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The two of them laughed. "Come on, I bet you're tired." Jungkook got out of the car and carried Jiyoon's bag. He unlocked the doors and let her go in first. "Wow, your house is really nice.." She stared in awe, the interior was beautiful. the creme white walls and with black accents to compliment. The whole place looks cozy.

"Thank you." He said grabbing her hand, "Let me show you your room." He says as he guides her through the long halls.

Jungkook stops at a random door down at the end of the hallway. He turns to Jiyoon while opening the door. "Here's your new room" He grinned putting her bag on the bed. "Woah, this is really nice. Thank you again, Jungkook. I really appreciate what you're doing for me." She said, smiling wholeheartedly.

"Don't thank me. It's the least I could do to make it up to you." He puts a hand on her shoulder. There was a comfortable silence between them as they looked at each other. "hm, well I should let you rest. You look like you're about to pass out on me." Jungkook teased.

"I-I guess I am tired, haha."Jiyoon said looking away from him. "Let me know if you need anything, I'll order it." She nodded as he walked out the room, closing the door behind him. Jiyoon unpacked her bags and put everything away.

Once she finished, She sat down on the bed. It felt like her whole body was on a cloud. She thought that she should let her mom know where she was. Opening her mom's contact, she sent her a lengthy message.

Jiyoon 7:32pm
   Mom, I'm staying with a friend for awhile. I'm safe and in no danger. Please don't try and make me come back because I will not. Taehi and Jeongu do not treat me well and I couldn't take it anymore. My friend has allowed me to stay and I'll make sure to repay them once I can support myself. I'll go get the rest of my things after. Be careful when coming back from work. See you soon. <3

After sending the message, Jiyoon went to ask Jungkook if he had any ointment. She knocked on his door, waiting a while for him. "What's up?" He said, opening the door and revealing his shirtless upper body. Jiyoon frantically covered her eyes and turned around.

"J-Jungkook! Shirt! Please!" She was flustered, This is his house, why should he put one on Jiyoon! "Oh sorry" He laughed and grabbed the black shirt off his bed. "You can look now."

Hesitantly, she turned around and uncovered her eyes. "I-I.. I forgot why I came.." She placed her hands on her burning cheeks. Jungkook stood there, smirking at how embarrassed she was. "medicine. Oh, do you have a first aid? I need to reapply some." She said not being able to look at his eyes.

"mm. I think so, come in." He placed his hand on the back of her head and ushered her in. He walks to his bathroom and comes out with a red tin box. "Sit down, I'll put it on." He says pushing her down on his bed. "N-No!" She shouted. "n-no it's okay! I can do it myself.." She said timidly after shouting at him.

"Well I have to see whether or not I have to take you to the hospital, Jiyoon." Jungkook knelt down and opened the box. He grabbed two white tubes that read, Bentpla Gel and Madecassol. "Can you show me where they are?" Jiyoon pointed to the irritated red cut that diagonally on her hairline. With clean hands, Jungkook gently applied the ointment.

"more?" Jungkook asked. Jiyoon's face flushed as she lifted her shirt just below her breast. She noticed Jungkook's face grimaced. He then wiped off the old medicine and smeared a new layer. He noticed another red wound on her knee. Grabbing a brown peroxide bottle, He spoke, "This is gonna sting. Hold on to my arm while I clean it."

Jiyoon's hands automatically wrapped around his forearm. "ah-ah!" She bit her lips and held on to him tighter. Jungkook cleared his throat as he apply medicine after cleaning the wound. "how bad does it hurt? I can give you some pain killers if you want." He said softly as he put away the first aid.

"It hurts a lot but I'm fine. Thank you.." Jiyoon let go of Jungkook and smiled. "oh, would it be alright if we could get my stuff from my house?" Jiyoon asked while touching the skin just below her earlobe. "Why? I could just buy you new things?" Jungkook said, crossing his arms.

"well it's just that i already have the things i need and it would be a waste to buy new ones.." Jungkook sighed, "Okay, if that's what you want. We can go in a couple of days." Jiyoon eagerly nodded her head. "Okay thank you, well I'll leave you be now.." She stood up and walked to his door. "Goodnight." She said, shutting the door behind her.

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