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She slept peacefully during the night, I half expected her to wake screaming again but was relieved she didn't. It just made me think of all the things I wanted to do to Gaster to make him pay. She had woken up with an abundance of energy and was practically bouncing about the place. I had lost track of her hours ago and since then I had been trying to help Alphys in the meantime but she sent me away because I was apparently acting grumpy and she was stressed out enough. I rub the back of my skull and wounder, why am I out of sorts? I shake my head and grab a guy carrying a bunch of papers walking past,

"You seen Frisk?" 

"She's in main hall with the Prince," he tells me trying to keep all the papers in his grip, for some reason that news irritates me. Nope, not going to dwell on why! I head to the main hall quickly and find them, dancing... 

"SANS!" Papy suddenly appears by my side, 

"What's going on?" I ask grumpily,

"AN IMPROMPTU PARTY! WE ARE CELEBRATING THE PRINCE JOINING US!" he grins down at me, I watch as more people start to dance, Frisk is laughing as she is spun around by Asriel, "WHAT'S WRONG BROTHER?"

"Nothing," I growl,


"I'm perfectly fine Papy," I cross my arms in defiance, I'm fine, this doesn't bother me, not in the slightest. Frisk's eyes suddenly land on us and she grins that stupid adorable grin she has,

"G!" she waves and beckons me over, I shake my head, Asriel whispers something in her ear, I narrow my gaze as she suddenly blushes bright red and slaps him on the arm while he laughs, she shakes her head and hurries over, "come dance!" she demands,

"No," I respond with a pout,

"What's wrong G?" she asks concerned, I avoid her gaze,

"Nothing," yes I'm being ridiculous, what exactly is wrong with me?

"Come on, come dance with me!" she pulls at my arms, "Or are you scared, can't dance?" she teases, I smirk down at her, 

"Is that a challenge doll face?" 

"Maybe, but if you don't want to dance, I guess I will just go back to dancing with Asriel," and she starts walking away, nope, not having that, I chase after her picking her up and swinging her around, her giggles make me grin. I will admit, after dancing I felt much better, although I didn't appreciate the smirk Asriel gave me as I kept Frisk from dancing with him again, it was like he knew something I wasn't aware of.

Later in the afternoon we sat in our living quarters, Frisk and Asriel were telling us about the time they first met, apparently Asriel had thought she was Chara. The conversation eventually diverted to our new SOUL colours,

"Well green symbolises kindness, when I use it's aura I can somewhat heal small injuries, so I'm assuming your ability will be enhanced," she's telling Asriel, "I can create a shield too with enough concentration," her thoughts wounder, I watch her eyes go dark from some memory for a moment before she shakes herself and pulls her knees up,

"WHAT ABOUT SANS?" Papy asks, he sounds extremely interested, I have to say I am too, I've never looked into SOUL's all that much, maybe I should, she frowns for a moment but then a slow smile forms on her face and she turns to me,

"Justice," she sits upright and looks around the room, her eyes land on a vase filled with dead flowers, "watch," she raises a hand and her face scrunches in concentration, three yellow orbs flicker into being in front of her palm, she points her finger and they zoom forward. Next moment there's an explosion of dead petals, "cool huh?" she grins, I smile at her,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now