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Where is that little bitch?

You were mad, the letter had sent you off in a rage. Yoongi was pretty upset about it too. "Jiyoon! Wait!" They called out for you. However, you were too far over the edge to hear them. There was a group of girls standing by the water fountain. She's been around them before.

"Where is she?" You asked, your eyebrows knitted downwards. "Where's who?" One of them asked. "Kim Sora. She's your friend. Tell me where she is." You gritted. They stood there clueless. That didn't sit well with you. "Useless airheads." You walked away from them just as Taehyung was about to catch up.

"Ji! Get back here!"

She thinks she can come back in his life after what she did to him. Pft, over my dead body.

You saw a girl happily sitting on the bench in the middle of the school's garden. Reading a book, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Kim Sora. There you are." You smiled. She jumped and turned around. Different emotions swam in her eyes. Fear and hatred. "Oh hey, Jiyoon! Did you need something?" She faked a chuckle.

"Not really, I just wanted to talk." You dropped the kindness act. "Who the hell do you think you are to be coming back in his life." You said. She looked shocked. "W-What are you talking about Ji?" She pretended to be innocent. "Don't ever call me that. Answer my question. Now." You grumbled. "I really have no idea what you're talking about." She shrugged.

You slapped her, "Do you know how much it hurt him when you left?!" She held her cheek, her eyes wide as saucers. Jimin yelled out loud, "Do you know how much he's cried?! How many days he locked himself in his room?! No! You don't because your selfish ass didn't think twice about it!"

"He changed because of you. Now that he found someone to make him happy, you want to take that away. What kind of level do you stoop to? He doesn't want you, don't do something you're gonna regret." Yoongi said holding you back.

"C' mon guys! We all know Jungkook still holds me in his heart! He still loves me." Sora smirked. "You're right. I do still love you."

You turned around and saw Jungkook walking up to you all. "What did I tel-" "Because you were my first love. I will hold you in a very special place. But you're also the person who ruined everything. And for that, I hold it against you. I won't ever take you back. You were the worst thing to happen to me. But now you're just someone I knew. Someone, I don't want anything to do with." Jungkook said without any emotion.

"K-Kookie? Don't lie to them! Tell them you still want me! Break up with her and come back to me!" She started lashing out. "No." He shook his head and started walking away. "This is your fault! You took him away!" She pointed her finger at me. Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin ran after Jungkook.

"You caused this, if you didn't leave then all of this wouldn't have happened." You said walking away. "KIM JIYOON!!" She screamed. Poor kook.

It's that time of month...

"Jin! Help!" You screamed out loud. You heard distant footsteps coming closer and closer. "Yes?! What's wrong?!" Jin burst through the door. "Help me clean the sheets! Jungkook doesn't want to!" You pouted while removing the fabric from your mattress. "Yah! Kim Jiyoon! You scared me!" Jin complained, balling up his hair in his fists. "I'm sorry!" You threw the covers at him and began folding.

"Jungkook! I'm hungry!"
"Feed yourself!"
"But that's rude!"
"You always eat my food without asking!"
"That's because you used to live alone!"
"It's not like Jiyoon is gonna kick your ass! She's tiny!"
"What?! Who's tiny cause I know it's not me! You must be clowning Jimin!"
"The fuck did I do?!"
"Jiyoon, Shut the fuck up."
"Kim Taehyung, I know your ass did not just tell me to shut up!"
"I just fucking did, What're you gonna do about it shorty?"
"I'm gonna fuck you up.."

There was nothing but silence. Complete utter silence, the kind that would make you want to be anywhere but there. "Who the-" Namjoon was interrupted by a loud thud followed by heavy footsteps. "KiM TaEhyUnG!" You screamed as you hopped down the stairs. You scanned the room and saw some of the boys sitting on the couch. "Where's that blonde haired fuck?" You checked behind the couch, in the kitchen, everywhere. You walked back to the living room and saw Taehyung holding Jimin in front of him like a shield. "Taehyung. Let Jimin go." You said, cautiously approaching them. "No, you won't hurt me if I have Jimin!" Taehyung stated.

"You can't use my love for Jimin against me!" You complained. "Excuse me?" Jungkook said shocked. "Come on, everyone here loves Jiminie," Namjoon exclaimed. You tried to move to other directions but Taehyung followed and pulled Jimin to whatever side you were on. "Jiminie, get out of my way!" You said frustrated. "I wish could! Tae is holding me by my shirt!" Jimin whined. "Let him go!" You tried to pull Jimin off of Tae's grasp. "Stop!" Taehyung groaned. You successfully took Taehyung's hands off of his shirt.

Jimin runs away and hides behind Jin. "Now, Jiyoon! Let's talk this out! Sister to brother!" Taehyung pleaded. "Sister to brother my butt! Get over here!" You chased Taehyung all around the house until you found him sitting on an ottoman in the hallway, taking in deep breaths.

"I found you."

Taehyung jumped to the sudden appearance of your voice, "Jesus!". He held his heart, rolling his eyes. You took this chance and ran up to him, tackling him off the chair and to the floor. "Argh!" He groaned as you fell on him.

"Let's talk, sister to brother!" You smiled cheekily.

I made a new book, an imagine one. It's an 8th member book. I know I haven't been updating and I thought this would be a good idea to create. You guys can send me requests of what you would like to read about and I'll hopefully fulfill your wishes. I made 2 scenarios in my good friend, Lucy's book. Her 8th member is amazing and I was happy to be a part of it at that time. Those imagines got positive comments and I really enjoyed making them. I would love it if you guys took the chance to check it out and hopefully enjoy. This book will soon come to an end and a new story will begin. Thank you guys for reading my story and thank you to those who commented, telling me how much you liked it or how a certain part shocked you. Thank you all for being a part of my little journey!

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