoon, who still hasn't moved an inch, chuckled to herself. "You really are a bitch you know?" Everyone look at Jiyoon as her hand swiftly met the now former headmistress' cheek.

"Never. Say that to someone who's been abused. Even if you dislike them. They need comfort and love. They don't need people like you to bring them down like someone did to them already." Jiyoon said with tears strolling down her cheeks. She quickly ran out of the room. The boys followed her in a flash. They wanted to make sure she won't do anything to herself.

Taehyung's pov
"Ji? Please come out." I knocked on the bathroom door. "Please leave." She sounded dead. It made me even more worried. "Please Jiyoon. I'm not leaving until I see and know that you're okay." I begged. She stayed silent but I knew that she was shaking her head.
"Jiyoon. Please. Open the door."
I pleaded. I placed my ear to the door, I heard mumbling. I feel like Jungkook has a key somewhere. I searched everywhere. I reached up to the top of the door frame and ran my finger through the space between it and the ceiling.


My finger tip hit something cold. I swiftly slid my fingers towards it dropping the key on the floor. I quickly grabbed it fumbling to get in the the key hole. Twisting it open, I gently open the door to not frighten her. There she sat, cuts on her arms, dark crimson blood dripping from them. A razor stained with her blood lying beside her. I quickly rushed towards her and checked her pulse. Thank god she was still breathing. I quickly grabbed her and made my way downstairs.

"Taehy- oh my god." Namjoon said. "Help me." I said as Jimin opened the door. "Hospital! Quick!" I said as we went inside of the car.

We were anxiously waiting in the waiting room. "Where the hell is Jungkook?" Jin said. "He's in a meeting with his parents. He's trying to get out right now." Jimin said frantically after getting a message back from him. I was pacing back and forth. "Taehyung. Sit down. We're gonna be here for awhile." Yoongi said calmly. I sighed and parked my butt in one of the chairs.

A doctor came walking towards us. "Which one of you is related to Miss. Kim?" He said looking at each of us. I stood up, "I am. I'm her... brother." I lied, I need to know if she's okay. The doctor pulled me away from the boys. "She's in good condition. She just lacks the proper amount of blood she needs. It's not severe, just a smidge of it will do the trick."

I sighed in relief. She's doing alright. "What blood type do you need?" I asked. "Oh. We don't need a donor. We have the specific blood types here. She's be ready to go in 1 day." I thanked the doctor and followed him to see Jiyoon. I quietly entered the room and saw her staring at the ceiling. "Hi Ji." I said catching her attention.
"O-oh? H-hi Taehyung."
She was fiddling with her robe. "How are you feeling? I want to listen." I asked trying not to trigger anything. She smiled. "I feel..okay?" She said. I beamed back at her with my box smile. I held her hand in mine and kissed it.

"Jungkook should be here any mintue. He was in a meeting with his parents." I told her. "Oh. What for?" I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe about business?" She nodded her head. "I'm sorry Tae." She said. I looked at her.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I know you feel a lot of things right now but feeling regretful shouldn't be one of them. We all love you Ji. I won't leave you."

Alright. A pretty long chapter. A sensitive one at the most.

If you're feeling depressed, suicidal, anything of the sort, and you want to talk about it. I will gladly listen, it's not a command. It's a suggestion. It helps to talk about things. But if you don't want to, that's totally okay. Just know that someone is here, if you want to get something off of your chest.

I love you all. I am very grateful for each and every one of you. You matter not just to me but to anyone else that's a part of your life.

Thank you all for your support once again. 💕

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