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I dropped into the seat across from her, "Someone's excited for their visitor it seems," I tease,

"More anxious if i'm honest," she responds, I give her a questioning look but only receive a shake of her head, "So are you getting a visitor?" she enquires,

"Yup," I grin,

"Girlfriend?" she smirks at me, I can't help but chuckles at that,

"Jealous?" I ask, her laughter rings out as she shakes her head, "Well no, no girlfriend, or boyfriend," my grin widens as she laughs again, I like it when I can make her laugh, "A friend actually,"

"A friend who you don't call?"

"He's not a phone call kind of guy, plus the hours he works," I stare off for a moment, he's probably going to ask me to pay my tab, "it's been a while since I last saw him, I rarely get visitor privileges," I shrug,

"I can honestly believe that, you start a fight almost every day," we both chuckle at her words, they were complete truth, but hell some people annoyed me, she didn't though. I found her company entertaining, I didn't want to think about who she is, because every time I look in those eyes, I simply can't imagine it, she looks too damn innocent. We continue to eat, I know everyone is looking at us, seems I'm going to have to lay down some laws soon, just so they don't get any ideas.


I chuckle as I sit down, how can I not, she was so bad at trying not to rush as she sat down with her visitor.

"G," I turn to the voice of my oldest friend,

"Hey Grilbz," 

"You need to pay your tab," he responds, but I can hear the grin in his voice even if I can't see it on his fiery face,

"It's good to see you friend," I grin back. We catch up, he tells me about how his daughter is doing, how the new restaurant slash bakery is coming along and about the many things happening. He's currently talking about the tension that's still going on between monsters and humans, but my attention keeps flicking over to her though, shes's holding hands with that guy and they are talking quietly, she said it wasn't a boyfriend, wait why do I care? 

"G?" Grillby brings my attention back to him, shoot, "Something sweet got your attention?" I chuckle,

"You could say that, but don't think too much into it,"

"Who is she then?" he enquires, interest evident in his voice,

"The genocider," I answer simply, he's quiet for a while as he watches Frisk, turning back to me I can see his frown,

"Are you sure?" he shakes his head, "That girl seems kinda..."

"Innocent? Yeah," I sigh and rub the back of my skull, "It's confusing the heck out of me,"

"You like her," he states, not a question, I narrow my graze at him and shake my head,

"Not like that, she's definitely interesting though," I glance over at her, shes still holding that guys hands, "she matches the description of the genocider,"

"The description given from one survivor," Grillby points out, "have you asked her?"

"I mentioned her being the genocider to her the first day she was here, she got angry and threw a food tray at my head, course she missed, throws like a pansy, which makes no sense in my opinion, she kicked the crap out of a guy four times her size yesterday,"

"Hmm, maybe things aren't as they seem, things have been weirdly off on the outside," Grillby shakes his head, I frown and give him a questioning look, he leans forward, "Resistance has gone quiet, I've not heard anything from them either, although, considering they usually used me as a contact for you," he shrugs,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now