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My knees hit the ground hard as they literally flung me into the cell, a growl escaping my throat as I shot to my feet, the guards laugh at me as I slam into the thick metal bars, I shake them with a frustrated scream, I should be angry at them but I had already expected their attitudes towards me, considering the reason I'm in this gods forsaken place. My fury wasn't with them, but that damn skeleton! It's not like he really said anything different from what everyone was thinking, genocider.... hot tears threaten to fall as I drop myself onto the vile mattress, fists clenched tight, 'no, don't show emotion, not here shut it down Frisk' I tell myself with a deep breath. A bell chimes loudly and the halls fill with noise as the other prisoners are sent back to their cells,

"Sweetheart I didn't mean to make you cry," a smooth voice says, I tense refusing to look at the ass hole and flip him the bird, he simply just chuckles, damn skeleton. Everything quietens down, other than a few whispered comments between inmates, in which I could distinctly hear them talking about me annoyingly, "So it seems you already know me, since you have read 'reports' on me," he chuckles again, I glance to the side to find him leaning against the bars of his cell watching me, his one visible iris glowing a bright gold, I glare at him and he just smirks, "I'll allow you to call me G,"

"Wow, so kind of you," I respond with heavy sarcasm,

"Oh come now sweetheart, I'm just being friendly," he grins as I scoff at that comment, "I am curious though, as to what these 'reports' said about me," I remain silent as I remember small details from what I had read, he was violent, had a habit for starting fights, but it was the fact he was an arsonist and had killed some very important people that had caught my attention and then used to my own gain, "So are you just going to stay silent doll face, I don't like to be ignored," he sounds annoyed, his 'eyes' have narrowed at me,

"Does it hurt your sensitive ego?" I bite the inside of my mouth to stop the laugh that so wants to escape, that golden eye darkening, I scratch my neck while looking away from him. This collar they forced me to wear irritates the skin,

"I don't usually let people off with giving me attitude doll face, but seeing as it is your first day here, I'm willing to let it slide,"

"That's very gracious of you," I smirk, "Am I supposed to act scared and go whimper in the corner now?" I do laugh now turning away from his angry gaze. I shouldn't push it, I've seen the pictures, the damage he could do, even without his magic. I lie down, still feeling him watching me I simply choose to ignore it.

*Time skip one week*

I hated that I was starting to get used to it here, it had only been a few of days. G hadn't spoken to me again, but I did find him watching me often, so in turn I also watched him. Most of the other inmates were scared of him, some idolised him, the women couldn't get enough of him, I grimaced in disgust when they flaunted themselves all over him, he always flirted back, of course he enjoys the attention. When he caught me watching at these times he would smirk at me as if he knew something I didn't. Some people tried to be intimidating with him, that usually ended up with them being carted out to the hospital ward. G was violent and unforgiving to those who went up against him I couldn't help but watch in fascination sometimes when he got into a fight.

Today was no different than any other, I sat alone during lunch, everyone avoids me like the plague. I find myself watching G again, some blonde was coming onto him thick and heavy, he actually looks bored, but then as if he could feel me watching him his gaze met mine and that smirk I was becoming to hate flowed across his face, he looks down at the girl raising one of his hands to caress her cheek, he was whispering something to her, moving his face down to hers, he was inches away when his gaze turns back to me, he kisses her, his eyes never leaving me. I roll my eyes in disgust. He then stands up and walks away from the girl and right over to me, wonderful I sigh with annoyance,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now