Chapter 18

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Germany closes the door behind him. He suddenly feels a warm feeling rushing through his body. He assumed that it was probably because he might be nervous for today's meeting. His boss called a couple of days ago saying that she wanted to talk about the progression of the country.

The way she said it the other day didn't sound so bad but just having to talk to her was nerve wrecking for Germany.

He thinks about the ways he could try that wouldn't let the boss feel disappointed from any mistakes he might make during the meeting as he walks.

He walks into the living room and sees he older brother sleeping with dogs on the couch once again. It was very early in the morning so it would explain why was Prussia wearing only his night boxers. Most of the time when he's at home, he walks around the home with his undergarments.

Prussia was sleeping quietly as his arms and legs were all over the couch and he was drool like a Saint Bernard. Germany was annoyed that his couch was ruin from his brother's awesomeness.

At first, he wanted to wake him up so he could keep his mind off of the meeting but he he change his mind and he spoke to himself a little bit too loud.

Prussia woke up. He gets up and wipe the leftover saliva with his arm. He scratches his inner thigh and takes a minute to have his eyes to be adjusted. The first thing he sees is his brother.

"West? Vhy are you up zhis early on a weekend." He rubs his eyes and blinks a couple of times.

"It's nozhing really, I vas wonder in why you were sleeping in the living room."
Germany sort of lied.

Prussia gets off of the coach. He flexes his spine and slouches a little.

"Don't worry about me. I vas having trouble sleeping and so I decided to watch some late night shows in the living room so I won't vake my Fox from her beauty sleep." Prussia explain as he walks back. "Zhat also reminds me. I need to go to my room before I get caught."

It's been a while since Prussia truly acted his own self. Ever since that day she said "I do" he became a little less childlike.

"Vell zhen, I see you in a hour or two. I have a meeting to catch up to." Germany cleared his throat.

Prussia shook his head and he headed to the room and Germany went to his destination.

Italy grabbed the book.

Japan thank Greece and gave him a hug in return. Greece lay his chin on top of the smaller nation's head. They let go quickly and Greece sits on the chair.

Italy was excited so he started reading aloud.

"For many years, these ferocious beast have been well known for their actions. Unfortunately, these animals do not change their forms whenever there's a full moon or a blood moon. The werewolf is a powerful creature. It's five senses are 10x stronger than an average human....."
Italy read.

Japan and Italy looked at each other. They were intrigued with the into.

Then they look at Greece. He fell asleep while sitting down. Japan wasn't surprised.

Italy continues to read.

"In some countries, they believed that people who were born with a rare hair disorder could be werewolves. They thought that at night their hair grew longer and they acted like wild dogs. At that time, people barely knew anything about them.

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