Chapter 15

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Night Walk

Later in the evening, Germany didn't forget about the voice. He was sure that it is his mind playing tricks with him. He was beginning to feel paranoid.

He hasn't talked to Italy since nude incident. Even though, Italy seem to be fine during dinner time. Italy did talk to Hungary, but Germany kept his head down so he wasn't able to actually see his facial reaction. He felt that he was harsh towards Italy. He quietly leaves the table and cleans up his plate.

Germany gets ready for bed. He takes off his shirt and pants. Only leaving him to have his boxers and undershirt on.

Just before he goes to bed, his body was in pain. Germany collapses to the ground. He tries to get up, but his legs feel numb. All he can do was stand on his knees and use one of his arm to stand on the floor and the other to wrap around his chest. He was worried about sudden pain.

He trembles and shakes. He moans and made noises softly with pain.

"G-grrrrrrrr" he cried.

He can feel his teeth growing. He felt like his body was taking over, and he probably was.

He closed his eyes and counted to ten. Each second felt like a minute.

The minute that he opens his eyes.....

Everything in his mind was changed.

The pain was gone again. He got up and looked around in the well-it room.

He wasn't himself. It was giving the goosebumps by just thinking about it.

He looked down and looked at his hands.

He grew claws. He realized that he was getting closer to his final form.

He somewhat like the feeling of power and strength he was having, but at the same time he knew this was bad news.

Germany turns around and looks a the open window. He smells something good. Smells like a rodent he thought.

He leaped off from the window. He went after the smell.

The door opens and it was Italy. He looked very tired. He sees something jump out off the window. He wasn't able to identify what it was.

Italy quickly runs to the window. He sees Germany outside. He lands on the grass on his fours.

Italy shouted his name.

"Germany! Germany!" He shouted.

But Germany didn't hear him. Instead, he ran off.

One of Germany's dogs enters the room. It was his German Shepard. It was carrying a leash in his mouth. The dog probably knew that something was bad.

He notice the dog, it gave him the idea to look for Germany. He had to leave the home quickly and quietly. So Prussia and Hungary won't notice him leaving the home late.

When he went outside, the Shepard was sniffing the tracks. Italy followed along.

He wanted to know what was going on. He was scared. He want to know what was Germany doing.

Italy was running as fast as he could and only was wearing his work clothes.

The dog stopped and barked a couple of times.

He found Germany.

Germany wasn't far from the home.

Germany was on the ground ripping the flesh of a dead rabbit he probably killed. Italy stomach dropped when he saw Germany's long black claws.

Italy can hear Germany munching on the creature.

Italy was starting to shake vigorously.

"G-Germany!" He whispered.

Germany had his back towards Italy. He heard his name. He got up, but he didn't turn to face Italy. He left the rabbit on the ground.

"Vhy are you not in bed Italy?" Germany commanded. He voice deepens and sounded threading.

Italy had his back arched and his knees bent. He tries his best to stay calm.

"I-I notice that you jumped out of the window and one of your dogs wanted to go for a walk, so I decided to take him out." He said.

Germany cleans his bloody chin with his tongue. His could care less what Italy was saying. His mind was only on the dead creature.

The dog was behind Italy. It was shivering for fear.

Italy realized that Germany wasn't acting like himself again.

"Well zhen, if you don't mind I'll go back zo finish some business. It's getting late also, it's best for you zo go back home." Germany said.

Italy knew that it wasn't a good idea to ask any questions. He followed his command.

"Ok, well good night." Said Italy. He tried to make sound a bit cheerful.

Italy turn around and took the dog with him.

After a couple of steps, Germany calls Italy.

"Italy, just before you leave.....promise me zhat you von't tell a soul."

Italy quickly turned around and his eyes widen.

"S-si." He respond.

Italy leaves. He wonders why Germany turn around and look at him.

Italy thinks he should do something.

But he doesn't want anyone to know about it. He thinks about this throughout the night.

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