Chapter 40

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Grandpa visits

A few hours after Germany and Italy had their 'romantic moment’; Germany's being bother by strange noises he's hearing. All he hears is familiar snickering and a conversation.

He gets so annoyed from it, that he opens his eyes and he looks at the commotion.

Germany sees a man looking from above.

It was Italy's grandpa.

Germany jolts and gets up. He grabs the blanket very firmly.

"Vhy are you have again!" Germany shouted.

Rome say next him and pat his back. He looked very happy and smiled at Germany. Germany looked very puzzled.

"I can to see my one of my grandsons. After hearing that both of them lost their virginity, I can to meet their partners. I'm so happy that both of them could do it." Rome cheered. "And it seems like I was right all along about you."

Germany wasn't surprise to hear that Rome can to visit just because his grandson had sex a little while ago. He looked clock, which was at the top of the lamp drawer. It was three in the morning.

"So did you barged in my home again?" Germany asked.

Germany slid his bangs to the back. He looked tired and wasn't in the mood for visitors.

"Actually West, I let him in." A voice snickered.

It surprise Germany and quickly turn to see it was Prussia. He was stand at the other corner from the bed while holding the bowl he left on the table.

"Who knew zhat you would actually do it to him... So how was it?" Prussia laughed.

Rome pulled Germany closer to him waited for an answer.

"Yeah, tell us the detail." He asked.

Germany wasn't too excited to hear that. He push Rome away from him and stood up. Fortunately, he was fully clothed. He walked away a bit.

"Damn! That perfect ass. Italy is sure lucking to have someone that has that." Rome commented.

Germany turned around. He look was stern and he crossed his arms.

"Look, if you guys woke me up just because you guys think that Italy and I did it then I insist you leave at this moment." Germany demanded.

Rome stood up. Italy was still in bed.

"Come on Germany. We know that you did it." Rome stated.

"Oh really." Germany said.

"Germany, I'm so filled up. I'm getting hot inside." Italy moaned as he toss and turn.

Prussia burst into laughter. He walks up to Germany and elbows him. Germany turns a little trying to hide his red face. He was embarrassed that Italy was dreaming about what they did.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, look at West's face. He can't deny the truth." Prussia laugh.

Rome joined in with Prussia, but he was too busy thinking about his grandsons.

"I can't believe my grandsons finally lost their virginities! I'm also happy that their partners are handsome and have such gigantic asses!" he cheered as he rubbed his prickly face against Italy.

"Is he really obsess with my behind?" Germany groan.

"Well he's right about it being huge." Prussia responded as he smack Germany's butt.

Germany glared at him and made grunting noises. He rubbed the area where his brother smacked it. Prussia smirked at him back.

"Don't you have a partner that you vant to try to seduce every night?" Germany growled.

"No, I don't try to every night. I try every other night." He laughed as he leaned on his brother's shoulder. "Plus she's currently on her monthly 'thing' and we both know how cranky she can be. Also, It's gross and I don't want to get stuck in a sticky situation."

Germany shook his head. He regretted asking his brother that question.

Rome tries to listen what else Italy could say in his dream. Germany looks at Rome carefully and stares at them.

"Germany...I want to be with you forever." Italy moaned.

"Are you trying to get an image of how we did it!?" Germany exclaimed.

Rome got up and look at Germany with a smile. He kissed his grandsons forehead and tucked him in.

"I wasn't just doing that, I was also telling my grandson that he and his brother were made perfectly...." Rome said.

"Perfectly?" Asked the German brothers as it caught their attention.

"Yes, perfectly." Rome nodded. "Each one of them have a certain personality that can only seduce one person, they made their partner happy no matter what and for Pete sake, and they’re Italian. Making sweet love is in their genes.

He winked at Germany and gave him a hug.

"Well I must be going." He said, and he whispered to Germany's ear. "Don't be afraid to express your love. The more you do it, he happier he gets."

Finally, he gave a bro hug to Prussia and left the scene.

Germany looked at Italy. Sleeping so peacefully and so adorable.

"West...” Prussia called.

Germany turned to look at him. He was surprise by Prussia's embrace.

"West, I'm so glad that you're alive. You showed me how strong you were that night. I...can't...” He said before he started crying.

Germany hugged him back. He was not suspecting him to recall of what happen.

"It's ok. For now, I am ok. As long I believe in my strengths, I can't be defeated." Germany said. "It's getting late; we should talking about it later.

Prussia agreed and left the room. Germany went to bed and slept.

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