Chapter 9

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Something new

A couple of days later, Germany is back in his feet. It seemed as if those days he was resting. Not being sick but taking a break as of. It was on a weekday morning, and Germany decided to take Prussia, Hungary, and Italy to a private weightlifting gym.

Italy finds it a bit odd that so suddenly Germany gets healed faster than usual. Germany's wound is already gone, but he had no scars whatsoever.

Italy carefully watches the Germanic brothers lift. He sits alone on a chair next to table full of folded clothes. Hungary had gone to use the bathroom. He finds it very pleasing to watch Germany flex those massive biceps and triceps. Italy doesn't do weights for a number of reasons. Also, he feels weak compare to Germany's mighty strength.

He sometimes wishes that his country was strong as his grandpa Rome was. Grandpa knew that both him and Italy's brother wasn't going a strong country. Instead, he knew that the country Italy would have a lot of history.

Italy notices that Germany was lifting more weights than usual. He also didn't seem to be getting tried. Italy knew that he's been doing this for about twenty minutes straight.

What a surprise Italy thought. For someone who was at bed rest for a couple of days....that's something you don't see everyday.

Germany was more focused then ever on his lifting. He felt energetic. All he wanted to do is to see if he's capable to lift more, and he tries.

He puts down the two 85 lb. weights down.

Prussia notices that his younger brother drops the weights. Prussia was lifting about the same weight as his younger brother. So he gets very cocky and starts to grin.

"So, you give up West?" He teased.

Germany ignores him as Prussia laughs at him.

He comes back with two hundred pound weighs. He comes goes back where he was. He returns the grin to Prussia.

Prussia was dumbfounded. His smile wasn't there anymore. He curses under his breath and sighs. Germany hears him but doesn't say a word. He looked a bit glad for once to make Prussia shut up for once.

Both men continued to lift.

Prussia looked at Germany. He didn't have any trouble with the heavy weights. Germany caught a glimpse of him and stares him back. This time he had more of a serious face. Italy sits there like a fool and watch the two men do their work quietly.

Prussia tries to break the silence with another joke of his.

"So West, did you try to use heavy weights zo act all manly zo impress your 'lover'?" Prussia laughed.

Germany takes a glance at Italy. Italy was looking around like he normally does. He sees Germany looking at him and gives him a warm smile.

"He is not my 'lover' Prussia!" Germany answered.

Prussia ignores his response and continues to laugh.

"Yeah right!" He called.

Prussia continued to laugh and laugh nonstop. He literally dropped everything and roll on the floor laughing. He was acting a bit childish. Pointing at him and singing that sitting on a tree song. Italy was a bit afraid of how Germany will react to this.

Well Germany soon got madder and madder. He clenches his fist and bites down his teeth. He drops his weights. The sound of the weights hitting on the floor made Italy sweating bullets.

He walks to a self full of weights. It was nailed down to the floor and the self was made of metal. The amount of pounds were varied. From five to one hundred and fifteen pounds. He breathes heavily. He crotches down and tries to lifted up the self.

Italy gets scared. He was hoping that it could be impossible for Germany to lift that self. Since it was nailed down to the ground, but he too worried so He gets up and shouts to tell him to stop.


Germany was too busy with trying to lift the self off the ground. Soon, the nails come off. The self was no longer attached to the ground. The nails started to burst and flew to different places. One of them almost hit Italy. When Italy dodged the nail, it penetrated to the wall.

Prussia heard cracking noises. He quickly turns around and was scared to death. He pleads. He gets on his knees and wraps his fingers together. His voice sounded as if he was crying.


Germany finally stops. At that moment, he was carrying the large self on one of his shoulders His pose looked more heroic like. He looked like as if he saved a group of people from getting smashed by a tower.

He drops it on the ground. He tries to be relaxed. Italy could see Germany's face being tense.

Germany takes his jacket and leaves without saying anything.

Prussia and Italy were still astonished from what just happened.

"Holy shit......." Prussia said it softly.

Italy looks at Prussia. He asks himself it this really happened. Did Germany really did this. How could he do it in the first place if that self probably weighed more than a ton. Italy gets up and walks to Prussia. Prussia was staring at the self with a blank look on his face.

"What's happening to Germany?" Italy asked. Italy faces to Prussia as he said this.

Prussia shrugs. He can't explain it. He has never seen Germany behave like this. He has a temper but never in Prussia's life he's seem Germany destroying property. Prussia thought something is on with his brother personally.

"Could it be?" Thought Prussia.

Prussia decides to find Germany. Before leaving he hears footsteps. It was probably Hungary.

Hungary enters the room. She heard the noises from the bathroom. She looks at the mess. Her mouths becomes wide open when she see the self that was supposedly nailed to ground which not was not anymore.

"W-what happened!?!" Asked Hungary.

Prussia lowered his voice. His doesn't look at Hungary. His platinum blond hair color bangs covered his eyes.

"Hungary c-can you valk Italy back home. I-I need to check something." Said Prussia.

Prussia runs and looks for Germany. He has now made the biggest regret of his life. He was hoping that Germany didn't gone to far.

Hungary and Italy look at each other without saying a word.

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