Chapter 38

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Having relief

With a yell from the top of his lungs, he warns Germany.

“GERMANY!” he said.

Quickly his senses tingled; he turned and slammed Lutz to a nearby tree. He slid down and felt the tree shake vigorously. Lutz shook his head, but before he could move. His dagger fell on his cranium. It pierced through his skin and bones.

He took his dagger off and threw to the side. His stood there and laid his head on to the tree. Italy grasped Germany and snugged his face to his fur. The warm feeling he had when Germany’s tail was wrapping around his neck made him feel safe.

 From across the woods, Germany could hear the annoying American’s voice. He knew that the others were on their way here.

“Yo dude! What happened?” He chattered.

Both Italy and Germany shrugged. From the beginning they didn’t had any ideas of what was happening and they still don’t right now.

A soft moan was the only the thing that came out of Lutz’s mouth. Blood ran across his face. He stared deeply into Germany’s eyes.

He returned to his human form. His bright purple eyes started to fade as blinked slowly.

“You’ve won…..There’s nothing I can do now.” He whispered.

Germany looked puzzled but he made sure that he would not become vulnerable once again.

“Vhy do you keep zhis? I’m not sure if I can believe your words again.” Germany mumbled as he returned to his human form. “I still don’t get vhy you needed to take Italy away from me.”

“I just needed to someone to replace a lost on.” He snapped.

The others flinched. Germany’s first thought was who could he lost that made him want someone like Italy?

“I had a friend.” He said again. “He was very close to me…” from the amount of fluids he was losing from his head, his voice was getting quiet.

Germany dropped to his knees when he started to have trouble with being able to hear him.

Lutz gently stroked Germany’s face. Slowly, his paws change into hands and his eyes started to shimmer as they water down to his skin.

With a cracked smiled he said, “I was like you. I had a friend that was really close to me….it took years for us to tell each other the truth, but when we did. Everything was going the way you would expected, the both of us felt relieved.”

Everyone stood still as they were shocked about how it began. Lutz’s body turned into human skin the more he spoke.

Lutz continued,” I never thought that he and I would be so happy together. Until that day, when everyone around us accepted our relationship. Our bosses to us that we had no choice but to annihilate the other. I couldn’t disobey my boss. He said that if I did it, I could find someone to replace him in a different world. He even said that he would be the opposite of what my lover was, and he convinced me that I would be no longer my lover’s bitch.”

“If you hated to be the bitch, then why you were still with him?” Germany interrupted.

With a sigh, he lightly rubs his bloody wound and sees his hand covered with his fluid.

“I was an idiot back then. I was so overwhelm with the taunts and the teasing that I actually blamed him for it. On that day, I was planning to do it but I was too afraid. For the past week, I felt very depressed. I was becoming mentally unstable. I got frustrated with everything; I literally gave up in every situation I faced. Most of the time, he was there to see it so he didn’t know how my condition was. My brother tried to help me but I would panic and try to hurt him. Eventually, he settled his boundaries and left me for good. I understand why he had to do that… The night my lover came home late, I remember he was in a mood for BDSM, but I was sitting at the living room, drowning myself with beers. I did drink a lot so it was normal for him to see me do this. It goes for smoking. He sat on my crotch and tried to seduce me. Telling me that he thinks we should become wild by me being the wolf and him being the hunter. My brain was numb from the alcohol, and my thoughts was uncanny. I rejected his request, but he insisted to do so. The more he begged, the angrier I grew. It got to the point where he threaten me. He pulled his dagger and slashed my left cheek with it. The wound was deep and it did not heal. I did not pay too much attention on that. He grinned and told me that a dog should be more obedient to his owner. I felt the rush flowing inside of me. The wolf inside of me wanted to come out without my permission. I growled and I pushed him. I used my back to do so. He dodged it but I was fast enough to grab him with my arm. One arm was free so he managed to slash my forearm very profound. I grabbed his neck and yelled that I was sick of his shit. At that moment. I did not realize but I ripped his throat. My hand and claws were soaked in blood. I quickly let him go. His dead body landed on the ground and started to make a puddle of red. I told myself that I should get the fuck out of the scene, so I closed all window and blocked open entrances. I left the home dark and runaway. I only I carried was his dagger.”

At that moment, he picked up the dagger and tilted as he played with the shine on it.

“Later I learned that the wounds he gave me was him going too far and of course my body responded to it, but it never healed because I got hurt from someone that I really loved and that hurt me the most. I always have flashbacks about it. Therefore, I came to this universe and tried to take the mirror version of him. Which was you Italy….”

Italy shivered a little when he heard that.

“Does that mean that you’re the opposite version of Germany?” he said softly.

Lutz’s eyes became watery and started to cry. He nodded as well. The life in his eyes finally died, but he left behind a smile.   

Everyone realized that he died when his arm let go of the dagger. Germany could not believe that he died without saying anything. Italy got closer to the corpse and suddenly a hand came out of the body. Italy fell back and saw that it was Lutz’s body. His soul was glowing and he grew bird-like wing from his back. His clothes was restore and so was his skin. He looked at Italy gave him a smile. When he was completely off his body, he was airborne. He flew straight through Germany’s chest. He was cover in a white glow and collapse to the ground. Prussia tried to help him but Germany fainted. When Lutz got to the other side, the other countries looked back. They saw a man that looked like Italy. His had many different features from him but he was recognizable. Italy assumed that he was the lover that Lutz was talking about. He looked happy as Lutz landed beside him. They grabbed hands and fly away.

Italy waved and shouted goodbye.

“Guys, I zhink zhat West passed out!” Prussia said.

Prussia was struggling with Germany so Russia help him carrying him. They made to the car and went home. Italy was in the back seat next to Germany. He looked at the window to see the Lutz and his Lover flying past the moon. They saw him and waved at him. Italy smiled with his usual face.

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