Chapter 41

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Shine bright

The rays of the morning sun woke Italy up. He blinked and sat up to see Germany still asleep. He removed the covers and realized that he was not wearing anything at all. His clothes were on the ground, and Germany's were toss to the hamper.

Italy got up and put his underwear on. He walked to the curtain and opened the curtains so the sun can make a bigger smile at the room. 
After that, he picked his clothes up. He kneel and saw something for the corner of his eye. He saw the light hitting on Germany's back. His back looked golden and heroic. The lighting added more emphasis on his well-tone spine. Italy threw the clothes to the hamper. He stood aside so he couldn't interfere the lighting.

He asked himself "How could a man like him that has a body that's written hero all over, be willing to make love to someone like me?"

He even wonder what would his grandfather say if he learned that Italy found a perfect match, but it was not a girl. He convinced himself that his grandfather would not mind, but he would ask if Italy had lovemaking skills like him.

Too much light had also made Germany woke up; he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Italy?" He said.

Italy hurried and hugged him. He kissed his cheek, which made Germany blush. Italy giggled and fixed his hair.

"That's better!" He cheered.

Germany smile as he saw a better view of him. He lightly touched Italy's face.

"I never thought he would be zhis soft," he said.

Italy purred and aid him stroke his own face.

"I'm glad that everything's back to normal." Italy said. "Unless, you're still a werewolf...."

Germany shrugged. He was not too sure if he was. He remembered the feeling when Lutz went right through him. He literally felt that something was taken away from him.

"I'm not too sure either." Germany stated.

Germany stopped stroking Italy's face. Italy quickly embrace Germany. His legs were wrap around Germany's waist.

"If you still are, then you can use it protect me." Italy laughed.

Before Germany could say anything, the door was slam and Prussia was standing in front of it.

"Are you two ready for breakfast?" He asked.

"We vill be zhere in a minute." Germany answered in a strict tone.

Prussia left and closed the door.

Germany sigh and turn to see Italy. He was surprised when he gave him a kiss.

"This time I meant to do that." he giggled.

"Alright, let's get ready for breakfast." Germany laughed.

They both got up and got ready.

Unwelcome Friend (GerIta FanFic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now