Chapter 35

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His Dream

Italy starts to bawl. He walks closer to dead man and drops his knees to the ground. His tears fell on the open hole of Germany’s chest. His snout was open and his eyes are wide-awake, but without any shine on his pupils. Italy’s forehead touches his furry pecks, which made him to be coat with even more blood.

“W-Why did you have to die in such a cruel way. I-I didn’t even get to hear you say that you loved Me.” The way he said it made it sound so pain to listen to the devastated Italian.

In his human form, Lutz stood behind him with his exposed upper body and his pants shredded up to his knees. His hands were still dirty from the blood. He stares at his prize lustfully. With no shame, he steps forward and kneels down next to Italy.

“Do worry my dear friend. Now that makes the two of us that lost someone who we loved.” Said Lutz.

While he told Italy that, he seductively slid his hands to Italy’s back and then to his waist. Italy’s body shivered with discomfort. Italy wondered why a man like Lutz would want him so bad. The rubbing from the waist was so uncomfortable that Italy tried to get away from him.

“Damn you! Who the fuck do you think you are? You killed my brother and now you want to screw my brother’s best friend?!” Prussia roared in full rage.

Prussia takes a glance at his brother. The minute when he actually believed that Germany was dead, he took it hard for himself.

Lutz turned his head and made a small smile. He got up and walked to Prussia. He stand tall trying to let Prussia to realize that there was a height difference between both men. Prussia ignored it and stared him with his piercing ruby.

“How about you go and fuck yourself you…” it was the only thing that Prussia could say before he was hit with a double whammy. One to his abdomen and the other was straight to his back after he hunched over.

Prussia fell and was on a fetal position. He wrapped his stomach with his good arm. He was groaning in pain.

Italy shouted and went after him.

An arm extended and grab Italy’s tiny wrist. It took him a couple of steps for him to realize that his arm was restricted. The grasp was very firm and strong. Italy turned his head to see Lutz holding him.

A pair of shiny purple lights flashed at Italy. With an innocent look, his face showed fear and being traumatized. His brown eyes were very puppy-like and they were shaking in a fast tempo. A flash of thunder cracked as Lutz showed his half-smile once again. Light rain shower soon came along.

“Please…. Don’t hurt me or any other person anymore. I just want to left alone.” Italy’s voice cracked.

The crying voice for the Italian pleased the wolf man. Watching him being vulnerable and quit so easily. He thought that who knew that taking someone that you desire the most would break the person.

He forcefully pulled Italy very close. His drenched chest were stick together with Italy. Their hands were cling together and arms bent in a ninety-degree angle pointing upwards. His terrifying smile made Italy’s stomach churn.

“You look exactly like him, but you lack of his personality.” Lutz whispers to himself very happily.

His other hand plants softly on the other man’s hips. Stroking his behind and fragile back. Italy was still very tense and stood there like a wall.

Prussia rolls over to see Lutz trying to seduce poor Italy. Prussia turns his at the other countries who were still distress from the death. There is nothing that they can do. If the others tried to help, then it will be a death wish for them. From his peripheral vision, he could see his brother lying motionlessly.

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