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Sirens wailed in the air, it would be over soon. Fire rose up hot and furious as parts of the building collapsed. The fury of heat a stark contrast to gentle snow drifting down from the dark sky. The tears threatened to come but did not fall. Grip tightens on the dusty fabric within grasp. The sirens were even louder now and voices shouted, demanding to stay still and not move. Quiet words tumble into the air as a mist,

"Too late, I was too late..."


'Well this was interesting...'

Leaning back against the wall I listened to the shouts of uproar, there was definite rage and disgust, the few occasional accusations of "Murderer!" which made me chuckle, half of them in this place were here for that very reason. Whoever they were bringing in, they were getting a whole load of hate, which could be potentially highly entertaining, for me. I wonder how long they will last with a smirk.

"Shut the hell up all of you!" a guard orders, my smirk turns to a grin as the uproar reaches levels of fury that they usually reserved for me.

"You have to be kidding me!" a voice growls from the cell to my left, "They are putting that thing in here, surely they would lock it up in a dark hole or better yet destroy it,"

Interest peaked I push off the wall and move closer to the front of my cell. That's when I see her, surrounded by six heavily armed guards. They pushed her roughly along, she didn't fight. Kept her head down, face hidden behind the long curtain of auburn hair. She looked downright timid.

"Murderous whore," the guy in the left cell mutters, considering the noise levels I'm surprised when she looks up and glares at him with burning red eyes, that's when I realise just who she is. The red eyes are a give away, the most hated person to monster and human kind, the genocider. The Kingdom had been out for her capture even longer than they had mine. A true monster. But something didn't feel right, like my SOUL was trying to tell me something. Interesting. Her glare moves to me as they stop in front of my cell, it changes to a frown of recognition, as if she knows who I am, but then again doesn't everyone? I smirk at her bringing the glare back which only makes me chuckle.

The guards open the cell opposite mine and throw her in, they lock it and leave shouting at the inmates to calm down, I watch her as she stands up from the floor where she landed, she rubs her behind and shakes her head, huh... she has a magic restriction collar. From what I knew she was just human, and that meant no magic, unless it was SOUL traits, but then that wouldn't require the collar. She plonks herself down on the thin mattress that we all have to call our beds and closes her eyes. Complaints can be heard from cells nearby,

"Oh shut the fuck up and deal with it," she snarls out. The silence is immediate.

'Very interesting...'

I find myself watching her as she, sleeps? She has been lay on that mattress for the past hour or so, not a move since her yell before. The lunch bell rings out and armed guards come back, they escort her roughly out. A guard opens my cell, holding out a pack of cigarettes to me he tries to sound threatening, "Behave G," cute.

"Aren't I always?" I grin at his glare as I take the packet and head to the food hall. I notice our new comers guards stand near the door as I walk through, as usual everyone looks at me as I come in, not that it bothers me, they all know their place. I push to the front of the queue to receive the unsavoury meal of the day. No body stops me, good I'm not in the mood for a fight today. Looking around for a place to sit I chuckle as everyone suddenly tries to avoid my gaze, then I spot her, all alone on a table in the corner, well we can't have that now can we.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask, knowing very well it isn't, she frowns up at me with those eyes like glowing embers, after a few moments of silence I narrow my gaze, "I asked you a question doll face," her frown deepens,

"If you're after sitting down just do it, not as if I care where you park your behind," she then turns back to the food on her tray. I take a seat opposite her, watching her, I smirk as she starts to fidget, those eyes shooting up to me in a glare, "Is there something you want, or are you just gonna keep staring?" my smirk just deepens as I look into her angry gaze, her eyes sparking like hot coals, whispers can be heard from all around, I grin watching her close her eyes for a moment before snapping her head around to everyone else,

"Seems like you're not very well liked here," I chuckle,

"Well that's such a darn shame, I wanted to make so many new friends too," her words drip with sarcasm making me chuckle, "Though seriously, what do you want?"

"Entertainment?" I respond earning me a confused frown. She shakes her head and then laughs a little, "Something funny there sweetheart?"

"Not really, for some reason I kinda imagined you to be more intimidating, after all I read about you in the reports,"

"Really?" I felt annoyance creep into my voice as my gaze on her hardened, she didn't flinch, "You're one to talk sweetheart, a dainty little girl such as yourself the genocider," the glare I received was full of dark fury, seems I've hit a sore spot, I grin as she clenches her fists and slams herself to her feet. She grabs her tray and starts walking away, "Did I say something wrong sweetheart?" I call after her, she spins around fast and throws the tray at me in her fury, it misses, I didn't even have to move, "You throw like a girl," I laugh but shes already being escorted from the room. Leaning back I pull a cig out and light it, things were defiantly going to be interesting for a while, 'I've found a new toy to break.'

A/N - Welp there it is, the first chapter, longer than I thought it would be, now I'm just trying to convince myself to press that publish button.

I'm not very confident in my writing ability but I do love to make up stories and I want to be an author one day, here's hoping writing a little fan fiction as practice will give me a little more confidence.

Well would you look at that, I clicked the publish button >.< *runs away to hide*

Kuani x

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