Chapter 23

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Oh God

Spain and Romano runs up to Italy. They hug him and were glad that he was safe for now. Romano all of the sudden acts a mother and scrap off the left over shards careful and asked him many questions.

"What did that ass-licker did to you?!" Uttered Romano. "Did he say anything inappropriate to you?!"

Spain pats Italy's shoulder and tries to make him feel a little relaxed, but he was in complete distress. The fact that Lutz wanted him made his heart beat faster. Italy was worried about Germany as well. He was overwhelmed by the thoughts in his head.

The others were worry about England. He was unconscious. He was still bleeding and had a large stain. He need medical attentions so America carried him.

Spain, Romano and Italy went to check on him. Italy was hoping that Germany didn't brutally murder Britain. Britain's eyes were closed and fortunately he's still breathing, but he felt that breathing doesn't always mean a sign of life.

The allies looked at Italy and Japan. Japan walked up to Italy and stood right next to him. He bowed as excused himself as he joined the group.

"W-what happened?" America asked. He said it with a sad tone.

Italy had a sick feeling in his stomach. His body felt cold. Japan gulped.

"Mr. Germany, was bitten by a wererorf, and we didn't know what was going on untir now. I think that Ruzt was the one who did it and wants Germany." Japan stuttered.

America looks down and he felt anxious.

"For now, we need to get England stitched. Japan, Romano, Italy, and Spain will try to find Germany." He ordered.

The allies walked out of the room. Since the door was teared open, they didn't had to open it.

Italy looked confused. He didn't know why only the four of them have to find Germany if he could be anywhere by now.

"Wait guys! How are we..." Italy was interrupted by Japan. Japan pulled Italy's arm.

"They can't herp you. Onry you can save him." Shouted Japan. His cheeks were red as he said it. He never yell or raised his voice to anyone. Italy was also surprised about.

Italy felt hopeless. He looked away and told himself not to start crying. He clenches his fist.

Spain walks to Italy. His touches Italy's right shoulder.

"Italy, we will do our best to find him. I always knew that you loved him so much." He stated.

Italy turned around and saw the look on Spain's face. No matter what happens, Spain's always in a good mood. His warm smile was one of the reasons why Romano liked him and was the reason why he was Italy's favorite brother.

"Now, tell more about what happened." Spain smiled.

Italy rubbed his eyes. Spain's happiness was contagious. It remind him of Germany's warm hugs and that kiss that happened about six months ago.

Romano didn't like how Spain was paying attention to Italy. If only Spain knew how Romano feels about treating everyone with too much generosity.

"Dammit Spain!, Time is running, and we have to find that potato-eating bastard!" Romano said in his impatient voice.

Even though, Romano didn't really care about Germany. He just wanted this to be over with. He wasn't wiling to watch Spain waste another breathe to someone else.

Spain didn't paid attention to Romano, instead he tells him something.

"Italy, how about you and Japan leave and Romano and I will catch up you guys, since I have to deal Romano for a bit.

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