Chapter 19

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Secret Journal

A day later, Italy comes back from the trip. He didn't know how to respond. He had mixed emotions. He feels like he should be extra careful towards Germany for now on.

He doubted that the book was actually a tutorial on 'How to save your best friend from being a werewolf'.

The next thing you know, the book was made by America. Just trying to fool people like always.

Italy was feeling glum. He was at Germany's room. Looking at the window.

It was raining outside. The dark clouds and the crying clouds made him encourage to feel down.

The moment when Italy was looking forward to play soccer with Germany was ruined.

Italy liked the way how Germany played soccer. His was countries was known for a strong team. If you were played with the ladies at his country, those ladies would beat you up.

It was in the early afternoon, almost everyone was here. Germany was with Prussia, and Hungary was probably taking her afternoon nap.

Germany didn't asked any questions about the trip to Japan's home. All he did was that he told him 'welcome home' and made pasta for dinner.

He didn't act weird. That was good news at least.

Italy was sitting on the ground in front of the window letting his thoughts kill some time.

Italy decides to look around in the house.

He gets up.

He goes opening to doors to rooms where he has never been.

So far it was mostly broom closets and a storage room from the past. Like Germany's old flag that had his coat of armor on and his WWII military suit with a red slash at one of the upper part of the arms. Italy always wondered what the weird looking black figure on the slash really means. Italy never knew because Germany never wanted to talk about it. He even made a rule for him about it not too long ago.

For a young guy like Germany, a lot things happen in a short time. No wonder he's so strong and so serious towards his work.

Italy keeps searching the place.

Until he finds a unknown place.

He opens the door.

He sees a office with a desk, library, and a couple plants. It looked very tidy and organized. This could only mean that Germany is only allowed in this area.

Italy has never seen this place.

He thought that this could be Germany's office.

He walk closer to his desk. He notices that one of the drawers is open.

"Huh? Why would Germany leave his drawers open?" He asked himself.

Italy takes a peek at the drawer.

It was journal.

Despite it didn't had any title, Italy opens it to a random page.

"Month xx, day xx

First of all, I don't what to say. During that day when Italy, Japan, Hungary, Prussia, and I went to the camping trip, and after that hideous beast attacked me. Italy kissed me. I wanted to kiss him back, but I wasn't sure what to do. So I hesitated. I love him more than a friend. Plus, he was a good kisser. Those soft lips of his were heartwarming. I know I sound weird but this is something that I wouldn't forget. Italy, ich liebe dich."

Italy backs away a bit. Those last three words were on of the few phrase hat Italy knew in Germany's native language.

"H-he loves me?!" He cried.

With joy he starts tearing. He wants to continue reading. Hoping that he will learn new things from Germany.

"Month xx, day xx

Days later after that bite wound, I felt a bit sick. Ever since that day, I wonder if Italy really does like me. It's hard to tell because he lacks of having common sense and wisdom. I'll never know what go goes through his mind. It was strange to feel sick at that day. My body felt like it needed to refresh or something.

Month xx, Day xx

Last night, I had a strange dream. I was in the middle of a German forest. Wearing my sleepwear clothing. I felt frighten. I turn around and saw that beast again. It began to speak and eventually it transformed to a werewolf and spoke. It kept tormenting me. Those words of his. It gave me the shivers. I remember yelling at it and telling it that I will not become like him. I'm a county not a someone's follower. That beast doesn't know what he's talking about. Even though, Fatherland has gone through a lot, but it doesn't mean that it needs to interfere with my life. Everything wasn't my fault.

Month xx, Day xx

I don't know what's happening to me. Why am I becoming like this? So far, I probably scared Italy that night when I went out for a hunt. I didn't mean to act so weird that time. I'm glad that it didn't affect Italy. I just hope that the wolf wasn't right about me becoming like him. If Italy ever somewhat reads this. No matter what happens, I still love you. I wished I know if you feel the same to me."

Italy puts the book down and puts it away. Feeling all fruity inside he starts to skip around.

He slowly opens the door and peeks to see if anyone's out.

No one was there.

He leaves and goes back to his room. So no one will act suspicious of they don't find him as soon as possible.

He thinks about the journal. The words it said sounded very much like Germany but it was a little bit more open.

He was glad that he finally knew that Germany loves him.

He goes to the living room.

He sees Germany and Prussia carrying some bags.

Their coats were coated in rain. They were still wet.

Germany turns around and looks at Italy. He smiles.

Italy wonders if he might of know that he was up to something.

"Germany, where were you?" He asked.

Germany takes his coat off. His looks a bit annoyed with Prussia. He serious face was now on.

"Vell, Prussia and needed zo get groceries, and ozher zhings." He said.

Prussia pats Germany on the back and starts laughing.

"There,there West. It's just a box of tampon." He laughs.

Germany looks at Prussia with embarrassment. His cheeks became rosy and looked uncomfortable.

"It's vasn't about zhe box. It's vas zhat group of vomen." He said."Zhe were following me vhereever I went."

Italy was standing there not know what they were talking about, but the speaking of women made Italy more interested.

"Germany, what's a tampon? And did he group of women say anything to you." He asked.

Germany didn't want to answer the first question, but Prussia seemed to be pleased to tell Italy.

"It's vhen ladies are on zheir monthly zhing, and to prevent it to stain zhey need to stuff a stick of cotton up to their....." Prussia was interrupted by Germany.

Germany stands next to him and covers Prussia's mouth with his thick bare hands. He did his angrily.

"Don't vorry about it's a women thing." He sigh. "It's not like I'm interested with them.

Prussia starts to snicker.

"Italy, get ready because we have a meeting within a couple of hours." He said.

Italy became even more pleased as he said that he wasn't into women. So he shook his head happily.

Unwelcome Friend (GerIta FanFic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now