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Jiyoon's Pov
3:00 pm

Sitting here in the theather alone, isn't my idea of a hangout. The boys said they were getting snacks. That was 20 minutes ago, the lines were not even long, practically empty. I'm just sitting here in the dark, slouching in this seat. It's pretty comfortable, it's one of those recliner chairs. The buttons on the lower inside on the armrest, my seat is all cozy, laying back waiting for the slothes to come back. I could fall asleep on this!

"Me too."

My head snapped towards the voice on my right. I jumped out my seat as I saw someone literally right next to me. "Yoongi! What the freak!" My hand grazed above where my heart was as it rose at an abnormal speed. "What? It's your fault for not noticing." "How is it my fault? You didn't even make your presence noticeable!" I ran my fingertips through my hair in frustration. "You're are a freaking ghost, I swear." I complained to him. "And you're a fucking p*ssy!" "I know your pale ass did not just call me that!" "I did. P U S S Y!" He sounded out the letters slowly as if he was talking to a minor. I rolled my eyes and slouched futher into the seat.

2nd person
3:07 pm

"Asshole" You whispered to yourself, hoping for the boys to come back sooner. The lights in the room started to dim down as the big screen, infront of you all, came closer. "Remember to silence your phones, not to speak or create distractions for others to enjoy the movie!" The lady spoke from the speakers above your heads. You sighed, "Where the hell are they?" "Don't know-" He shrugged "-knowing them, they could have gotten lost or Namjoom broke something and they're in trouble for it." You groaned and stood up from your seat. "I'm gonna go find them, make sure no one steals our seats. Don't fall asleep!" You waved finger your at him.

"Last time I checked, I'm older than you, you should be respecting me!" You scrunched up your nose. You inhaled deeply and smiled, "Okay then, oppa!" Emphasizing the word made Yoongi looked disgusted. "You're right, don't say that again!" He pretended to gag, holding his throat. You rolled your eyes so far up that you could have sworn you saw your brain and some spider webs. Your shoes clicked as you walked out of the room and into the hallways where all the mess was.

"What the hell happened here?" There was popcorn all over the floor, some soda cups here and there and just other trash. You felt bad for who ever had to clean this up. Being a clean freak, you ran inside the women's washroom and grabbed some paper towels, grabbing the cups, and other sorts of trash. You couldn't really pick up the popcorn since you didnt have a broom. You made one more trip to the washroom and cleaned your hands from all of the gross germs.

It took a while to find the boys. Though, you did hear Jin yelling for the three young ones. You were about to turn a corner till you bumped into a hard chest. "Oof" Your head smacked it hard making you fall back. An arm wrapped around your waist frimly, you fluttered your eyelids open and saw a male, around his 20's? You pushed yourself off of him.

"I-I am so sorry!" You bowed at him with flushed cheeks. Can I be any more of a dumbass? "No no, Its okay! It was my fault anyways, I wasn't looking." He gave you a toothy grin. You stuck your hand out, "My name's Jiyoon, how about you?" He chuckled and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you, Jiyoon! My name's Kihyun!" He introduced himself. "Again, Im sorry for bumping into you! Take my apology, I don't take 'no' for an answer!" You rose your eyebrow waiting for his reply. "Alright then! Can I have your number? You seem like a cool person to hang out with someday." He smiled cutely at you.

"That was very slik, Sure!" You typed in your number in Kihyun's phone. "There you go! Well I should be looking for my friends now, I'll see you soon!" You waved goodbye to him and ran off in the other direction. Suddenly you stopped and walked back. "Wrong way, hahah!" You said shyly while mentally smack the fuck out of yourself. "See you later, Jiyoon!"

After spending about half an hour searching for the boys, you gave up and walked back to the theather. You clicked your shoes angrily on the steps as you made your way back to Yoongi. "Hey Jiyoon! Where have you been?" Jimin said. You stopped walking and saw all 6 missing boys sitting there with a sleeping Yoongi.

"Are you serious?" You said staring daggers at each individual male. "I was looking for you for almost an hour! And you sit there nonchantly, not even bothering to give me a call!" You whisper shouted as the movie played in the background. "They said no using phones." Your brother said. "Kim Taehyung, I swear to god, if you give me sarcasm again, I will personally haunt you in your dreams!" You threatened him.

You shot a look at Jungkook, "And you! How can you not notice that your girlfriend was missing!" He shrugged. "You're here now, aren't you baby?" He groped your waist and brought you down to cuddle his laying fiqure. "Excuse me? What did you just say to me mister?!" You looked up at his big brown doe eyes, melting instantly. He hushed you by placing his soft, pink, MOIST lips on yours. "Watch the movie baby girl or else I'll have to punish you for being a distraction to others." He bit your earlobe making you shut up and not saying another word for the rest of the movie, followed by an unexpected ovaries explosion. Holy namjesus! I have sinned!

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