Chapter 17

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Interesting Stories

'xx month, xx day

Just a couple days ago, Italy told me that he wanted to spend more time with Japan. His answer why wasn't reasonable with me but I get a feeling that it has to do with what happened that night. I'm starting to know less about myself. Luckily, I'm alone today so I won't cause more trouble again. I still not believing that the beast is right.'

Germany was wearing his military uniform and was writing the last words of his journal entry in his office.

He had go to a meeting soon. With his boss to be exact. Feeling anguish and tired, he runs his fingers through his hair. Tracing his hair direction. He wasn't in a mood to do anything.

"This can't be happening." He sighed.

He gradually made himself get up and gets ready to leave the room.


Italy walks to the library, just like he thought. It was massive. The library grew since the last time he visited. Italy would probably spend the whole day searching.

He starts looking for the 'W' section.

As he pass by the books one by one, he gently rubs his fingers against spine of the books.

Nothing in the 'W' section.

Italy walks over to the other sections.

He goes to "M" for myths.

Fortunately, he finds a library case filled of myths from each country.

Greece and Japan entered the room. They had never seen Italy so focused in his life. In this scenario, something was up.

They both look at each other and shrugged. Suggesting that maybe Germany sent him on a wild goose chase to buy Germany some time.

Italy carries a mountain full of books. He sets on a table close by.

One by one he reads them. He tries to look for key words. He was expecting that just having the topic of 'werewolf' to be easier. Who know that Italy would have to work very hard today.

Japan looks at Italy. He has a feeling that Italy wasn't doing this for nothing.

"Uh, Itary.... Would you rike any assistance?" He asked.

Italy quickly scanned the books. He knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to tell Japan the whole true. Italy didn't like that idea because Japan was his friend. On the other hand, if Japan knew what's going on, then he might want to confront it to Germany.

Who knows what will Germany react to that situation.

But he has to tell. Italy could be stuck here for days if he doesn't get any help.

His mind flashback to the past.He told himself that why was he stupid. Why wasn't he there went it happened. His thought began to bury him alive. He lowered his head and began to cry.

"Y-yes..." He sniffed.

Italy crosses his arms and tries to bury his head.

Japan and Greece looks at Italy. Greece looks at Japan and gives him a nod.

Greece leaves without saying a word or giving Japan a kiss to the forehead.

Japan sits next to Italy. He was about to pat Italy on the back before......

Italy quickly hugs Japan. He starts weeping.

"Germany will be gone forever if I don't find the right information. I love him too much. I haven't even told him about my feelings!" He cried.

Japan looked a bit confused. He didn't know what was going on. He asked himself that why would Germany be gone. He's a strong nation. After WWII, he's been trying his best to repair most of the things that he was lost. His reputation, the economy, and others' trust towards him.

"Itary, what's happening to Mr. Germany?" Japan asked.

Italy lets go of Japan. He wipes his tear with his hands.

"More five months ago, when we went to camping and he got bit from that wolf. Ever since that day, he's been acting different. He might be staring to turn into those werewolves like you see in many movies. He hasn't got to his final form yet. I'm just worry that what if this affects Germany and his life. He doesn't deserve this. I love him too much." Italy sobbed.

Japan didn't know what to say. It was sort of hard for him to believe it.

He takes it as for granted.

"What has Germany done so far?" Japan questioned.

He grabs Italy's shoulders firmly and gives him a serious look. He was willing to help him.

Italy looks up.

He gives Japan a sad look.

"He's started to be a lot stronger. He's more active during the night. Whenever I see him in the night he acts a bit aggressive. Last week, he jumped through the open window from his room to catch and kill a rabbit. When I got there, he seemed to be eating it. He didn't turn around or even look at me and I hear him growling and snarl like a rabid dog ever since that day at night." Italy explained.

Japan looked ain't surprised.

He thought that the night when Germany and Italy visited his home to work on war tanks. That would explain why the fridge was really low on fish and meat products. Germany must of been really hungry for him to do that.

Japan gets up.

With enthusiasm, he motivates Italy to keep on looking.

"Werr then, we can't sit around. We must find that book." He said.

Greece comes back to the room, he couldn't help himself from over hearing everything.

He holds a book in his hand.

Japan and Italy look at Greece.

"I was going to give this book to Japan later in the evening, but I think you guys will need it." Greece said with a slow boring tone.

Italy just realized how boring Greece voice was. If it weren't for Germany, Italy would of likely to be fallen asleep the next time he heard it.

Greece hands Italy the book.

Just what they needed.

A book about werewolves based on every countries myths.

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