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I open my eyes and confusion floods my grief filled mind, what just happened?

"Let's get this over with shall we," Gaster says with a bored tone, he claps his hands and chaos erupts around us, how? Did I somehow reset? I reach my hand behind blindly, unable to bring myself to look, a sob escapes my throat as my hand is suddenly gripped by a familiar bony hand, "don't worry dear, I'm not going to kill you, in fact you're the very answer to my experiments, you're too valuable to destroy, at least completely," Gaster grins at me as I suppress a shudder from the fear and grief still flowing through me. He summons his hands, they float around him glowing purple, "now just stay still and this won't hurt too much," all of his hands fire a beam of energy at me before I can even react and dodge, I drop to the ground on my hands and knees, I try to shake the confusion away as he starts moving forward, sounds of Chara trying to hurt G again reach my ears, my heart is pounding so hard now, come on snap out of this Frisk, Gaster is reaching down towards me, how did I do it? How did I reset? Wait, those magic circles, is it possible... Gaster's hand grips onto my arm, I glare up at him, "time to go,"

"No thanks, think I'll stay," I snap my fingers summoning the white magic circle again, it glows into being under me, "let's try this again though yeah?" I feel a smile pull at my lips as he frowns, the circle slowly turns red and I give Gaster a mocking salute. My vision turns red for a moment before I'm stood facing him again, now he looks confused.

"You alright kitten," G asks from behind me,

"Yeah, sorry if there's any confusion, I think I can control the reset, somehow," I answer quickly, he grunts in reply, I just keep my focus on Gaster as his expression turns from one of confusion to irritation, "what's wrong, you look confused," I smirk, with a growl he flicks his hand in my direction, bones appear and slam into me, I grit my teeth in pain but it's over as he summons his hands and blasts me with purple energy beams, everything goes dark. Then I'm opening my eyes again and really enjoying his expression. He's remembering.


I've lost count how many times I have died and how many times I've been forced to reset because G has died. Each time he does breaks me a little more. I barely dodge another attack from Gaster, this isn't working, "Frisk!" G shouts, I look over at him only to get impaled by another bone, not again... Once more I'm facing Gaster, I'm glad he actually looks tired.

"This isn't working," I growl just loud enough for G to hear,

"Tell me about it," he grumbles, we both look at one another, "I can't bring myself to go all out on her, not when it hurts you,"

"And I can't read Gaster's attacks at all, he's too fast," I know what to do, I smile up at G he frowns slightly, reaching up I grab his jacket and pull him down, kissing him, yeah, I know not the time, a thrill shudders through me as he returns it, as I pull away we are both smiling at one another, "swap," I step around him to face my sister and G looks over at Gaster,

"You sure?" G asks,

"This will work," I promise him, he nods and we get into position.

Chara grins at me and giggles, "well this is a change of pace," she tilts her head to the side, "I was hoping to kill him a few more times though, the expressions you pulled each time," she giggles again, "either way," she points the knife at me, "I have been looking forward to facing you sissy,"

"We don't have to fight Chara," I tell her, she simply laughs,

"Dear sweet sister, are you really that naive," she shakes her head, "this will be over with so very quickly," she takes a step forward, "after all, you feel all my pain for me," her grin stretches over her face demonically, I shrug and give her a blank look,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now