Chapter 29

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Nice Hugs

Trees. Colossal trees. They were fallen dead and were position in a circle. As Prussia stepped out of the car, his eyes were adjust at them. Just looking at it, Prussia could tell that the diameter was at least eleven feet thick. 

These massive piece of sticks seemed to be arranged or something. Prussia looked both ways to see the length and it was a lot longer than he expected to be. It looked endless and since it was pitch black it camouflage with the night. Hungary, who was peeping from the car, stood up and was astonished from the size. 

"What kind of trees are those?!" She gasped. 

Prussia recognized the kind. It looked just like the ones they saw during the camping trip but bigger. He fingers glide against the bark. Prussia doubt that the trees were fallen and somehow manage to form a barrier. 

"My awezome instincts zell me zhat its Beech, but its rare zo find zhem this thick." He stated

Later, the Allies finally caught up with Prussia. For some reason they decided to park against the tree. The driving was so reckless that Hungary and Prussia knew that it was America on the wheels. 

When America made the car skid and made the tires scream, everything happened fast. Russia and China were sitting on the left side. During the event, China flew to the other side and grab hold of the seat in order to save himself from harming his panda. As well, Russia slid and landed on top of China. His forearms were both sides of China's head. It helped him from crushing the smaller nation. 

Their noses touched. Russia could feel his cheeks warming the other. Instantaneously, China struggled to move before it made America and France be perplex over what happened. 

"Move Russia, aru!" He hissed. 

Russia was a bit hesitated. He was startled when China raised his voice. He got up. He fixed his messy hair. He did not want things to happen like this. America turned around at look at the two nations. The moon was shining on his glasses making it hard to tell what type of facial reaction he had.

"Cool ride huh?" He said in a smooth and calming tone. 

France was rubbing his head because he banged his own head to the car door. He glances at America ferociously. His eyebrows started to twitch. He was ready to bite his head.

"You stupid America, are you trying to kill us or what?" He barked. 

"What?" Said America giving that smirk to him. 

China grabs hold of America's neck from behind. He tries to strangle him. When America felt that slight pressure on his neck, he figured whom it was. He tried to break the grasp and letting himself breathe. Steam flow to America's neck. The sound of a mad China gave him the shivers. 

"This isn't funny! You almost made me hit my panda!" China growled. 

Every word China said, he tugged forward not letting America breathe. America's face became blue and gasping for air. France back away from America because he was too frighten from China's behavior. America was trying to fight his way through the grasp.

Hungary and Prussia were in front of the car. They were seeing everything. Prussia snickers at the Allies for looking so foolish. 

"Should we stop them before they kill themselves?" She asked. 

"Kesesese~, this is too awesome to ruin it." He laughed. 

Russia embraces China and pulls him away from America. He grabs his arms as well. With all of his might, he pry opens his arms. China did not seem to care if Russia was separating or what. All he wanted was to teach America a lesson. 

Russia finally manages to make China to let of America. Both of them fall back to their seat. America now can have a sense of relief. He gasps for air. It takes him a while to return to his breathing. China was still having a fit. Luckily, Russia was able to maintain him. 

"Suck balls!" China screamed. 

He was kicking his feet up and throwing his arms. He was not finished with America's payment. Soon, he calms down and is tired from the tantrum. Russia pets China. His finger slide at the same direction China's hair went. 

"Is that better, China?" He giggled. 

China crosses his arm and like a little child. He mutters. 

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get out of the car." China rolled his eyes.

The Allies get out of the car. They first see Prussia laughing so hard that he's bend down trying to catch his breathe. China already knew that Prussia and Hungary were watching them the whole time. He didn't expect to see Prussia acting like a child. 

When Prussia saw the Allies, he stood up and cleared his throat. He went back to business. 

"Dude, what's with the trees?" America said as he looked at them.

The other countries had the same question. 

"Zhat's vhy ve stopped." Prussia claimed. 

America looked a bit amazed with the plants. He felt the texture. As he slid his hand back and forth, he didn't have a clue on the type. He didn't recognized this type at all.

"It's Beech, dummy." Prussia called. 

America didn't say a word after that. China looked at the height and observed the Bentley that America parked. He was getting an idea from it. China leaps on top of the car and to the tree. France sees him, and looks a bit confused. 

"China, what are you doing." He asked. 

China was standing tall on top of the tree. He looks at the other nations. 

"I found a way to get on it, aru." He shouted. 

The others were staring at China with a surprise look on their faces. China heard leaves rustled from behind. 

"Yoo-hoo, China I found an entrance!" A voice shouted. 

China got spooked a fell behind. He lands in the arms if Russia. Russia holds him in a bridal style. China looks at him strangely as Russia smiles at him. 

"I found an opening a few feet away from us." Russia spoke in a lushly tone. 

Later the other countries found their way to the opening as well. Not every country did thought of looking for a spot. Russia puts China down gently with care. China has never felt so loved before. Russia's soft smile made him have butterflies in his stomach. 

"Now zhat zhe awesome Prussia lead you fools to the exit, I zhink ve should look for mein bruder." Prussian suggested. 

Quickly, everyone ran as fast as try could. Every step they felt closer to the Axis. The deeper part of the forest were dense with tall, slim trees. This made it harder to see. 

Soon they see a speck of light. Prussia knew that he was there. He was ready to find Germany and take him back home. He never realized how much he love his one and only brother.

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