Chapter 14

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Happens Again

After that weird night, Germany and Italy returns back to Germany's home. Japan didn't say anything or asked them about it. He only had a suspicious look on his face during breakfast. Germany couldn't tell him anyways because if he did then he would have to explain about his situation. Germany wasn't ready to anyone yet. He wasn't sure if he was really going to turn. Only having his teeth and his eyes change wasn't enough. It didn't felt real to him.

Germany was in his office writing on his journal. He records the day and the symptoms he was having. If things got worst he thought, then he'll will have to do a lot of research. That task would hard. There were many fables about werewolves. In other countries, their story was different. Even though it happened at his own country, it doesn't mean that the wolf was from Germany. Mythology wasn't a thing that Germany studied a lot. If he was excellent at understating engineering studies, than he can try to understand fables and myths.

He finishes writing, and he hides it under the drawers. One of Germany's dogs was there next to him. It's was his German Shepherd. His other two is probably with Italy or taking a nap with Prussia. When it comes to sleeping with bitches, Prussia was good at it.

He rubs the dogs head. It probably wanted to sleep under his desk. It was around the dogs' nap time.

So Germany gets up and leaves the room, his rare meat cravings was about to kick in. Ever since that night, his diet has completely change. He still likes potatoes and wurst, but he know loves the taste of raw meat. His mouth watered whenever he thinks about it. He was becoming weak towards it.

He doesn't know how eating it hasn't made him sick yet. Normally humans don't eat meat rare for many reasons. It's like there's times where his body now begs for it.

It's late in the afternoon, Germany decides to take a relaxing bath.

He walks to his room. Ironically, He hasn't see Italy all day today. He hasn't barge in to his door asking if they could play soccer or cook together. So far Italy seemed to finally understand the concept of giving people their personal space. Everyday, he's is a becoming less annoying.

He closes the door behind him and enters the bathroom.

As he opens the door, Italy was in the same room but he was at the bed. He hears noises and wakes up. He rubs his eyes. He stretches his back like a cat.

He wonders who entered his room.

Germany was undressing himself.

Italy didn't know that Germany was in the bathroom. Still half-woken, he believes that he hears the dogs' barking.

Italy wanted to go to the bathroom to see if one of Germany's dogs locked themselves.

Italy enters the restroom.

The first thing he sees was Germany naked and he was turned back. Germany was bending down to take his underwear off.

Italy had a nice clear view of Germany's big ass.

Italy shrieks the minute he sees him. He knew he was in trouble.

By the time Germany heard him, he quickly pulled up his underwear and turned around to see Italy in the bathroom.

Germany's face was all red.


Italy was scared. He didn't meant to come and to see Germany naked today.

"I'm sorry, Germany!" Italy cried. "I was taking a nap, and the sounds from the door woke me up a-and I thought that it could be one your dogs locked themselves in the bathroom!"

Germany tried to relax himself. He cuts him some slack since he knows that Italy was never a bright person.

"Vell zhen, if you don't mind I'm going to return to vhere I vas doing." Germany stated.

Italy leaves the bathroom.

He sighs.

Italy couldn't stop thinking about Germany's butt.

Italy always knew that Germany had a big butt, but he has never seen in a nude form. He mind was wondering of and was giving him reasons why Germany was perfect.

Italy tries to make himself stop thinking about is and goes back to his nap.

Germany was in the tub. He was embarrassed that Italy saw him taking his clothes off. Germany knew that Italy would likely have seen his butt. Who knows what that Italian could think about him now.

He hoped that it didn't affect Italy in a bad way.

If only there was a perfect moment that he can confess his love to him, and it won't damage their friendship.

The more the days have gone by ever since that kiss, the more Germany feels that Italy have some feelings towards him also, but he feels like there's moments where Italy proves that he's isn't interesting to him like that.

His mind quickly changes to his thoughts earlier.

He asked himself many questions. He wanted to know if he ever turns, would he be a mindless beast or not.

He wondered if the beast was right, was his time running short?

He quickly denied it. He doesn't want that freak show to influence him to thinking that he was going to be just like him.

Thinking about that nightmare, it's been a while since he interacted him. Was he ever coming back?

Suddenly, a voice spoke in thin air.

"Oh Ludwig, you haven't change a bit have you?" Said the voice.

Germany quickly stood up. He recognizes the voice.

"N-no." He stuttered. "It can't be."

The voice snickered.

Germany felt hallucinated. He knew that his mind was playing games.

"No, you're not real. Damn you demon." He whispered.

"You're time is running short." The voice responded.

Germany gets up from the tub. He drains the water and dries himself with a towel close by. He didn't want that voice to torment him again.

He dresses himself. He puts on a pair of clean clothes.

He looks himself in the mirror. He sees the beast. It's grin was still on and his eyes darted him behind. Germany quickly turns around.

By the time he turns, it was gone.

He had a warm feeling. It felt like someone was behind him. Like someone was literally breathing on the nape of his neck.

He could heard the beast's voice again.

"One day......." It whispered.

Chills run up to Germany's spine. He quickly left the bathroom.

The one thing he fears the most comes back for the second round.

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