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A/N - I apologise now for what's about to happen... this may cause some upset to readers.


I opened my eyes to see a familiar ceiling, it's covered in golden flowers. It's familiar because I painted them, just before my seventeenth birthday. That's over a year and a half ago now... I'm in my room. I sit up but everything spins, okay Frisk, slowly. I carefully get out of bed and stumble my way to the door, I'm starving, maybe mom has some pie I can eat then I'll come back to bed and sleep forever. I step out of my room and suddenly the security door that hides my room in emergencies slams down, uhh that can't be good. I can hear voices down the hallway, one of them horrifyingly familiar, Chara.... her intentions suddenly flood through me causing me to gasp and grip the wall for support, she always did this, every time. Letting me know exactly what she was about to do, so I would experience it right there along side her. I grit my teeth and try to move quicker, Mom's voice reaching my ears now,

"Chara what are you doing my child?" she sounds scared, of course she's scared she's faced with that homicidal maniac! "Chara put that knife down,"  she's trying to be calm, but it won't work, nothing works, "Chara please, my child, Chara I love you," I stumble into a half crawl half run as Chara starts to laugh manically. I'm too late, I crash into the entrance hall, Toriel looking at the knife in her chest in disbelief, Chara stood near the door, she had thrown the knife, I had watched it sail across the air, unable to do anything to stop it, Toriel drops to her knees, then to her side,

"No!" the scream wrenches out from deep within me, all pain and anger. Everything feels like its shattering, I scramble to her side, "no no no please don't die," I cry, "Chara why did you do this, why!" I scream at the girl I once admired more than anything in the world, "She is our mother!"

"No she isn't, our mother is dead, she killed herself remember!" Chara laughs again, I ignore her as I try to put pressure on the wound,

"My child, it's okay," Toriel reaches a hand up to stroke my cheek, "I love you," she whispers, at this point Chara has flung the door open and is screaming for help, part of my mind registers that there must be guards outside but I can't take my eyes off Toriel,

"Mom, no..." the words tumble out in a faint whispered plea, but her eyes close, she smiles one last time and crumbles to dust in my hands, my heart breaks, tears streaming down my face, ignorant to the two armed guards shouting at me to put my hands where they can see them. I don't care, all I can do is stare at the pile of dust, and the small floating grey SOUL, seconds later it shatters, a sob erupts from me, "no, no no no," I don't want  to believe this is happening, this has to be a dream, just a dream right? The voices change behind me, something has startled them, arms wrap around me gently,

"We have to go Frisk," G's voice says quietly in my ear, I shake my head and look up at him,

"G..." I plead, this has to be a dream, please, tell me it's a dream,

"We have to go," he pulls me tighter to him and we teleport away. I don't know where we end up. I don't care. I stare down at the dust on my hands and let out a wail of anguish. G pulls me onto his lap, wrapping himself around me and rocking me gently, I turn into his chest and grip onto his sweater, 

"Why did she do it!" I yell, furious tears flowing, I can't stop them. G just holds me, rocking and gently stroking my head, making soothing sounds, he doesn't try to tell me everything will be okay, because we both know it won't be,

"She will pay Frisk, she will pay for everyone she has hurt and everyone she has killed, I promise you, Justice will be served," he promises, and I believe him.

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now