Chapter 7

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Bed Rest

When Germany wakes, it's early in the morning. Italy was right next to him as usual. He was still sleeping. The first thing he does, is taking a glance to see if he's really home.

When he stop looking, Germany gets up and walks to the bathroom. He's anxious about his wound.

He gets in.

He looks at himself in the mirror. Remembering what that freak show said, He check his mouth and eyes for any changes that could happen.

Nope. Nothing.....

Then he unwraps his bandages for a daily self checkup. It was healing a lot faster than expect. He could of have swore that the wound was too deep to be healed like that. He doesn't worry about it much for now.

He remembered that within a few days of the stitching. He had to remove them since it was ready to start closing up. So far it's been a week since.

Italy hasn't mention anything about that kiss. It made Germany wonder if he did it because of just being himself.

He thought what if Italy didn't like him back. What if he really did it because it was too much for him. He thinks about the thinks he does. Sleeping in his room naked next to him, walking up to Germany while nude, giving him a lot hugs/kisses, giving him special gift like red roses on Valentine's day, and always being next to him closely. "Oh vhy did he had to be weird?" He told himself.

He thought about Italy's soft lips. It had to happen like that. He felt a bit foolish too. Was he really thinking about this? He blushes when he thinks about it. Ever since he had thought more about Italy on Valentine's day, his mind was acting quite different. It's been a while since that happen. Germany thought he could just try harder on forgetting that event. He goes over happens after. It was awkward to hear that Italy was trying to be friendly. Well Italy isn't very careful with customs.

He gets washed, and gets dressed for training.

He was on his way to exiting his room and notices that Italy was still sleeping.

"Italy get up, we have some training to do!" He said.

Italy wakes up. He gets up.

"Ok." Italy whined.

Italy gets ready and soon he leaves with Germany.

Today's training was a 20 mile run.

Germany and Italy were running together, and as usual Italy was whining about being tired and all.

"Italy if you vant your country to be strong, zhan I suggest zhat you take your whining someplace else!" Germany demanded.

Italy embraced through out the training. Knowing that he never like doing these kind of activities, he still tries to do whatever he can.

They end their training with a lunch. Germany would always do this whenever he was in the mood to be relaxing outside.

Both men set out a picnic out in the fields.

They both sit there and eat their meal quietly.

Germany noticed that all of the sudden he feels a bit lightheaded. He tries to ignore the pain. Instead it gets worse. Not only his head hurts, but his whole body felt odd. Every movement was crucial because it only made his headache worse. His vision all of the sudden was blurry, and he feels fatigue. He thought it could be because of lack of salt or something. Luckily, he brought salted potatoes.

After lunch, they walk back home.

Germany's symptoms was getting worse. His head was pounding for every heartbeat. He whole body wouldn't stop aching. It was like as if it was trying to tell him something.

Soon, he gets dizzy. Then he collapses.

Italy quickly tries to help Germany get up. He's hoping that this wasn't a serious thing.

"Germany! Are you ok." He asked.

Germany somewhat manages to get up and he puts his right arm around Italy's neck.

"Italy, I hate to say it but if you can, can you help me walk back home?" Asked Germany.

Italy gladly was willing to help him even though this could be a hard task for him. For him, it was another opportunity to he Germany's body around him. Without a thought he responds.

"Sure!" Smiled Italy.

Germany looks at Italy's smile thinking that it's too cute. So he smiles back. Germany wonders too much about Italy. He couldn't help himself to not to.

When they reached to their home, Germany collapses on to the bed. He takes off his military jacket, boots and pants.

Italy notices that today Germany wasn't wearing his typical boxers. Instead he was wearing briefs, or aka tighty-whiteys. But his was black. Italy like it more because it showed more of Germany's crotch area. It's like what he imagine. Like a big meatball. He didn't know what else to think about so he continues with his pervy thoughts.

Germany notices him staring off into space. He gets a bit uncomfortable. He gives him a weird look.

"Vhat are you doing?!" Asked Germany.

Italy hestites. He's waiting to come up with an answer.

"I-I noticed that you have a big dic.....I-I mean big muscles." He respond.

Germany looks more creeped out.

"Ok zhen..........." He said.

Italy quickly interrupts.

"I hope you get better tomorrow!" He said.

Italy leaves, and Germany tucks himself to bed.

When Italy closes the door, he sighs.

"That was close!" He thought. "I hope he didn't realize where was I staring at."

Italy tries to forget about it and really hopes that Germany gets well soon.

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