Chapter 39

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Heat moment

Three days have passed since the event; Germany was lying on his bed. He hasn't woken up at all. His body was cover from the sheets that Italy tucked in. For the past few days, Italy had isolated himself to take care of Germany. When he came from that night, he took off the shredded clothing and washed his body. He did this every morning and night since. He thought that it would be ok since Germany didn't have to know anything about this.

Italy occasionally prayed for him, hoping that he was under a long rest. He sometimes heard Germany mumble in his sleep. He repeatedly said how much he loved Italy and showed more of his sweet side.

Italy could tell that he was having a wet dream just from the times where he made moaning sounds and called out Italy's name.

Right now, it was dinnertime, but Italy was in the middle of praying. He spoke to Lord and thanked him for keeping Germany alive. His mind drifted off and went blank.

Prussia knocks the door and open it; he saw Italy on his knees and was next to bed where Germany was lying. His head was tilt towards the ground, and his hands entangle to Germany.

Without a word, Prussia put the meal on top of the lamp drawer and left.

The fragrance from the food had disrupted from his prayers. He slowly got up and gave Germany a kiss on his cheek. He walked around the bed to get the food, but before he does anything with it. His appetite is gone when he sees meat and potatoes.

He walks away and tells himself that he wasn't hungry in the first place. He goes to Germany and kisses his forehead. He stands up, turns around, and takes his clothes off, as he gets ready to go to bed.

Germany slowly opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is Italy slowly stripping off his clothes. He sits up, plants his feet on the side bed frame and rubs his eyes.

"I-Italy? Where am I?" He stuttered.

Italy finishes getting rid of his pants and quickly turns around with joy.

"Germany!" He shouted as he ran up to him.

Italy embraced the bulky man tightly. His skin can in contact with Germany's. Germany could feel the warm feeling on his chest. It felt nice for him. His abdomen was very numb from the sensation he was getting. Italy got closer to him and gave him a peck.

"I'm so glad that you're still alive..." He whispered to his ear.

Italy releases his grip and crawls on the bed to get the food from the other side of the bed.

Germany turns his head a bit and sees Italy's behind. He was on all fours and was only wearing his underwear. Despite having a good view of Italy's ass, he turns his head quickly and tells himself to relax. When Italy was ready to him the meal, he looked very nervous. Italy stared at him while being confused.

"Is everything alright Germany?" He had to ask,

Germany was very jittery and shaking a little.

"Oh no, I'm fine...By the way, is zhat my dinner? Thanks." Germany responded in the most awkward way. He took the bowl away from Italy as soon as he saw it.

He began to devour his meal. He stuffed his mouth with vast amount of mashed potatoes and sausages.

Italy thought that it was very unlike him to act like that.

His swallow sounded very thick and profound. Germany tried to tell himself that it should not be a big deal. He already has seen Italy in nude form many times and seeing him only wearing his underwear is not that bad.

"Germany, don't eat too fast." Italy whispered into Germany's ear. Germany felt a warming sensation as Italy lightly stroked his back. Germany felt seduced. Goosebumps were forming all over his bare chest.

"Get off me. I don't know what's going on but you've been acting very seductive and why am I wearing these boxers?!" Germany yelled as he settled the plate down.

"I don't know what you're talking about...and while you were resting at your bed, I washed your body and made you wear that pair of boxer." Italy said as he let go of his touch.

Germany stood up and looked extremely annoyed. His eyebrows were lower and his was clenching his teeth.

"Since when it was ok for you dress me like a doll?!" Germany demanded.

Italy was sitting crisscrossed on the bed. He lowered his head as he avoided eye contact. He could not look at Germany's stern look.

"I was just taking care of you." Italy said.

Germany crossed his arms. He was not happy with the response.

"I honestly don't know what are the expectations for an Italian, but seems like fucking up everything is a part of it. Along with being a bitch and looking for people who enjoy one night stands!" Germany yelled.

Italy looked at Germany straight in the eye. He started bawl.

"I don't know what's happening to you, and I think it's best to leave before someone get murder just like what happened in Lutz's story!" Italy snapped back. "Because the Germany that I thought I knew wouldn't be that cold to me."

Italy rubbed his eyes and wiped his nose. He stood up close to Germany and Germany just glared at him.

"I use to like you and I thought that you did too, but it looks like it was the past!" He yelled as he pounded Germany's tough chest.

Italy walked away for him.

As he walk, he felt a sudden grip. It restrain him from walking away.

Italy turned around. He looked at Germany.

His eyes were red, and Italy saw a sign of sadness.

Germany started to cry. He looked away so Italy did not had to stare at his face.

"Ger-ma...” He said before he was interrupt by the strong tug that Germany pulled.

He pull him right next to his body and embrace the other.

Germany didn't utter a word or tried at all. His arms were wrap around Italy's waist. Both chest were intact and it made Italy feel warm.

Italy entangled his arms around him and whispered into his ear.

"It's alright; I know that you didn't mean to act like that." He said.

Germany loosen his grip and saw his face without breaking the hug. The first thing he saw was Italy's smile. He made a grin and made Italy laugh.

Germany's grin grew and once again, he pulled Italy's waist and can to nose point. Italy's blood rushed and his cheeks were red. He gasp a little with surprise when Germany did that. He looked deeply into his eyes.

Germany made the first move by kissing Italy. When Italy kissed his back, they stopped.

"What? I'm just returning the kiss you gave me a while ago." Germany smirked.

Germany's dirty look made Italy wonder until Germany began to grab his ass. It made Italy moan. They started to kiss each other passionately, but as soon as Italy noticed something, he paused.

"Germany, something's poking me." Italy whined.

Germany did not want to stop. He navigated Italy as they kissed and would not stop touching him. It was the heat of the moment Italy thought. Italy began to walk back and fell onto the bed. They both reposition themselves and proceed.

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