Chapter 37

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Blood Wolf

A powerful monster stood there aggressively. His eyes glowing a speck of white darted at Germany. Germany never felt scared for his life. He didn't have any idea how he was supposed to defeat him. He became alert as he walked around Lutz. Observing every inch of him in a safe distance.

The mighty wolf's spit became like a waterfall as it drools down from his mouth. Germany was unable to know if he was insane or not.

"Looks like someone's going to be annihilated two times in a row today." Lutz imitated him as his chest expanded for every huff he inhaled.

He exposed his scissoring teeth and his blank orbs made Germany's blood escalate. For a moment, he could only hear the rhythmical sound of his ticker. He buffed his chest and changed his body language. His mind went all over the place, the thought of Italy, his other friends/family, his fatherland, his life etc. His gut became cold. It wasn't a good sign for him. He looked away looking distressed.

"Your body tells me strength, but you're face tells me weakness. Every weak person is assigned with a cause of death, but the heroes announce it on their own." Lutz stated as he kept a close eye Germany for the past few minutes.

For Lutz, this was a fun game to play. He has been manipulating Germany for a little while. Now he awaits the next death of Germany. He is very confident that he won't be defeated and is ready to fight.

Lutz swept back his left foot and lift it forward. Like a rampaging bull, he tries to tackle him. Unfortunately, He head-butted at Germany's torso. He was stuck in an instant. He tried not to flinch but he hunch a bit. This time he wasn't hit so hard that he flew back and landed on a tree or something.

Italy clenched his fist and held to his heart as he used the other to wrap around it and lifted his shoulders. Wishing that everything would be ok. He tries to whisper while the gust of wind passing. Hoping that the wind will take his words.

"Good luck, my friend..." he cried. It's been a long night and he hasn't stop weeping for his future loved one.

"Come on dude! You only got one life to live!" A familiar voice yelled.

As he wiped his teary eyes, Italy could recognized the owner of the annoying voice.

America of course all of the sudden decides to root for Germany. He wasn't in the mood to say anything to him. The other countries haven't said anything since the minute Lutz revealed his identity. They were probably still afraid to stand behind the bushes the moment they saw him.

Lutz was not surprise that Germany did not even bulged. He had a feeling that he will soon will face Germany's true strength once he realized on his own.

On all fours, it looked like Lutz was ready to pounce at him. His face still tight from the very beginning and his blank stare made it a bit difficult to determine if he was really staring at him. Both of them looked at each other. Both of them were willing to kill the other if it meant keeping Italy.

Germany's mind kept reminding him about the words that Lutz said about wanting Italy. With erotic words to describe his needs, it gave Germany another reason to stand his ground.

Lowering his joints and arching his back, Lutz tries to head-butt Germany's jaw. Instinctively, he grabs Lutz's throat and pierces it with his claws. Constricting and stabbing him with his own paws, Lutz squeal as he felt his throat get tighter and tighter.

"Do you really think that strangulation will be my cause of death?!" Lutz roared. "Idiot! My abilities are far more superior to this!"

Germany did not see it to be useless. He proceeds penetrating his thorax. His neck spurted out his red fluids. Germany did get why Lutz has not made him lost his grip. He still writhe and struggle, but it was as now Germany was the strongest wolf.

As the grip tightens with full potential, Lutz starts to choke.

Watching Germany deprive Lutz from breathing gave shivers to Italy. He was afraid that Germany was going too far. A sparkle of water fell from his eye. He burst out the bush and cries.

"Please...Germany...don't." He sobs.

After a few steps, he wrist was immediately been grabbed. Italy turns to see it was Spain.

"Big brother, you have to let me go!" Italy cried.

Spain looked at Italy with a mournful express as he heard Italy's plaintive cries. He clenches his hand and his eyes rolls to a side.

"It's too dangerous and..." At that moment, Italy threw his hands up and was release.

"How can you say that?" He sodded. "If he kills someone, then how can things go back to...?”

"It'll never be the same. Just look at what is going on. Not only it changed for you but it changed for all of us." Spain said abruptly.

Instead of using his typical nod, he ran off and screamed.

"Italy! Wait!" Spain yelled.

The wind took Italy's tears as his calls travel. He sees a clear view of Germany.

His high-pitched voice triggered Germany and he reacted quickly. He sees Italy running towards him.

He turns back to see Lutz and his bleeding neck. His face looked dead and he looks at Germany.

"Just...kill me already." Lutz begged.

With a disgraced look on his face, declawed and released Lutz.

“Just stop! This isn’t you!” Cried the Italian.

Italy got closer a bit. He raised both of his arms showing no harm. His eyes looked as if he was going to cry again.

Just as when Lutz landed to the ground. His mercilessly smirk returned to his face. Just as he thought, he planned to get Germany distracted. He got himself ready to lunge. For now, Germany was too busy staring at Italy.

When Italy saw the he got his attention, he was elated until….he saw Lutz.

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