Chapter 11

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Nighttime Chat

When the brothers returned home, they saw Hungary and Italy already prepared their dinner. Germany was the first one to excuse himself, and went off to bed. Soon Italy went along with his roommate. Prussia was becoming very quite. He offered Hungary to help clean up that kitchen, and told her that she could get ready for the night.

He left the kitchen looking spotless, and enter his room. He sees Hungary already dressed, and on the bed. Prussia thought she looked dainty with her purple tank top and her short girl boxers. Prussia saw a smile from her face. He returned his smile and started stripping away his day clothing. This night he decided to wear his nation's flag boxers.

He goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He had a very tiring and depressed facial expression. He felt that he had a long day. He sees Hungary behind him from the mirror. She was waiting outside of the door. He turned with his toothbrush in mouth.

"I was wondering if you can braid my hair tonight." She said.

Prussia thought that Hungary might have an idea with what happened. He finishes what he was doing, and tells her that he'll be there in a couple minutes.

Prussia comes out of the bathroom. Hungary was sitting on the bed with her legs criss-crossed. He sat behind her sitting with the same position. He starts gathering all of her hair. Prussia never knew that hair could be so silky, and smooth.

Prussia slowly braids as he thinks about everything that Germany said. Ever since Prussia got together with Hungary, he's unable to keep things to himself.

"Anything wrong Prussia?" Asked Hungary. "Ever since you left to find Germany, you've been acted strange."

Prussia separates her hair into three pieces. He stares at the hair and starts to braid.

"It's nothing, Lud told me about zomething." Prussia sighed.

Hungary could feel small pulls from Prussia. She thinks she knows what Germany could of told him. It was too obvious for her to even think.

"Let me guess. He likes Italy." Smiled Hungary.

Prussia leaned his back to the side and stares at Hungary. He was a bit dumbfounded to hear Hungary already knowing the case. Germany wasn't a type of guy who'd tell just anything to anyone especially women. Germany may be a handsome, tall, very muscular man, but really he's shy and is not a smooth talking towards the girls.

"How did know?" Prussia asked.

Hungary laughed.

"Because Italy told me that he likes Germany during that camping trip." She said.

Prussia jolted a bit. It made him feel better for his brother knowing that two friends are really in love with each other. Prussia began to braid faster and was half complete with his work.

"Wow, I never thought Italy that Italy really like him." Said Prussia.

Hungary was laughing out loud.

She thought that men can be so dumb and weird sometimes. She's sometimes glad that men are like that. Without their dumbness she wouldn't always feel good to be the smart one. Since it was Prussia she was with, it was even better for her.

Prussia noticed that she was laughing, he wonders why. He finishes her hair and let's go of it.

"Uhh...Hungary vhy are you laughing?" Question Prussia.

Hungary shakes her head before answering that. He grabs the end of her braid and fiddles with as she speaks back to him.

"It's funny how every little thing can affect you. When you can back you were quiet. Later, I was more worried because before we go to bed you would usually say that cheesy phrase like 'your five meter needs to take the tunnel'." She said.

Prussia crosses his arms and became annoyed from what she said.

"Hey, if my 'five meter' is veady, I can't control it. It has to do vhat it has to do." He grunted.

Hungary had a comeback to that statement. He continued to mess with him to sees how far could she go.

"Well, then explain to me why is impossible for you to last two minutes huh." She grinned.

Hungary turned around with her hands on her hip. Prussia grew a little mad. He knew that statement was not true. His face became red from the embarrassing words.

"Hungary, you know zhat it is not true. I can do it triple the zime." Cried Prussia.

Hungary was laughing harder than she did. She fell back on the bed and had her hands on her stomach because she was laughing so hard that she felt that her insides was about to burst.

"*laughs* oh Gilbert, you always want to prove that you're better than most people." She smiles.

With a perverted look on his face, Prussia stares at Hungary. He leans his back towards the wall at the opposite end from her.

"Oh really?" He said.

Hungary walks on her knees and hands like a cat ready to pounce. She gets close to Prussia's face.

"Yup, and that's why I love you!" She said.

Prussia opens his eyes and blushes.

His eyes widen and he stutters.

"O-oh." He said.

He couldn't speak correctly. It was like he was trying to be lured and he took the bait.

Hungary also blushes. She sits right on 'the spot'. Acting so innocent and yet knowing that she was trying to make a dirty move to her husband.

Hungary also gets closer.

Their noses are touching.

Prussia was enjoying as much when he used to watch his xxx movies. Those good old times were the best for him back then. He remember the nose bleeds and the competitions he had with his brother. The game to see if any of the two can handle the amount of pleasure in a certain time, and of course he was the first to claim defeated.

Prussia grin grew when he thought of that. Doing that made Hungary thought that her plan to make Prussia act himself was working.

"You know what I can't stop looking?" She asked.

Prussia places his hands on Hungary's waist. He winks at her.

Hungary blushes. Her eyes are shining.

"Your red eyes always gets me every time I look at them" she saids quietly.

Prussia gets closer to Hungary's ear. He smooths her with his voice.

"If you love my eyes, zhen zhat means you can't resist vith my 'five meter'." He whisper.

That made Hungary to have the chills. She liked that.

"Oh Prussia, you really know how to make a girl become more active." She said.

Hungary grabs Prussia's head leads him to kiss Hungary.

He slides to the mid part of the bed. He full body was lying on the mattress. Hungary was on top with an arched back and nearly sitting on top him. She could feel his hand holding her waist again.

Hungary closes her eyes and goes on to the second part of her 'plan'.

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