Chapter 32

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Fight scene

"Nein!" Germany hollered.

Still struggling to be free, he snarls at Lutz.

"I had enough with zhis werewolf business." He bared his teeth.

Germany turns towards Lutz. The minute he sees him, his thick bear-like paws similar to Germany's meets his face. Lutz gave him a hard blow to his cheeks. Germany flinched a bit.

"No one asked you if you're tired if this. I thought you were better than that." Lutz snapped.

Germany tries to protect his face. He didn't want Lutz to force him into becoming a wolf again. He could feel Lutz grabbing his forearm trying to pry them open so he came give him another hit.

"I know vhat you're doing and I vill not turn into a monster like you!" Germany barked back.

Lutz spit the leftover cigarette he had in his mouth.

He let Germany get up. He tried to strangle him with his forearm. Germany tried to lift his neck to inhale as much as possible. His bare hands was trying to pull Lutz's forearm away from him, but his strength was too strong for Germany.

"I don't understand why you countries are such stubborn fools. No wonder you guys sometimes fight with each other." His hot smelly breath made Germany feel numb to his spine.

"Rules are rules. If our boss told us to fight zhen we must fight." Germany grunted.

Lutz lets go of Germany and slams him to a tree. His whole body pushes Germany's back. Germany's right side of the face was leaking if his own fluids. He wasn't able to react to his move.

Germany didn't know if Lutz is able to use his werewolf abilities even though he's still human. Germany could feel his arm still pinning him to the bark.

"’re a lot weaker than I thought you were." Lutz sighed.

Little by little, Germany tried to push himself away from the tree. He used all of his force to the tree. Half if his face was cover in blood. He wasn't able see with one of the eye since the liquid fell to his eyelids.

"Grr, I vill not let you win." He grunted.

Lutz keep pushing him forward. He had to do something about this. Germany was resisting the wolf inside him. He didn't want to spend the whole night knocking him senseless.

He grabs other man's wrist and move it to touch the back of his neck. Trying to dislocate his shoulder. It didn't work. Germany felt being torture. No matter how many times his broken nose healed or his skull, the pain he would always get from it still hurts.

Once again, Lutz wrapped his arm around Germany's neck. This time, he moved closer to the tree that had the knife penetrating its bark. He yanks it out.

"Stab me all you vanted. It's not going to make me change into a beast." Germany clench his canines.

Lutz said nothing. He waves his weapon and slash his own forearm. Germany watches him slicing his own arm. His blood was very close to his face. An artery was cut so some of it splashed his cheeks. He didn't know what Lutz was planning to do.

"I hope that you're still craving." Lutz whispered to his ear.

The cut was an inch deep. Blood gushed out of him as if he were to have an unlimited amount of his own juice.

Forcefully, Germany could only see was Lutz's arm trying to stick it close to his mouth. He thought that the plan was for him to taste the blood of another wolf-man. It only smeared across his face. His lips were avoiding the stuff. Germany thought that Lutz was losing his mind.

"Now, now my little friend. My own vital fluid doesn't taste bad as you think," he teased.

Italy peeked at what was happening. He was terrified to see Lutz with a bloody arm. It looked as if he was forcing the other one to taste his arm. The other looked away expect for America.

"Whoa dude, it's like what I make in my movies." His jaw opened, as he was amused.

"Is this a good time to be intrigued right now?!" Hungary yelled.

America became quite afterwards.

Lutz put away his knife. He uses his other hand to punch Germany's stomach.

Germany arched forward as he was inflict with pain. He kept his mouth closed. He shut his eyelids tight and embraced the hits.

Lutz was pounding on Germany's abdomen like a punching bag. Trying to knock the air out of him was harder then he thought it would be.

Finally, Lutz had it, he made his last hit and Germany could not help it but he threw his neck forward and gasped for air. Lutz made his move and stuffed his forearm to Germany's mouth.

His cuts didn’t heal and he did that on purpose. Germany gag a little and try to remain calm by breathing through his nose.

He could feel the arm brushing against his teeth. Lutz was bleeding a lot. The blood was so much that it didn't take long before he had taste it.

Germany felt a drool falling on his neck. His stomach never felt that ill at all. He didn't want to think about the flavor.

"Don't try to abstain from the taste. Doesn't it feel better biting down?" His hushed words almost pleased Germany.

The taste was too much for him. He was sweating bullets. His heart pumped slower and louder.

"Just thinking about it just makes me want my mouth to start watering. Don't you love it when you're tasting it that it makes you feel powerful. Enough to change?" He tortured.

His words were too much and yet pleased him at the same time.

The words echoed to Germany's ear. He began to bite harder and fiercely. He breathing got heavier by the minute.

Lutz slowly took out his knife and stabbed Germany's stomach. He quickly pulled the weapon out of him.

He released his arm and fell to his knees. The body pain returned. Germany made a low deep growl.

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