Chapter 22

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Meeting Lutz

Germany walks behind Lutz. He stood their like a dog being loyal to his owner. Lutz used two fingers to hold his cigarette. He blows the smoke. He sense him from the back but doesn't react to it. He simply stares at the frighten countries.

"It's simple, I attacked Germany and bit him. Now, he's mine." He grinned as he breaths the fumes within.

Spain snapped back at Lutz.

"Well, too bad because he's a country not a pet!" He hollered.

Lutz glanced at Spain. He studied his attitude and body gesture. He slightly shakes his head and made his grin grew.

"Looks like someone's having affair." He laughed.

Italy came out of his hiding and had enough. He did the unexpected.

"No! He's mine. Spain and Romano are already happy together and I'm not because a brawny bastard is getting in between." Italy snapped.

Everyone looked at Italy. Surprising, Italy never raise his voice or ever was that brave. Italy stood there trying to tell himself to try not to feel regretful after what he said.

Lutz cocked his head. He smilies, and grabs Italy. He wraps his arms around his neck. Italy gasps as his neck was constricted by an arm.

Lutz snapped his fingers. It caught Germany's attention and he walk up closer. He has done anything after Lutz arrived or stared at them. He looks straightforward.

"Brawny bastard, huh?" He smiled. His face was so close to Italy that he could smell his breath and be cigarette which was burning his face. The powerful chemicals made Italy wanting to gag. "Watch your mouth kid. If you don't then I'll tear your flesh. Ya hear me?"

Italy was scared. He jerk a bit but it didn't work. He was very close to him and he felt uncomfortable.

"Ok! Just let me go and don't hurt Germany!" He cried. This was too much for Italy to handle. The group just stare since they didn't know what was Lutz capable of doing.

Lutz looked at Italy. His facial expression was a bit odd. His cheeks were touching Italy's. Italy was hoping that he was sexually attract a stranger now.

"For someone who's so dumb and tries to be bold.... You're too damn cute for me to take it seriously." Lutz whispered. He licked Italy's face afterwards. Italy shuddered.

"Hey! Leave my damn brother alone you bastard!" Romano shouted. Romano was disgusted to watch Lutz do that.

Lutz doesn't say anything. Instead, he throws Italy to the ground. Italy hears a thump on his ribs. Italy tries to get up but he notices that Lutz stepped on his back.

He take his cigarette out of his mouth.

Italy was struggle like a fish on land. He wanted to be free but the more he tried the more Lutz add pressure towards Italy's back.

"Agh!" Italy screamed.

"Now that's about you guys have some play time with my new pet." Lutz grinned. His voice was deeper than his usual.

Germany walked up again. He now looked at them and wasn't his usual self. He growled and howled. He began walking on all fours.

Lutz lets go of Italy. Once he was freed he rejoined with the others. Everyone gets scared. Romano embraces Spain. He doesn't realized that he was doing it.

Lutz walks aside. Germany gets closer and closer.

The pressure was on, Everyone made a run for it. They yell and cried for help.

Lutz was laughing and enjoyed this. Germany tried to chase them down. He snarl and bark at each and one of them.

"Slice them in half if you need to, Lud!" Shouted Lutz.

Germany was lifting chairs, and throwing them. They crash into the walls and was about to hit one of them.

America ran for his life m, but tripped and fell. He quickly got up.

Germany saw that happened. So he grabs a chair and tosses it.

England sees the action. He makes a quick decision.

"America look out!" He shouted.

He pushes America. He gets hit on the face. He falls back. He uses his arm to land. When he fell, he felt his nose running.

Germany wasn't too far from England. He picks him up. He grabs one of his thighs like a rag doll.

England was a bit dizzy. He sees Germany face to face and it look scarier when seeing him upside down.

England tries to wiggle and swing to be free.

Germany uses his sharp claw to pierce through England's left thigh. The pinch of pain made Britain react quickly.

"Aaahhhhh! Damn my thigh!" He grunted. Blood was starting to stain his pants. America stands there and yells.

"Britain! NO!" America screamed.

Germany swings Britain like a toy. Until, he face plants to the table.

"Argh!" He groaned.

England didn't move an inch. He was still alive. He could feel that Germany was behind him. He felt the world was slowing down on him as if he was about to die.

Germany dragged him as he walked away. He stops and turns around. He lifts him a couple feet off the ground. Everyone was watching him being tortured. Lutz laughed and laughed.

"GERMANY, NO!!" Someone shouted.

It was Italy. He was in front of Germany. Everyone gasped and including Lutz.

Italy's eyes were red and watery. He heavily breathes. Germany stopped and dropped England to the ground. Everyone went up to him.


Germany's pupils widen. He looks at Italy with a disappointed look in his face and lowers his head like he was being punished.

"Italy..." He moaned. He voice change with a more deep rich sound.

Lutz wasn't liking the love part. He grins his teeth making his cigarette fall to the ground. He steps on it and twists his foot side to side. He looks down.

"Ludwig, it's not like he loves you. If he did, he would of helped you prevent becoming a monster. Don't let him fool you." He spoked quietly.

Germany looks both at Italy, and Lutz. He didn't believed Lutz's words. He walks back, the. He turns. He stops and releases a big sigh. He runs and crashes to a large window. He vanishes.

While the others look at England, Italy walks to the window. His eyes were melting. He curses under his breath.

Lutz was angry. He walks to the same window. He slams Italy to the ground. Italy falls back. His arms were being sliced with the shards. Lutz pulls a small dagger. He crouches down, grabs Italy's shirt, and waves the dagger in front of his face.

"You can't stop me. You're mine fucker. I'll do anything to get you. Understand me!" He commanded. Italy vigorously shakes his head. Italy starts to shake.

Lutz smiled. His look was very perverted like. He gets up and pulls Italy's shirt harder making him lift his upper body.

"Good, Feliciano." He cheered.

He uses his other hand to hold Italy's head. He gets closer. He kisses Italy on the lips. Italy doesn't kiss him back. He was terrified of this man. His felt his tongue trying to force itself inside of his mouth. Italy was disgusted by this.

Lutz breaks the kiss and backs away. He hops to the window. He glances at Italy. He winks at him.

Then vanishes also.

Italy gets up, and carefully scrapes the glass off of him.

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