Chapter 20

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Disaster Moment

"All right dudes, is everyone here!" Shouted America as he walked in to the room and sat on his chair.

The meeting was starting.

There were only ten countries in the room: Germany, Italy, S. Italy, Japan, Spain, America, England, China, Russia, and France.

No one really paid attention to what America had said. For the first few minutes, everyone was quiet.

England who was sitting next to America, was a bit impatient.

"Just tell us your stupid introduction, you bloody wanker." He shouted.

America seem to frown at Britain and started to speak.

"Well, we all here because my place is running short with petroleum and I was wondering if you guys can help me." He cheered.

England stood up. He lean in front of America and he lean back.

"And why do we want to help you!" He shouted.

America starts laughing and pushes England's face away from him.

"First of all Mr. Acting-like-you-have-P.M.S., since my country is fighting so my country is too busy being the hero like always, I just need help with back up and supplies/ammunition. By the way, also petroleum." He said.

France starts laughing at America's joke.

"Yeah, Mr. P.M.S. Guy he just wants my militaries strength. Which is the strongest in this group." France praised himself.

Britain didn't agreed that statement. He turns towards France.

"Well princess, if you say that you strong. Then explain how everyone can spot you even the Italian brothers." His eyebrows raised.

The moment that Romano (S. Italy) heard that the 'Italian brothers' were included, he stood up and answer.

"Well then forever-a-scone, my brother and I may not have a great military, but at least our foods isn't so shitty that Many people would rather be like a dog and eat German food." He shouted.

France laughed because he knew that it was true. England was frustrated. He clench his fist and try to be relaxed.

"Well at least, I'm not so old that I out lived China" grinned England.

France's smile turn upside down and was angry. He begins to walk to Britain and strangle him. China jolts and started mumbling insults in his own language.

"Watch it, you scumbag! You know that I'm not that old and China's only four thousand years old." France barked.

France wraps around England's neck he doesn't add too much pressure to him. Only enough so that he can breath.

"Yeah! What's the big idea? Just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm weak and I spend my life playing dorky fairytale games." China shouted.

Britain talks trash back and then China, England and France started fighting while America eats his donut and laughs.

America walks to Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and Romano.

"So...are you guys willing to help me?" America asked.

America hands were on Germany and Spain's shoulder. Both of them were sitting next to each and got their attentions. They both looked each other.

Spain didn't know what to say. He didn't really want to be part of this and neither did Germany.

"Well, I don't think I can help at this moment..." Spain made a sigh.

Germany didn't say anything. He sat and didn't utter a word.

Like always Italy starts suggesting to use white flags.

"Whits flags for all" he cheered.

America ignored Italy. He starts getting closer to Germany.

"So, Germany. I heard you had a pretty amazing military. I was wondering...." America was interrupted. Germany shoves his thick hand in front of America's face.

"Go and kiss some country's ass. It's going to take a lot for me to agree to vork vith you." Germany said.

Russia was behind America. When America stood up and turned. It scared him. Russia was smiling.

"I would be glad to help you." He smiled.

America could feel this eerie sensation. It was threading and he could hear him making the bell sound.

The meeting became a disaster. Romano was yelling at Italy. France, Britain and China were fighting as usual. Japan wanted to talk but no one cared. He still was talking anyways. Now Russia and America were discussing.

Germany grew annoyed with these people.

They never actually had a proper meeting.

Spain looks at Germany. He sees that he's becoming angry.

Not only Germany was getting angry, he's starting to feel the pain again.

His chest ached. He uses one hand to cover his forehead and the other for his abdomen.

He could feel Spain's hand on his shoulder.

Spain just thought that it wasn't a big deal. So he talks to Germany.

"Don't get so mad, Germany. This meeting was a waste of time." He claimed.

Germany shuddered. His teeth started to chatter. He doesn't turn to look at him. The pain grew rapidly.

"It's not z-zhat! It's zomething else." He whispered. "You von't understand."

Spain didn't quiet get what he was trying to say. He tilted his head.

"Well ok... But is there anything I can do for you?" Spain asked.

Germany's mind was at a different place. For some reason, he could hear that damn wolf's voice. It feels like he was standing right next to him whispering his ear.

"Ludwig, this is your night. Your body is ready for the transformation. I can feel the power rushing through your veins. Come on Germany it's late out. Don't you want to go on a hunt today." Said the voice.

Germany's body was starting to shake profoundly. He clenches one of his hands to a fist. He can feel his teeth is starting to grow. He closes his eyes tightly.

Spain sees Germany in terrible pain. He gets a bit scared.

"Germany! Are you okay?" He yelled. Spain's hands were on Germany's shoulder and back. He shakes him.

Germany can't hear him. His mind is too busy to the voices.

"Come on Germany, you want this! This will go away if you let it out!" The voice demanded.

Germany could feel his fingernails becoming claws. He begins to growl.

"N-nein, I-I must......." He whispered.

Before he could finish. The next that happened, he open his eyes and saw the world different for the first time. He lifted his head like for a take off.

"NNNNOOOOTTT!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Germany's voice was so loud that

the room started to shake like an earthquake.

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