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2nd person
You woke up to noises of faint laughter. You looked down and saw Jungkook hugging your waist and laying his head on your chest. You smiled to your self. What a cutie. You lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"kookie" you said softly.

He move a bit but still had his eyes closed. "Wake up." You said. "No." You heard faintly. "Why not?" You asked. "You're comfy. Don't move." He said snuggling futher into your breasts. "Jungkook that feels weird stop." You whined to him but he didn't budge.

"Jungkook?" You said pushing him slightly. "Are you alive?" You asked. "No. Im dead."
He said sarcastically. You gasped, "Oh no! Really! Not my kookie!" He looked at me and had an 'are you serious' face. "You're such a weirdo." He said smirking. "But you love me." You said grinning. "I love you very much." He cooed.

"How can you not?" You flipped your hair. Jungkook grabbed your face and said, "Are you and Jin related?" You giggled. "Yeah I'm his sister duh." You leaned forward and kissed Jungkook.

"Wake up sleepy heads!" Jin screeched from downstairs.

Jungkook let out a low chuckle. He got off of me and changed. "Jungkook! I'm still here! Wait!" You said covering your eyes trying to free yourself from the blankets.
You heard footsteps coming closer. "I swear to god Jungkook! You better not be shirtless infront of me." You felt your hands being pryed off of you. "Look at me."

He said in a husky voice. You cautiously opened your eyes and saw a buff Jungkook. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you almost fainted. Jungkook grinned, "Why are you doing this to me?" You said laying down staring at the ceiling. "Because it's funny." He teased you.

You rolled your eyes and stood up from the bed. "Im gonna go get dress." You said making your way to your bedroom closet. You got out a black t shirt and blue distressed jeans with white nike shoes to compliment the black shirt. Hoseok wanted to try making the french braids so you let him. "You did better than I thought!" You said praising him. "Really? I should become a stylist!" You both laughed and walked to the living to eat Jin's breakfast.

Jiyoon's pov
"You look nice today Jiyoon" Jimin said showing his eye smile. "Thank you Jiminie!" I beamed. Jin laid out some pancakes. "Ok Strawberry for Hobi, Joonie, Jungkook and Me. Chocolate for Jimin, Taehyung. Extra fluffy for Yoongi and Jiyoon." I stared at Jin in awe. "Wah! You're amazing Jinnie!" He chuckled and thanked me. I grinned as he sprinkled powdered sugar on my cute little pancake.

We all finished our breakfast and thanked Jin. "Alright we have twenty minutes to get to school before the bell." Namjoon said looking at his watch. "Let's go then." We walked to the car and Jin drove us to school. We got out walked towards the entrance gates. Everything was normal, except for the fact that I haven't seen Chen around. It's not that I want to see him, it's just nerve wracking knowing that he can pop out of no where. I shook that thought away and continued walking.
"Let's show Jiyoon our hide out." Said Taehyung
They dragged me to this empty room on the top floor. I didn't know this room existed. There were desks everywhere and a bean bag in the corner. "Close your mouth, a fly could choke you." Yoongi said. I shut my mouth and looked around some more. That bean bag is probably for that Grandpa over there.

"I heard that."

I turned around and saw him glaring at me. I smiled innocently, "Did I say that aloud?" They all nodded their head. "Sorry Grandpa." He rolled his eyes and laid down in the bed.

"You like it here?" Hobi asked. I shook my head. "No I don't." They looked at me sad. "I love it! It's nice here!" I grinned brightly. They smiled as well and sat down doing their own thing. "Oh Jungkookie! Jiyoonie! Look what I found!"
Taehyung screeched at us. "What is it." Jungkook said getting up from the chair. He showed us a picture of Jungkook and I cuddling. "Yah! When did you take this!" I yelled of embrassment. "Last night." I smacked myself and walked away. "Why me?" I said plopping myself to the couch. Jungkook joined me and laid himself on my lap. I played with his hair as he closed his eyes. "Jiyoon? What are you doing to me?" Jungkook asked. I made a confused face. "Im playing with your hair?" I spoke slowly. "Not what I meant. What are you doing to my heart?" I froze, "I-I didn't d-do anything." He shook his head once again.
"Nope you are. You're doing it right now." He said.

"Jungkook you love her face it. It's something new to you because you never really loved anyone like you love Jiyoon. You have never felt loved before because you think that all women just want your money and looks. Jiyoon loves you dearly and it makes your heart flutter." Yoongi said waking up from his nap. Jungkook looked at him wide eyed and I was flustered.
"Do you Jiyoon? Do you really love me for who I am not what?" I looked down at Jungkook.
"Why would I care if you had money? Money doesn't mean anything to me. You are a wonderful person. I love you for being you. I mean it." I said hugging his head. "Awwww!" Hobi and Tae cheered. He lifted himself up and kissed me. "Alright enough with the kissing you two. Class is starting." Jin said.

We all walked to our classroom and started our day with sleeping in class. Yoongi's habits are affecting me..

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