Chapter 2

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The conversation

"Of course not" answered Prussia.

"Vell, spill it" spoken the younger brother. "I don't have all day" he added.

Prussia stares at his wife, he remembers the times when he was with that chick. Germany does nothing but look at his bother wondering what he's going to say.

"You know I'm here to spend some time with you" added Prussia. "All you do is a lot of work and zometimes I see you come home exhausted. Vhen you're at war, I hoped that you'll come home safe."

Prussia turns around and looks at Germany. He saids "I just don't vant to lose another bruder or see you fail zhat's all." He explained.

This was ironic for Prussia to say that. He isn't the type that expresses feelings to others.

"You rarely talked about Holy Roman Empire" Germany added. He took a sip of his beer. He also told him "And I von't fail, I've seen others mistakes. I von't do the same as zhey did."

Prussia gave Germany a smile and observed him more closely. He turns around.

"You know zhat you kinda look like zim, I've always thought that you were meant to be just like him so Opa wouldn't miss him too much." He smiled. "You know he use to had a crush with Italy."

Germany looks at Italy and Hungary. He smiles for Italy, and then he looks back to Gilbert.

Germany changes the subject. "So how's life like with your wife now." He asked. His brother looked at wife once again.

"It's veen good, I zometimes can't take my awesome eyes away from her" he was giving his wife the lover's look.

He added, "You know I'm vondering vhat Italy and Hungary are talking about?"


After the swim, Italy walks up to Hungary. She's sitting down on the sand looking at the sunset. She was wearing a purple tank-top with dark blue pants that go up to her knees.

"Mrs. Hungary, I-I was wondering if I can talk to you for a minute" he mumbled.

"Sure you can Italy, anything from you." Smiled Hungary.

Italy looks down. He's releases a sigh and sits down next to her. He doesn't look at her. He turns to make a quick look at Germany. Germany notices he was staring at him. He awkwardly waves and gives him a smile. Italy gets nervous and returns the wave.

Hungary observes this and tells him. "Does this relate to Germany and you?"

Italy nods his head. "I want to know how should I let him know how I really feel?" He confessed.

Hungary pats him on his shoulder to let him know that he wasn't the only one that had to face that situation.

With her girly smile she said. "So you have a little crush on Germany, that's so adorable!" She saids it in a way that she knew that this day would come. She knew that reading yaoi mangas will come in handy.

Hungary confessed her secret from basic knowledge she has experience when reading these mangas. "If you want to be more than friends you must confess your true feelings to him and if you do it at a right moment, he's more likely accept it." She said.

Italy seems to be full of glee. He felt a relief that Hungary would tell him the advice even though it seems that Italy is going through gay love right now.

"Ah, thank you Mrs. Hungary. I can't thank you enough." He praised.

Hungary seemed to be happy to see Italy himself again, but before when she could say anything.......

"Dinner is ready!" Shouted Japan.

It drew everyone's attention.

"I made you guys sarted fish" he spoke it in a calm tone.

Unwelcome Friend (GerIta FanFic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now