Chapter 12

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Friendly Gift

Italy has notice that Germany is acting different. He was assured that the event that happened weeks ago didn't affect him. He's zone-outs a lot and Italy could hear him mumble words about being torment. Italy wasn't sure what he was talking about. He assumed that it could be from a nightmare that he's dreaming about repeatedly. Every time this was brought up, he would go to his mini office and be there for a half an hour. He refuses to let any of countries to come him without his permission. Even if, they were there to remind him about having a meal. He would scowl at them.

He's been staying up late. At first, Italy thought that he had trouble sleeping. Instead, it became routine. He would toss around on the bed making quiet growl noises and Germany would even jerk around as if he was being taken. Once Hungary caught him eating almost everything from fridge in the middle of that night. Hungary told Italy that she was getting some water and as she gotten closer to the kitchen. She heard items falling. She sneaked and took a peek from the wall.

She saw Germany eating wurst and other raw meat products. Italy believed that it could be a random German custom. There were things that Germany did that were normal for his people to do like being a clean freak, or being robust.

Today, Italy, Germany and Japan were in Japan's house talking about how they were going to design their military tanks to be able to kill a wider range of people in a faster time. Engineering was topic that Germany couldn't back out of it. This was a plan to help Japan not be overwhelm if the other countries decided to attack him.

Germany and Japan were sitting down by a table that was close by a the screen doors. They were using diagrams and blueprints to design their machine. Germany was explaining his method on how to keep the tanks stable and safe.

Italy was playing with Pochi. He and the dog went outside because he was following Germany's orders. Which was to not screw things up again. Japan was generous enough to let him to let the dog give him company.

Italy enjoyed the scene outside. It was filled with fresh lush green, grass. He could see the mountains from very far.

Italy has been wondering about what plans have Germany and Japan made. He remembers the times when he tried to impress Germany with his new ideas with his tank invention.

Unfortunately, his ideas weren't successful. Even Germany said that it was too dangerous. The anatomy of it was off and it was smoky every time it shoots. Germany told him that he would do the work for him. That something that Italy least wanted from him.

Italy didn't know what to do. The dog was too tranquil and quiet just like Japan. He gets an idea and wants to ask Germany and Japan if they wanted to play a game of soccer, but he knows that Germany would yell at him.

The more he thinks about Germany, he more he thinks about the kiss that happened three months ago. He regrets doing it. It was fast move for Germany.

Italy was already sitting on the grass. He moved his legs closer to his chest. The more he thought about the kiss, the more remembers how it feels.

Germany's lips so warm. It was the best thing for him. His lips were softer than it looked. Even though he was hesitating, Italy consider him a good kisser.

"Why did Germany have to be so hot?!" He thought.

The sun was already down. It was about 6 pm. The sky was orange. No longer blue just like the color of Germany. Italy had imagines going through his head that related to Germany. He always wonder what did Germany thought of him.

Italy hears his name. It was from Germany.

"Italy, iz's zime for bed" Germany said.

Italy had an urge to give Germany a hug. If he did then he could say that it's a hug before bedtime. It was easier for Italy since it didn't seem like he takes his affection for what it is.

He got up and he ran to give him a warm hug. He was willing to do this.

He runs and runs until he finally makes it. It happened all too fast for Germany.

"Germany!!" He shouted.

Italy's arms were wrapped around Germany's waist. His cheeks could feel his chest. He begins to rub it against his body.

Germany wasn't expecting for this. He froze in his place.

Italy started to squeeze him harder.

Germany's face was all red. He can feel the warmth. He hugs him back. It wasn't a full passion hug. He lightly touched Italy's shoulder. He could feel his upper body being numb again.

Both men return to Japan's home.

Italy brings Pochi home too.

Italy felt a bit brave. He was glad that Germany didn't get mad. For Italy, it's hard to tell if Germany was going to yell at him. The bright side was that he's a step closer knowing if Germany loves him back.

They have dinner with Japan.

After the meal, they get ready for bed.

When they get to bed, Germany notices that Italy quick fell asleep.

He looks at him. Giving him his admiring eyes on him.

He bends down and kisses Italy on the forehead.

"I love you Italy" he whispers close to his ear.

Germany goes to sleep.

Everything was quiet.

Too quiet....

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