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"Hey, is he okay?" You walked into the room where everyone else was. "I don't know. He hasn't came out since you left." You sighed and placed the bag down. Earlier, you left the school to go get some snacks that Jungkook likes so he could feel better. You stood infront of the closed brown closet door. Knocking on it lightly, you whispered "Jungkook, are you alright?" There wasn't any response. You tried again but still nothing.

"Kook, open up please?" You pleaded softly. You could hear a very faint call of your name. "Do you want me to come inside?" He muttered an 'mhm', you slowly creaked open the door and peeped your head inside. "Oh.. Jungkook.." You quickly shut the door and held him in your embrace. "It's okay Kook, you're gonna be just fine." You massaged his scalp to reassure him.

Jungkook had stormed off just as Sora introduced herself. The rest of you went after him without the teacher's permission. Just as you walked by her you looked at her with disappointment written everywhere.

"Why is she here, Jiyoon?" Jungkook muffled through your sweatshirt. "I don't know Jungkook." You drew circles on his back to relax him. "Doesn't she know it's hard for me!" Jungkook raised his voice, startling you. "Jungkook, I'm sorry. But please lower your voice." You held his face wiping the fallen salty tears. "You have the guys and me, you can talk to any of us if you need to." You slightly smiled, he nodded his head and sighed.

"I'm sorry for acting like this. I have you, I shouldn't care that she's here. But I care. I care a lot! It really hurt Jiyoon!" He released all his sadness holding your waist tightly. Caressing his head, you stood the two of you up. "I know how this feels but it's going to turn out just fine, I promise." You held his hand and took him out the closet. "I brought some snacks that you love." You whispered in his ear, pointing to the black plastic bag on the counter.

As he walked over there, you sat down next to you brother, laying your head on his shoulder. "Is everything alright with him?" Taehyung asked, rubbing your knee. You hummed softly, "I think everything is going to be fine as long as there isn't any issues." You said rubbing your forehead. "I hope that he's going to okay with this."

You left the secluded room while no one was really looking. Jungkook was quietly eating a bag of chips whilst listening to some soft music. The rest were doing their own things making noise trying to keep the atmosphere lively. You were one a mission to sneak out the building and bring some take out since you all were planning to skip a few classes and lunch.

You quickly ran out the doors to the outside world. Walking down the small, quiet streets to the little restaurant that serves really good food. The little gold-painted bell rang as you pushed the thick-glassed door open. "Hello! Welcome to Halmeoni's cookout!" The overly cheerful cashier greeted as you reached her. "Yeah, hello. I'm here to pick up the order I placed 20 minutes ago." You blinked. The lady turned around and looked at the plastic bags with receipts stapled to them. "Ah yes, that'll be 25,000 won please!" The way she spoke was like someone yelling in both of your ears.

You handed her the money, and grabbed the bag. "Thanks." You left as fast as you could before she could get the chance to ear rape the other costumers. You placed the bag of food in your empty backpack so if any one sees you they would notice it.

You stealthily made it back inside the campus without being caught. It's quieter than usual. You turned the right corner and kept headed straight. Passing by the dull red lockers and the closed off classroom doors. You were about to turn another corner till someone spoke, scaring the hell out of you. You spun around and saw Sora running towards you. "H-Hey! You're friends with Jungkook right?" She was panting as she stopped near you. You look fit though!

"Yeah, why?" You eyed her, she didn't look anything like how the boys described her. "Do you know where he is? I really need to talk to him." She straighted up her posture and met your eerie gaze. "I don't. Sorry. But I'm pretty sure he isn't in the mood to see you." You said, wanting to end this conversation as fastly as possible. "Oh, that's not like my Jungkook! He is a nice, sweet person; Of course he would want to see me!" She smiled and shook her head.

You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "6 years fly by. Jungkook changed, he isn't the little boy you knew back then. I know for a fact that if he sees you, he'll lose it. So please give him time or don't even bother." You stated a bit too harshly but you were really annoyed by the fact that Jungkook is hurting because of her. You get that she might be hurting too, but that doesn't change the fact that she left him for years.

Before she could reply, you walked away in the other direction from what you were originally going and towards the long way. After checking that no one was following you, you opened the door and saw Hoseok on the floor laughing. "Sup. What did I miss?" You smiled taking off your red JanSports backpack. "Nothing much! Just trying to cheer up Kook!" Jimin smiled cutely, his eyes disappeared while he let out little giggles. "Well, I brought food. Help yourselves." You stepped aside as 7 hungry boys charged towards you.

You pulled Namjoon aside since he was the most intelligent person out of them all. "Joonie, I need to have a word with you outside." You tugged at his arm. He nodded and followed you out. "What's up, Jiyoon?" He asked leaning against the wall with his shoulder.

"She wants to speak to him."

Originally I was going to make a filler chapter but decided not to at the last mintue

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Have a nice day!

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