Chapter 8

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Being Sick

The next few days, Italy was aware that Germany wasn't getting better. His fever was running high and he's hasn't eaten anything ever since. Germany's face became colorless. Germany was sleeping. Italy could he him breathing.

Every hour, Italy would check on him. He would sit next to him and comfort him. Today was a glooming day, outside you could see the clouds becoming dark. It was like as if the world just became a bit down because of Germany.

Italy couldn't help himself to not stop staring at Germany. His face was too attractive for Italy to handle.

Italy laid his hand on his forehead. Germany was burning up. Germany's cheeks and forehead were rosy, and his face was tight. His cold was probably hitting him hard. Italy stroked Germany's cheek softly. He was using his knuckles to do so. He felt pity for him.

A slight movement that Germany made, spooked Italy a bit. Germany's neck turned to the other side where Italy was at. He opened his eyes and took a glance of Italy. Italy stared at his blue eyes with awe. Germany was trying to smile as if he knew that Italy was comforting him.

"I-Italy?" He moaned. "Is zhat you?"

Italy felt a ray of sunlight beaming down to his face. He nods his head for a 'yes'. He continues to stroke his face. For every touch, Italy thought more about Germany's soft side. His true personality. It just takes time to release his kind, gentle heart.

"It's good to see you awake." Italy said. "I feel unsafe when you're not around. So every hour, I sit on this bed and make sure that you're ok!"

Before Germany could say anything, Italy stood up and had an idea.

"Germany! I think I know how make you feel better! I'll be back!" he shouted.

Italy left before Germany could say anything. He sat up. During that moment, Germany had that feeling again. That sensation that always gave him butterflies in his stomach. It gave him the urge to want to embrace Italy with affection. He was dreaming only about him recently. It started off with, him grabbing a light which lead him Italy. Dressing as an angel. He remember the first few sentence he said in his dream.

"Since, I treat you like a warrior and you protect me from the danger that this world has. Now, you should start treating like an angel that gives love and hope. Remember this whenever you're in trouble." These words wouldn't stop flowing through his head.

His dream stopped when he was told that within seconds, he will be awaked by the person who turned your life upside down. Germany thought that he was probably was going insane with this "whole loving Italy thing". He was trying to reason himself to not ruin this. He screwed things up only a few things, but luckily it always ended up having to tell Italy that it was a misunderstanding.

Italy was in the kitchen, he was getting prepared to cook a special dish to his dear friend. He grabs a large pot, potatoes, cabbage, wurst, and some Italian spices. He wanted to make something new by mixing his and Germany's favorite food. He was inspired by Hungary's cooking.

Hungary and Prussia said that they were going out on a stroll. They told Italy that they be back within a few hours. So far it's been more than an hour since they left. Italy wondered why Hungary chose to go out and be gone longer than usual. The good part is that he can spend more time with Germany. Italy chops up the wurst, cabbage, and potatoes. He waits for the water to boil and then add the sliced goods. He adds grinded up black peppercorn, some bay leaves and some salt so the potatoes doesn't taste dull. After the soup was finished, Italy grabs a small bowl and a wooden tray. He walks over to room.

Germany hears Italy entering the room. He looks up and sees Italy with a wooden tray. He was hit with the smell of the soup. He started sniffing.

"Do I smell....wurst vith potatoes and cabbage? Also did you added black pepper corn, salt, and bay leaves?" he asked.

Already Germany was feeling a bit better. He didn't know how he was able to identify all of those ingredients. He persuade himself by thinking that he was so used to that type of food.

Italy was a bit astonished. He wasn't expected for this to happen. He felt a little bit sad because he thought that what if his new dish was predictable. He lowered his head. Germany reacted quickly by trying to make him feel better.

"No, no I didn't mean it like zhat! It's just zhat I could smell zhe fragrance of zhe dish!" he claimed.

Quickly, Italy's mood was lifted. For a moment he was disappointed at himself by just making soup.

"Well in that case, I wanted to try some new 'GerIta' dish I've made up!" he cheered.

Germany didn't quite get what was 'GerIta'. He asked himself if this was a new trend of some sort.

"GerIta?" he asked.

Italy walks forward to set the tray. He sets it on top of his lap.

"It's our names combine! Instead of saying Germany and Italy it's GerIta!" he cheered. "I think that word is very adorable."

Germany didn't say anything after that. Italy pick up the bowl and tried to spoon-feed him like an infant. Germany felt that his chest was numb and his lowered body was tingling. He opens his mouth wide for a spoon. He feels a warm feeling around his face. After tasting the meal, Italy sees Germany what it seems to be blushing. He tilts his head. When Germany day that, he could tell that Italy was going to say something. Italy dips the spoon and he holds it in between so that Germany could taste it again.

"Say Germany why are you blushing?" Italy asked.

Germany made a short jolt which made Italy spill the spoon on to the bed sheets.

"Oh good, now zhe sheet has to be clean before zhe stain makes furzher damage towards zhe sheet!" Germany gasped.

Germany quickly gets up from the bed, revealing his body to Italy. Italy now remember the he was wearing those black briefs. Italy was glaring at Germany. He couldn't resist. He just love to see him with his hair down and only wearing his underwear. He tried to distract his mind so that he doesn't think deeper about Germany's body. He sees him looking at the stain.

"Germany! What about the meal? Remember that you haven't eaten anything ever since started to feel dizzy?!" Italy exclaimed.

Germany stop what he was doing.

"y-you're right." He muttered.

Germany grabs the bowl from Italy. He gulps it down. The more he ingested the soup, the more Italy thought if something is wrong with Germany.

"Germany, I didn't mean it like that. So far, you've been acting kind of weird. Is something wrong?" Italy asked.

Germany was finish when Italy was done talking. He wiped his face with the back of his hand. He hands him the bowl. Before saying anything, he uses his fingertips to comb his blond hair back.

"Like you said. I haven't eaten for a couple of days." Germany confessed. "By zhe way, I really liked the 'GerIta' dish.

Italy felt elated on the inside. He shouted "Ve~" and started to cuddle Germany. Italy could feel the touch of Germany's warm body. He didn't care if he got sick from him, he just wanted to snuggle him again. Italy could feel his abs along with his broad shoulders. His body was perfect for him. He didn't feel hard despite he was very muscular. He looks at Germany with his childish brown eyes.

"You know, that even though your can be loud and scary sometimes. I like the way how you have a soft side." Italy smiled.

Germany hugged him back. His numbness grew anyways but that didn't stop him. He wishes that he could be more expressive like Italy so he can tell him how he feels. Germany thought that even though he was a bit odd and that he didn't see anything wrong to hug a friend who was half nude. He still loved him and then one day he will have the guts to say that to him.

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