Chapter 30

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He's here

"West! West!" Cried a voice.

Germany listens to the sound very carefully. His canine hearing makes it easier to figure out who it was from. There's no doubt that it was from Prussia.

Prussia burst out of the trees. Germany sees his brother. Prussia stops within feet from Germany. He takes a good look at his brother.

"S-so it's true." He gasped. His eyes were widen and were darting at Germany.

Prussia could see the eyes, teeth and the sharp nails. It was hard to believe that his own brother was actually a werewolf. Prussia took small steps and got closer to him. His eyes were dazed and he lifted his hand a bit wanting to touch to prove it's real.

"Prussia?" Germany asked.

Italy was warping his arms around Germany's waist. He was on the left side of him. He looked confused. Soon, Hungary pop up out of the trees. She was covered with dead leaves and had twigs in her hair.

"Damn it Prussia, if you're going to make us run then I suggest that you advise us." She complained as she wiped off the debris.

Italy got off of Germany and began to run to her. He gets ready to give her a big hug.

"Mrs. Hungary!" He cheered.

She turns to see Italy running to her. She smiles and squeezes him when he got to her.

"Ve~" he sang.

Italy could smell the paprika from her. She always did had a scent like that. Both of them were grasping each for a while before breaking apart.

The Allies were that last one to show up. France collapsed and tried to catch his breath. Romano, Spain, and Japan angled at them. They witness Russia carrying China to his shoulders.

"What are you guys doing here?" Japan asked politely.

"Well since Prussia and Hungary wanted to look for Germany, all of us decided to help him as well." America stepped in.

"B-but Mr. America, you must know that if things go bad...when can't step in and herp him." Japan stuttered.

America takes a look a Japan. He seem puzzled over what he said.

"B-bruder..." Prussia whispered.

His words sounded like someone was dying. The wind gust at the two brothers. Prussia was still speechless. Germany didn't know what going on with Prussia. Prussia began to wrap his arms around his neck. Prussia began to sob on his brothers shoulders.

Germany could feel the tears falling on his shoulders. He couldn't believe that his brother was crying right now. He assumed that he was told what happened during the meeting. He knew that he might of been devastated and worried about him. Germany began to pat Prussia's back and giving comfort.

"Zhere, zhere. Your West is here. You have to act like a whining fool right now?" He said.

"Zhe awesome me doesn't cry. Zhe awesome me had zomething on his face." Prussia responded. "And jeez man, who knew zhat one day you'll be a werewolf?"

Prussia let go of Germany and starts staring to his eyes. The bright glow gave him the shivers. He couldn't stop having that cold feeling around him. He could also see his teeth sharper. He wondered if his brother ever used them for a meal yet.

"Prussia I zhink zhat it's best for all you to go home." Germany demanded.

Germany sounded so serious when he said that.

"West, everyzing is ok. Ve can go back home and ve can try to find a cure..." Prussia was cut off.

"Nein! Zhat's not vant I meant!" Germany growled.

A loud screeched came by. Only Germany could hear it. He covered his ears and arched his back trying his best to let his brain get brainwash by it. Later he knees fall to the ground. Prussia stood there not knowing what's going on. He back up.

"Argh.... He's coming." He growled.

Prussia went to him. He kneels down on his knee. He could see his brother in excruciating pain. His teeth were grinding, hands were also covering his ears. Prussia could hear an eerie low growl coming out of him.

Prussia shook his brother to snap out of it.

"West! Come on you're hallucinated." He exclaimed.

Germany gave Prussia a cold stare. He was showing his bare teeth. His natural look was scarier then it ever was.

"Prussia, zhis is serious! If he comes, we all are in danger." He grunts as he tries to stand up.

The metal breaking noise was getting louder and louder. Germany felt the weird sensation again. The feeling of given strength. He falls down and grips the dirt and drags his fingers, trying to resist the urge to transform. Lutz was teasing him.

Prussia tries to help his brother.

"What's zhe matter, West?!" Prussia shouted.

"I-it's nozhing, I feel a little lightheaded." Germany said in a calm tone. "But like I said you should all leave at once."

Prussia could bear to hear his own brother wanted to do this alone. Even though, he was treating him like a little boy who wasn't capable of anything.

"West, I vill not leave you. You're my only Bruder and that's final!" Prussia cried on the top of his lungs.

Germany looked at Prussia's tearing eyes. He didn't realized that Prussia was still having to remember what happened a long time ago.

"P-Prussia..." Germany's mouth opened wide.

Prussia was so loud that Hungary and Italy could hear him. They both try to interact with the brothers to see what's going on. They both looked scared.

"What's going on?" Said Italy.

"Awww isn't this precious?" Said a voice.

Everyone looked at each. Germany knew that voice. He was least expecting to show up right now.

"Dudes look!" America pointed.

America was pointing at a figure hidden within the trees.

Prussia wanted to know who was it.

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