Chapter 34

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Broken Hearts

Lutz flexes his hand and soon the blood that was dripping below, now returned to his forearm at the same path that it went. It was like something similar to watching a footage backwards. Germany open his mouth for a gasp. Another thing that he had to his sleeves.

Lutz had a mirthful smile and burst out his psychotic laugh. He was becoming insane. He lean backwards and lift his snout to an erected angle. His chuckling become a violent screech. 

At first, Germany's thought were about what was happening. As soon as that high pitch sound wave met his ear, he was in excruciating pain. Covering his ears, he see that everything was vibrating to the beat of the sound. The bushes rustled and shiver, making itself lose its own leaves. Germany's minded blacked out as his body turned paralyzed. 

He collapsed forward but his upper body had some strength left within. The nuisance sound would not stop. The other countries that was sitting down shortly rose themselves up. The throbbing ground made their leg muscles react to it quickly. As soon Italy saw Germany in relentless pain, he embraced Hungary. His arms around her neck and he buries his head from the open space he had left.

In a surprised manner, she flinched from the sudden move. She stays still and comforts Italy. In the other hand, Prussia and the other men looked distress. Especially Prussia himself.

Lutz had finally stopped with his torture tool. Germany who was still weak to get up, could heat Lutz coming closer. Every step he made, the more Germany could feel his heart pumping out of his chest. Blood rushed through his body. His body was giving him the right treat to regain his mobility. He looked up with his weary eyes. The white figure was standing in front. It was obvious who it was.

A hand struck at Germany's powerful neck. He was being lift to the midnight sky like a ragdoll. His orange eyes look teary and depressed. "Was this the end of him?" He thought. His body hasn't fully recovered yet and he knew that this was likely from the screech. There was a side of him that told him to never give up.

He had flashbacks of WWII, remember how many of his people died for a no good reason. All he did was he listened to the boss. He never knew that listening to someone would hurt millions of people. The fact that he wasn't the only one that fell for the boss's lies and his friends never left him. No matter what did during the war, they were there helping him through the rough moments of his early adulthood. Japan, Prussia, Italy and Hungary knew that Germany was just trying to have a better country. After all the things he lost, they seemed to be ok with it. Even though Prussia was collapse and now his name is no longer on the map, Prussia was still a part of Germany.

Lutz stared at the blank face Germany had. It only made Lutz have a frown. The other had his head pointing to the ground. Germany's body had very little strength. 

"Quit acting like wuss and fight like the 'Germany' people have talked about." Lutz teased 

Slowly Germany lifted his head. He force his hands to move and he tried to pry open Lutz's grip. He didn't really know he could manage to do this but he proceed.

"Unlike you, I have many reason vhy I should be alive." Germany's voice deepens as he flings his neck side to side.

After minutes of being blue, Italy stood there with his forehead on Hungary and his slender arms around her. Italy felt a hand on his left shoulder that felt too heavy for it to be Hungary. Knowing that the first time ever he didn't cry, he looks. Prussia was standing at Italy's side. The other hand was in his pants pocket. One of his sleeve was completely gone and instead he had his upper part of his arm wrapped. The cloth was from his jacket. Italy wasn't sure, when he was wrap so looked at it first and thought that she could have done it himself like what Germany would always do whenever there wasn't a first aid kit by him. 

"Zhere’s no reason vhy you should start being disappointed." Prussia said in a serious tone very similar to Germany. "Remember zhat it's Germany. He's zhe one who you're in love vith for a reason. He never gave up and took care of you."

As soon Prussia said that, Italy let go of Hungary. Feeling a bit anguished he takes a deep breathe in and exhales. He realized that it was true that he still loved Germany dearly. He walks forward and sees Germany still in Lutz's grip. Germany was struggling. He looked like as if he was about to be defeated. Italy cups around his mouth.

"Germany! Your life depends on this! Do the one thing you've have always done ever since I met you....and it's to push yourself no matter how hard it looks!" Italy cheered.

Italy didn't need Germany to turn to make sure that he was listening. He could see that his strength was returning and his force grew.

Lutz was losing his grip and he thought of something quick. Therefore, he threw Germany to a couple of trees. Knocking his head first, it gave him time. Germany's back was up against the tree and his slide to the ground.

Germany reopen his eyes and saw Lutz trying to snatch him but he jolted quickly and he got out of the way.

Lutz made a pivot turn and lunged at him making Germany fall back and Lutz be one top of him. This made Italy a bit worried. Lutz made a fury swipe at Germany's chest. His chest was cover in massive amounts of blood. Germany struggled and tried with all of his might to push him away. The pain grew above his heart. He knew that this was his last chance.

Soon he got himself up, he claw Lutz's face. However, it didn't work. Lutz burst his hand out and grabbed Germany's heart. Italy ran forward.


Prussia ran after him. Telling him to stop, but Italy didn't listen. His heart drops as he sees Italy get close to the werewolves. Lutz saw Italy, which made him want to speed up the death sentence, and yanked Germany's heart out. Germany couldn't say a word. He never did had his final word. Last thing he saw was his heart drooling blood from another man's hand. It was the least expected way he thought he could die.

Lutz dropped Germany's lifeless body to the ground while still holding his heart. Prussia was still far away from them.

What Lutz did next was gruesome. He felt proud that he had won and by celebrating. He squeezed every bit of its juice. Splattering all over himself and Italy. It was so much blood in Germany's heart that Italy was literally in cover by red stains. Watching it was a very dramatic moment for everyone not only because of his heart but because of also watching a great nation die in such a horrible way.

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