Chapter 28

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Warm Moment

Systematically, Italy was getting closer to finding Germany. The path became clearer. Italy just knew that he was going to the right way. He saw a speck of light coming at him. This could be the right way to finding him.

"Come on guys, let's go!" Italy shouted. 

Spain, Romano, and Japan were behind following Italy. They had no idea where Italy was going. 

Italy ran through the light. It was what he expect to see he found Germany. He has was in middle of the woods. It seemed to have an opening because the moon was shining on Germany. He was sitting on a stump with his turned away from him. Looking very glooming. 

Italy took a step closer. The three other men joined in with Italy. 

"Damn it Italy, what's with all...” Romano yelled but Spain managed to cover his mouth when he also saw Germany. 

Germany heard the noise. He got up and looked at the brothers, Spain and Japan. The four men could see Germany's were tore from the transformation. His shirt was never ripped away from his body. Italy was able to see Germany's sturdy chest and abs. His pants were shredded from his knees. What he had left with his pants had dirt stains and stretched marks. His hair was undone and he was barefoot. 

"Guys zhis izn't safe! You should leave before...” Germany said "oomph...”

Germany got one of his knee to the ground. He wraps chest with his forearms. He had his back arched. 

"Germany!?" Cried Italy. He ran to Germany. 

Spain steps forward. He yells at Italy to come back. 

"Italy! Come back!" Spain shouted. 

Japan grabbed Spain's shoulder and shakes his head telling him that Spain can't be involve. 

Italy didn't listen. He ran to Germany. He crotches down to see him and laid his thin hand on Germany's wide shoulder. Germany was facing down until he felt a relief of the pain. He looked to see Italy smiling with his eyes closed. His cheek turned rosy and stood up again. 

As he made his stance, Italy embraced him. Even though, he saw what happen during the meeting. He still cares about him. Germany could feel the warmth from Italy sending throughout his body. He could feel his heart pound so hard that he could feel the pulse. 

"Ve~, Germany you have no idea how much I missed you." He praised while wrapping his arm around Germany's neck. He wanted to hug so hard. 

Germany quickly grabs holds of Italy's shoulder and pushes him away from him. He doesn't understand why Italy's treating like after becoming a monster. He looks at Italy with a cold stare. Italy starts to get scared. Italy could see Germany's eyes were still orange-yellowish. His canine teeth were still there. 

"Just go avay...don't you see I've becoming a mindless beast!?" He barked. 

Italy couldn't bear to hear those words. He wasn't willing to lose an other person that he loved. 

"No Germany! I won't let you lose!" Shouted Italy. 

Germany's eyes became watery. His looked at Italy's face. His heart dropped. He could no longer suffer the pain inside him. He felt like today was going to be last time he would ever see Italy. Thinking about it made pain grew intense. He was about to breakdown. 

"Germany?" Italy spoken softly.

Germany cling on to Italy. He started sobbing. He was bent over and putting weight on Italy's shoulders. Italy could feel his shirt-getting wetting from the tears. Italy patted his back and shushed him like an infant. 

Unwelcome Friend (GerIta FanFic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now