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"What?" Namjoon said propping himself off the wall. "I ran into her earlier and she asked if I knew where Jungkook was." You ran your hands through your now black hair. "Well, did you tell her?" He asked. "Of course not! I just told her to give him space for a while. I'm pretty sure he isn't mentally ready to face her after all these years." You exclaimed, Namjoon nodded his head and sighed. "It's for the best. If he wants to confront her, he can on his own."

It was 2 hours before the dismissal bell rang. Jungkook was still listening to his music, Yoongi and Hobi fell asleep, Jimin and Taehyung were looking out the window, Namjoon was reading and Jin was checking himself out. You were relaxing, enjoying the silence. You felt a finger repeatedly tap on your shoulder. You hummed softly, he came closer and whispered in your ear. "I need something from my locker, can you walk with me?" Giving him a tiny nod, you slowly stood up so you wouldn't get lightheaded.

Walking out the door with Jungkook by your side. His locker was down the hall to the right and straight ahead. "Jagiya?" Jungkook muttered. "Yes, kook?" His hand snaked it's way to yours, tightly gripping onto it. "Is everything alright?" You glanced at him and saw him staring straight ahead. You followed his gaze and saw a familiar body. "Jungkook?"

"Tzuyu, We can't talk right now." You said trying to get past her. "Why? Is it because Jungkook's ex is here?" A mischievous smirk fell on her face. "Move out the way." You groaned.

"This has nothing to do with you or her. She isn't important anymore." Jungkook grumbled. A little gasp was heard from behind. You turned around and noticed that Sora was standing there. She had her hand just above her mouth, which was gaped open. "You really mean that?" Her bottom lip quivered as she spoke. Jungkook spun around, his body tensed up. "Y-Yes...I do mean that. I've moved on, I think you should too Sora." Jungkook let out a big breath and walked away, pulling you behind. You looked back at Sora, she was staring at you with tears streaming down her puffy face. Her figure faded away as you turned the corner.

"That was very cliché."

You caught up to Jungkook's pace as he began to speak up. "That she was behind me as I said that she didn't matter to me anymore. She was my first love so I'll remember her of course, but she isn't in the place she used to be. That spot is taken already." You hummed in response. "I get that, first loves have an impact on people. It's good that you had stood in front of her without break down."

Jungkook stopped walking just as we approached his locker. Letting go of my hand, he scrolled in his combination. "I guess I should avoid her for a while, you and the guys should too. It's for the best that she won't ask you any questions." Jungkook mumbled as he took a little box off the little shelf. "What's that kook?" You questioned as he placed it in his pocket.

"A present."

Your breathing hitched, your palms were sweaty. "For me?" Your right hand started playing with the hem of your white sweatshirt. "Yeah, but not until we have our third anniversary." Jungkook took your hand away from your shirt. "W-Why the third one?" Your fingers closed, holding his against yours. "Because you would have stayed with me longer, and that I know you love me if you lasted that long." Your heart clenched, smiling softly, you embraced him tightly.

"You little soft bunny!" You pecked his face everywhere. "I'm not a bunny.." His bottom lip popped out cutely. "Whatever you say~"

School hasn't ended yet but you all decided to leave early. There wasn't anything better to do though. You all aimlessly wandered the shopping district. The place was less crowded since most were at school or work. The town looked peaceful and quiet, just the occasional zoom of a car and the chatter of the citizens. Seven out of eight of you were desperately looking for something to do, while the other was looking for somewhere to hide and sleep and it wasn't Yoongi.

"There isn't anything interesting to do!" Jimin whined, stomping his little feet on the pavement. "Well, the fun shops are closed since there wouldn't be anyone in it yet." Jin said while a fallen flower twirling between his fingers. "Why don't we just relax at the park?" You suggested, the boys thought about it for a while. "Sure why not?"

You were sitting on the grass, your back against a tree. Jungkook sat between your legs and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your fingers gliding through his soft brown hair. He let out little purrs as you massage his scalp. "Are you two just going to sit there and be boring or are you gonna play with us?" Hoseok said throwing some leaves at you. "Ah hyung, go away.. She's comfortable!" Jungkook whined, turning over and hugging your waist. "Yah Jeon Jungkook! Let my sister have fun! You'll have her all to yourself later!" Taehyung commanded him. Jungkook reluctantly let go of you and helped you stand up.  

You giggled and held his hand, "You're playing too!" Dragging him to where the others were. Apparently, some little boy gave Jin his ball and called him pretty. "It's his ball though! You should have gave it back!" You excialmed, throwing your hands in the air.

"I tried to but he said 'No, I want hyung to have it' and then he ran away!" Jin said defensively. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. "Whatever, let's just pl-" "Wait! Can I talk to you Jiyoon?" Yoongi interrupted you. "You're talking to me right now.." You sassed at him for cutting you off. "Alone.." He groaned and grabbed your wrist and didn't even wait for your response, Dragging you away from the boys.

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