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You felt someone push your shoulder. "Jiyoon, wake your ass up." You groaned and lazily lifted your head. You fluttered your eyes to adjust to the lighting. "Ugh. What time is it?" You said stretching. "It's time for lunch." You stopped moving. "Please tell me I didn't sleep in class?" You said standing up. "Yup. Right when the teacher started talking your bitch ass slept while I was talking to no one like a psycho." You smiled at him cheekily. "Don't worry Taehyung ah, it won't happen again." He ruffled your hair and walked away.
"Hey! Wait up!"

You all went to your secret hideout for your break. "What do you all want to eat?" Jin said taking out his phone to order something. "Food?" Yoongi said not looking up from his phone. "No shit sherlock." We all laughed, "Something that isn't gonna take long to get here, I'm starving." Hobi said whilst rubbing his stomach. Jin rolled his eyes and ordered some McDonald's.

You sat down with Taehyung and played games on your phones. "Hey! You cheater!" I whined, he chuckled and said, "I'm not cheating, You're just really bad at this!" I playfully smacked his arm and frowned. If you are wondering, we were playing snake block. Taehyung and I locked eyes and smiled at each other. "You know you really changed him Ji" You smiled brightly "Ji?" He nodded while ruffling your hair. "That my nickname for you and mine only" He pointed his finger at me. "I love it." I said putting my hands on my cheeks squishing them like how old Jimin looked like.

"No but for real Ji, he hasn't been this way in a long time." Tae said while looking at Jungkook. "What do you mean? He's been like this before?" He nodded his head, "It was 6 years ago."

Jungkook was walking down the halls to see someone very dear to him. He smiled while holding a box in wrapping paper, and flowers. "Oppa!" He turned around and saw the girl that stole his heart. Kim Sora. He showed her his bunny smile and stopped in his tracks. "Jungkookie! I missed you!" She embraced him. "I missed you too Sora! How's my baby?" He cooed at her, "Im fine oppa! How about you? Did you eat? Sleep well?" She was a caring girlfriend for Jungkook. She really did love him...for his money that is. He kissed her forehead, "Yes I did, thank you for asking!" He handed her the box and flowers. "What's this about?"

He grinned, "Happy 2 year anniversary!" Sora was shocked. "Oh my! No no no! I'm so sorry! I forgot! Please don't hate me!" She was going to cry. Jungkook just shook his head. "You have given me enough Sora! You're the most sweetest, caring, lovable person I have ever met." He praised her. But she was in denial. "No don't be saying such sweet things to me! I didn't remember our 2 years! I'm an awful person!" She felt horrible. He grabbed her face and kissed her everywhere. "Stop. You were really stressed out these past few months. Don't beat yourself up." She smiled with tears in her eyes, "I love you" He smiled gently as well. "I love you too" He kissed her lovingly and went on with their day.

Unfortunately, this wasn't going to be one of the happiest days of Jungkook's life, the exact opposite, his worst nightmare.
While strolling around in the most beautiful parts of seoul, a man came up to them. "Kim Sora. What are you doing here?" He spoke coldly. "D-dad?" She stuttered. "Answer me young lady! And who is this boy?" He shouted aggressively at her. "I'm Jeon Jungkook sir. It's very nice to meet you!" Jungkook stuck his hand out. Mr.Kim looked shocked. "So. You're dating the most wealthiest family's son now." Jungkook put his hand down and looked quiet confused. "It's not like that. I love Jungkook, I'm not a gold digger." She spoke so terrifying that it sent chills down Jungkook's spine. "Don't speak of your step mother like that!" He pulled her wrist causing her to shriek.

Jungkook pulled her back holding her close to him. "Sir! You shouldn't be doing that to your daughter!" Jungkook was beyond angry. How could someone's parent treat their kid like that? He thought. "Don't raise your voice at me you brat! She's just after your money boy!" He swung at Jungkook with his cane giving him the scar he has now.

𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 • 𝒋𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now