Chapter 10

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The Truth

Germany didn't leave too far from where he was at. He's at the fields approximately a half of a mile from the place. It was somewhat windy outside. Germany could feel the breeze touching his face softly. The touch was like how Italy touched his face days back.

He sighs. He had regrets what he did. Making his brother and his best friend be scared of their lives. He didn't know how could he manage to lift to many pounds. Was it the amount of hate that he had in his brother that made his hormones react differently.

He's at a sitting position. His thighs are close to his chest. He tries to bury his head. It made him feel like a kid. Running away from problems. Hoping that everyone would forget about it.

"Vhy did I acted so different?" He told himself.

The sun was setting. The scene was beautiful with it's glaring orange sun and the clouds with a pinkish hue. It reminded Germany of Italy's eyes. Sometimes you'll see his eyes shining so bright that it was like the sun beaming a ray at you.

Germany deepen to his thoughts, and returned back to thinking what happened.

He wondered how could he at that moment be hot head and be able destroy property. The nail bolts screeching and popping everywhere made Germany shiver. He looks at his hands. So thick and causing damage was written all over. His fingers started from the side of the hair that was closet to his forehead and slid it back words against it.

Germany heard someone calling his name. The yell was getting closer every second. It was a familiar sound. He turns around to see who it is.

It's Prussia.

So far Germany didn't want things to become worse. He wasn't in the mood to face him right now, but he knew that he couldn't walk away from it.

Prussia was getting closer. He was waving his hand in the air trying to get his attention.

"West! West!" Shouted Prussia.

He manages to catch up with him. He bends down with his hands on his knees catching his breath.

"West *pants* I *pants* to talk to you!" He said. When he looked at Germany. Germany could see Prussia looking dead tired from searching.

Prussia collapses and landed his body next to Germany. Without a surprise, Germany tries to look away.

He looks at his younger brother. It was looking at a young boy who was pouting. A really large boy to be exact. Prussia with a smirk on his face gets ups and uses his forearm to support him.

"Lud, rememver vhen you were little, Every time when you got upset......." Said Prussia.

Germany looks at him with a disapproval look. He shake a his head. Germany thought he couldn't be talking about this right now. It was dumb to talk about right now and it even dumb back then too.

"Gil, not this again." Germany whined.

Prussia looks at his brother as his smirk grew wider. He lowered his eyebrows

"I'll do it if you don't say." Said Prussia.

Germany rolls his eyes.

"Ok, I'll say...." Germany was interrupted.

Prussia attacked him from behind, and tickled Germany's ribs. Germany jerked and moved very quickly to get Prussia off of him. He tried to maintain the laughter that was growing. He couldn't stop lifting his arms from being overwhelmed with Prussia's remedy for laughter.

Germany couldn't help it, but he started burst out laughing. His face became red from the lack of air he was breathing.

"Hahaha, You...know...I...don't play childish games!" Laughed Germany.

Prussia didn't stop. It was like the good old days when they were actually family.

"Don't zell me to stop or I'll let Gilbird do it on you too." Prussia teased.

The brothers were having their moment. It was harder for Prussia to tickle him than it was back then because Germany use to be so small and cute, but now he's a grown buff man

"You're lucky zhat you became to be a a lot taller zhan me and more buffer." Said Prussia. "Now, do you feel better?"

Germany had an awkward look on his face.

When Prussia saw that look, he stopped.

They both sit next to each other, and watched the sunset. Prussia was patting Germany on the back. Germany felt different. He felt like this would be a good time to tell Prussia something.

Germany turns to look at his brother and tries to confess something.

"Bruder, I have zomething to zell you." Germany confessed.

In a surprise manner, Prussia looks at his brother.

"Vhat is it West?" Asked Prussia.

Germany takes a deep breath before saying anything.

"You vere right, I do like Italy....I do question about my sexuality.....and I actual vould like to be more than friends with him." Germany said with embarrassed. His cheeks are blushing and he avoided eye contact from Prussia.

Prussia doesn't comment about his confession. Instead he pats Germany's broad shoulders.

"Ahhh West. I knew zhat zhis would happened. I'm sorry for teasing you like zhat." Said Prussia.

Germany didn't want to be reminded of what happen today, but he doesn't react to it much. Germany makes a small tug to his neck collar from his undershirt. He swallows a lump he feels in his throat.

"I-it's ok, you usually tease me." Said Germany nervously.

Germany feels like he isn't finish confessing.

"I wish I knew that if Italy loved me back." Said Germany quietly.

Prussia flinched. It made his have some sympathy for him. It reminded him back then when Hungary and him were just rivals. As they grew together, he began to feel weird towards her especially when he realized that she was girl. That day when he saw her hurt, and tried to give her the crotch cloth. At the end, Prussia saw Hungary's cleavage. He didn't wanted to think of her like that, so what he did was he took he clothes of and let Hungary keep it and walked off with only wearing his long john. Ever since that day, nothing they did together was the same. Prussia took another view of the sky.

Since it was getting late, Prussia stood up. He led his brother a hand.

"Come on West, it's getting late!" Smiled Prussia.

Without a word, Germany grabbed his hand and got up.

The Germanic brothers walked home together.

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