Chapter 31

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The Truth

"It's you again." Germany growled.

Lutz leaped from the tree and landed a distance away from the brothers. When he stood up, he had a large grin on his face. His glowing light purple eyes was focus directly at them.

"Who are you? And vhy are you here?" Prussia snapped as he tries to aid his brother.

Lutz adjusted his cap. He takes out a pack of cigarettes. He takes one out and puts his pack in his pocket.

"Sorry for not introducing myself, but the name is Lutz and I'm here for a reason." He said, as he gets his lighter and lights up his cigarette.

Prussia remembered what Russia said about him. He knew that Lutz was here to get something what he needed. Lutz seemed to be a bit cocky based on the facts he was given. He also looked a lot like Germany but his personality was the opposite if him.

"So Lutz, vhat do you vant from my bro?" Prussia demanded.

Lutz paced himself. He inhaled his cigarette and blew the smelly smoke out of his mouth. He rather seemed to be calm and acted as if he was killing time by loitering.

"Oh the same work: I get Ludwig and if I'm lucky, I could try to take Italy with me as a bonus and use him as my sex toy." He said in a singing tone.

"What the hell does he think he is?!" Whispered Romano.

Spain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, America, Hungary, China, and Romano were hiding in the bushes. When they saw Lutz arrived, they all regroup and hid. Italy was becoming timid from what he overheard.

"A-a sex toy?" His defenseless voice shakes.

He decides to finish hearing the conversation.

"You dirty bastard! I will not let Italy be your bitch. Over my dead body." Germany snarled.

Germany grabs both handfuls of Lutz's shirt. He gets up to his face. He clenches his teeth, but Lutz couldn't get rid of his smile. He had one of his hand stroking Germany's left cheek.

"Oh Luddy, if only you knew my love for having sex." He chuckles.

Lutz used the same hand to ruffle Germany's slick hair. Germany thought that he must have been joking. He didn't want to take him seriously. Therefore, he smacked his hand off his hair and he scolded him.

"Zhat isn't love for sex; it's called having an addiction." He said.

Lutz grabbed his chin and made Germany pucker his lips. He got really close to him and started to deepen his voice and making it sound lustful.

"Of course you would say that. You're just a virgin. I used to be like that once but the day when I violated someone vital region... It felt sooo good." He said.

The smell of smoke made Germany nauseous. His face was becoming tight. Lutz blew the smoke to his face. Germany turned away, started to cough, and wheezing. His piercing lavender eyes started to glow. He was enjoying seeing Germany do that.

"*Cough* I-I vill not let you lay you're filthy hands on Italy. Just listen vhat you're saying." Germany shouted.

Lutz's face cracks and then he swung his fist at Germany. Germany fell to the ground with blood running down to his lips and chin. He twitches and stares at the red stains mixing the dirt. The pain lasted so shortly that it felt like a pinch. Soon he stopped bleeding.

Once again, Prussia aids his brother and he looks at Lutz giving him the dirty look.

"You dick! No one hits Germany without dealing zhe 'Awesome Prussia'." He praised himself.

"Mein Gott, zhis isn't a good time to brag about yourself." Germany grunted.

Lutz chuckled. Thunder roared as he grab his dagger. At a quick second, he flings it slicing a bit of Prussia's left arm. The dagger stabs the tree for the finale. Prussia was inflict with pain.

"yesshh!" he shrieked.

Without expressing too much pain, the knife made a clean cut on his upper part of the arm. It wasn't so deep that he was worried that he was going to die soon. What he was wearing did affect the depth of it. Prussia takes his black over-sized sweater off and uses a part of it to cover his wound.

Hungary made a squeal as she saw that. She realized how easily Lutz's would to fight and rage was.

"Now that I got both of your attention, I just this to be quick. I take Italy and no one including the people who are hiding in the bushes will get killed." Lutz sighed.

"The good thing that you said that because I was this fucking close to choke someone since we all are so fucking close to each other!" Romano shouts as he stands up from the bushes. "Look I don't give a damn prior to what you said. All of us are not going to let you have my brother, no matter how much he turns you on or how much we think that he's useless at times!"

The clouds made the night sky have a dull color. The others countries were there trying to shush Romano and his loud mouth up. Except for Spain and Japan. Both of them sat there and remained quiet.

"You idiot! Not only that you blew our cover, you also made matter worse by having all of us be involved with that creep." Hungary screams as she pulls on Romano's shirt.

"Now, Now. Mrs. Hungary we shourdn't be arguing at each other." Japan said it in a soft-spoken voice.

"Japan's right. Romano may have a loud mouth but I also agree what he said." Spain confessed. "Even though that...."

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Spain. Lutz and Germany wirr have to fight on their own." Japan interrupted.

"Si and all of you guys can help and protect me," Italy cheered as he tries to change the attitude.

Prussia and Germany looked at the others talking. Lutz knew that he had to switch to plan B. Trying to kill Germany in the cruelest way possible so that when the other countries are too busy bailing they will have another reason to cry and they will get his message. Lutz noticed that Germany's back was turned and so he fiercely kicked him. Making him fall again.

"Vhat are you doing?" Germany shouted his back was being weigh down by Lutz's boot.

Germany was struggling to be free but until Lutz sat on his back.

"Hey! Get off of him." Prussia reacted.

"Prussia it's no use. Just go and rejoin with the group. I'll handle this." Germany begged.

Prussia did what he said. He did not want to risk getting slice at or something worse.

"Now that it's over how about you and I get one on one on a werewolf battle." Lutz grinned.

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