Chapter 5

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When they reached to the tents, they went inside Germany's tent. There he had a first aid kit. His tent wasn't fairly too big. It was enough that you were able to stand without your head getting hit. It was a military style tent also. Fortunately, the five of them were able to fit inside the tent. Japan pulls out a chair and Hungary takes the kit out. Germany sits on the ground and he puts his arm on the chair.

Hungary tells Japan and Prussia to leave...

"Are you sure? A nurse always needs a great looking doctor." Prussia smiled.

Japan was quite. He stands next to Italy. His back was a bit slouched.

Hungary is flatter by Prussia. She gives him a wink to show him that she's doesn't need the extra help.

The two men leave. Without saying anything.

Italy looks a bit stressed. He sits on the ground next to Germany.

When Hungary lit up the lantern, she gets ready. She puts her gloves on.

Italy looks at Germany with a sad face.

"I'm sorry." He muttered. He tries to hide his face after he said that.

Germany looks at Italy. Doesn't know why is Italy sorry. It's not like it's his fault. Germany thought he should of killed the animal before it was too late. What happened stills haunts him. His memories still repeat the event, like a broken record. He tries to forget it.

So Germany decides to lightly stroke Italy's auburn colored hair. Germany likes the feeling of his hair. So soft, and smooth. He never realized how it felt until now. He smiles when he thought about his hair.

Italy noticed that someone was touch his head. He moves his head slightly upward. Of course it was Germany's hand. Italy doesn't know any other person who has big, thick hands like Germany's. Compare to Germany, Italy was smaller, and less muscular. Italy always felt.....a bit more feminine than the rest of guys. Not because of his own anatomy but it's just that he gets along with the girls easier than the guys. His thoughts were interrupted...

"You know it's not your fault." Germany said. He gives Italy a pleasant stare.

Italy smiles. Another thing he liked about Germany was his eyes. It's the color of the sky. Light blue. The reason why Italy liked the color because it reminds of the time when he always looked at the sky when he was younger. He could remember being a little boy and drawing outside. So because of that he can never stop staring at his eyes even when Germany is mad at him. In Italy's mind, there's too many reasons why he liked about Germany.

Hungary was ready. She had a wet rag full of antibiotics that can prevent Germany from getting any diseases. She lightly daps it on his arm.

It stings.

Germany grinds his teeth. He tries to take his mind off of the pain. He thinks about Italy.

He always thought that Italy was too adorable for guy. Even though he's utterly stupid, he can't always be mad at him. He gets jealous when Italy talks to women. Because of Italy, he sometimes questions about his own sexuality. Prussia was right. Only Prussia would know something like that. Germany always liked how Italy's eyes had a light. A light that showed more of his child-like manners and behavior. He like it how Italy wasn't a typical man like himself. The more he thought about Italy the more he found reasons why he liked him and the less pain he felt from the medicine.

After Hungary was finished with dapping his arm, she gets the needle and thread. She estimates how much she'll need and breaks the line with her teeth.

She is surprised about how Germany wounds was already starting to heal fast. He lost less blood than she expected. Also, he stop bleeding just six minutes after he was bitten. She was ready for the stitching.

"Alright, I will now stitch you up. This might hurt even more than the rag." She said.

She inserts it through his skin.

She was right. It did hurt more.

Germany grabbed his shirt and he clenched his fist with it.

"Aaaaaaaagh!" He moaned.

He continues to make noises. It even hurts for Italy to hear.

The thoughts about Germany became a bit deeper. Italy had a weird feeling in his stomach. So he gets close to Germany, and closer. To the point where he's right next to Germany.

Germany looks at him. Trying to smile.

Italy does something out or the ordinary.

He kisses Germany right in the lips..

Germany hesitates. At the same time, Germany was sort of hoping that his day would come, but it's too early for him. His eyes were wide open and he tried his best to not kiss him back under any circumstance. Both of Italy's arm were locked around his neck. Things heated up for the both of them.

It surprised Hungary, and she mentally shrieks with joy when she sees it. For her it was like watching an ending of a yaoi soap opera.

Italy lets go of Germany. He backs away a bit from Germany he doesn't make eye contact Germany. He tries to hide his face with his bangs.

Germany is still made him speechless.

"I-Italy.........." His voice trembled.

"I just did it, so you can forget the pain." Italy interrupted. "It's too much for one day" Italy voice cracked a bit. He sounded as if he was ready to cry.

He blushes when he said that. He looks away.

Germany gasped and hesitates.

Hungary finishes with Germany's arm and she warps with bandages. For her this was the best thing that she has ever seem other than that time when Prussia confessed his feelings to her.

"And we're finished!" Said Hungary.

She gets up and leaves.

"Well I should get back with Prussia right now. I hope you get better Mr. Germany." She added.

Germany looks back and watches Hungary leaves.

"Zhank you, Mrs. Hungary. Can you tell my burder zhat I zaid zhanks also?" He responded.

Hungary stops. She looks back. She stares at the men and gives them a smile.

"No problem, and I'll make sure Prussia gets the word." She said.

She leaves.

Germany clear his throat. He gets up and doesn't look at Italy.

"Goodnight Italy." He said. He gets to his sleeping bag.

As he gets ready, Italy tries to speak.

"Germany..." His voice was shaky.

Still not looking back, he still responses.

"Yes?" He said it seriously.

Italy was afraid what will he react to what happened a bit earlier.

"S-so about that thing that happened..." he doesn't complete his sentence. He was hoping that Germany would figure out on his own.

"Oh, yes let's not talk about for now." Germany suggested. "Goodnight Italy." he added.

As soon Germany tries to sleep, Italy decides to sleep too.

The day ended for now.

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