Chapter 33

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No regrets

"G-Germany?!" Italy's voice trembles.

He really wasn't hoping that he would have to see Germany transform again. Watching him screaming and yelling in pain as his body shifts to a monster bothers Italy.

His veins bulged from his skin. His muscles twitch and increase their size. Hair grew rapidly as they return with a shade grayish-blue color. His nose and jaw became away from his eyes.

Lutz had a half smile and started at the slow process. His took his cap off revealing his hair and forehead. Without a surprise, it was similar to Germany's style. He took out his knife again and stab it to the tree. He grabbed his jacket that was on his shoulders this whole time and hung it. He also hung his cap.

Thunder crack and the clouds started to cry. A few drops fell now and later.

Germany was almost finished. Lutz had a big grin on his face. Showing signs that he was too was going to shift.

Italy stood their motionless. He gulped with his own spot and began playing with his tie and his eyes widen.

He felt his shoulders being grabbed and was turned forcefully. He could see it was Romano looking at him with a stern look.

"Fratello, don't worry. Remember that he's a strong person and he has the potential to win." Romano said.

Still shaky and displaying that he was now very vulnerable. He nods his head to express that he was agreeing.

Lutz's neck was thicker and his eyes had a shade of pink. He covered his head with his arms and they were at the opposite sides. He grabs his shirt and rip from his skin.

He had no problem transforming. He didn't have to take a minute to change.

He stood tall as the heavy wind gust making the rain land mostly on his right side of his body. His short milky fur shined when he looked up. His pants were rip above from knees and they were the only clothing that was still on him.

When Germany finally stand up, he breathed from his mouth. His huffing was loud. He jerk his head and release his mighty howl to the sky. His pants were also still on him.

Prussia took a peek of what was happening. He gasps as he sees two larger werewolves. He could recognize one of them have glowing orange eyes as his brother. Just like his human form, his chest and he rest of the anatomy was strong build.

Lutz made the first move. He charge and slam Germany from his back with his shoulders. Germany didn't see it coming.

Germany quickly told a large step forward so he wouldn't lose his footing. He looked back at lowered his head and stared at Lutz. He made a low, deep growl. It was laughable for Lutz. He only gave him a smirk and started to tease him.

"It's the beginning of a battle and you already have displayed that you're annoyed about the move? You're honestly too childish to be the 'strong nation'." he emphasis the last words. Since his voice was even more profound, it made it seem like it was a serious thing.

Germany tried to tackle him. He was denying that he was weak and that the more he bluffed and criticized, the more he got irritated.

Lutz block his attack. The tackle was a typical one where the person grabs the other's hips and pushes him to the ground. All Lutz did was that he takes a grip on Germany's sturdy shoulders. For someone who's recently was able shift into a creature, Lutz was a bit surprised that Germany could recognize is own power.

Lutz shift his feet so he could add friction and endure. He dug deep into the dirt leaving drag marks that showed that he was pushed a couple of feet away from his position.

When it came to a stop, both men glare at each other while struggling with the other's strength. Germany was kneeling to the ground. He lowered his ears and growl at him with anger.

"You zhink zhat calling out all my flaws vill help?!" Germany grunted as he tries to push himself forward.

He made himself released from Lutz's grip. Lutz took a large step backwards.

He had thought of something. He made a big grin across his face to make it noticeable. It looked a little sinister and dirty. Germany stood his guard and glanced at him.

"You know what, we can stop this whole thing and we share our toy." He shrugged his shoulders as he made his suggestion.

Germany straighten his back, squint his eyes a bit, and made his frown become lower. Germany thought he had to be kidding. This whole time he's been arguing about giving Italy up and now he thinks that sharing will make it better.

Prussia looks over from the bushes and has been keeping his eye on the battle, His head was tighten and his eyebrows was lower. He was determined that his younger brother would end this. He knew Lutz's plan had to do with getting rid of Germany.

Nevertheless, his gut told him that it wouldn’t happen.

"You sick bastard! I von't force someone to do zhat. I also von't let do that either." He raised his voice.

After he said that, he made a run for it and was ready to swing his fist at Lutz.

Lutz stood there still not even attempting to evade it. He simply grab Germany's fist. All the force and pressure was all gone.

Germany and the other countries that were hiding were flabbergasted.

Many questions were running through their minds.

They all wondered if this is just the beginning of this. Lutz look as if he made himself become stronger. A cloud of glow were coming out of his eyes.

"By now I think you would know that whenever I want something, I get." He hissed.

He turn Germany's arm and soon Lutz was restraining his neck. In spitting distance, Germany was feeling a hot sensation from his neck.

He grabbed Lutz's forearm and tried to pierce his flesh with his dagger like claws. Hoping that drawing blood would give him some time.

"Argh! You little piece of shit!" Lutz yelled at the top of his lungs.

He let go of his grasp once again and Germany took a couple of steps. His head makes a quick turn. Lutz clenched his teeth showing every single pearly white he had. Saliva ran down from his mouth as if a dog infected with rabies.

"Once I get my hands in you, you'll be sorry." He growled.

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