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*A/N - So there's probably only going to be a couple of chapters or so to the end now, I'm actually surprised I've wrote so much XD anyhow, on to the next part!


I lean against the wall outside the fire exit and pinch the bridge of my nose as a headache is beginning to form, crackling static echoes out from my earpiece, I wait but no report comes in though. G is stood a few steps away talking to BP while they both smoke, we have like five minutes until things go down. God, I hope it all goes right. We don't know how long we will have until the Kingdoms forces try to shut up down, although Mettaton claims he has a plan for when that happens. Not that he's being forthcoming with that plan. I let a sigh escape me as I look up at the darkening sky. This has to work. This will work. We have resistance fighters everywhere, they have taken over positions of set workers, of the live audience and the security. Undyne was walking around yelling out orders and Asriel was being prepped for his announcement on screen. Alphys was still back at Chaos base with Paps, she was waiting to release the relative info when the time was right, Paps was with her because none of us wanted her alone at the base after the other night. I shudder at that memory. BP squeezes my shoulder in a comforting way as he walks past heading back inside, I take a deep breath and push of the wall, "Ready kitten?" I look up at G and shrug,

"Not really, but it's now or never," I respond, he nods and makes a move to follow after BP but I grab his arm halting his steps, "listen, if we somehow manage to survive this, I need to talk to you about something afterwards," I feel my cheeks heat up a little,

"Why not now?" he asks turning to face me fully, he looks at me curiously,

"After okay, I want to get this done and over with," I give him a little smile, "then comes the future," I grab his hand and start pulling him inside, "come on," he chuckles at me and follows. I promise myself, once this is done, once we have Asgore out of control, I'll tell him, I'll tell him that I'm in love with him.


We stand quietly beside BP who is manning the main camera, "Everything is a go, I repeat everything is a go," the voice crackles through my earpiece, I nod at MTT who is watching me, he grins and takes centre stage, everything becomes dark, BP counts down to live,

"In three, two, one..." a spot light shines down on MTT,

"Hello my beauties and gentle beauties, welcome to a very special episode of the MTT show, with your host, ME!" he poses dramatically, the audience does its fake cheers, I glance up at G and roll my eyes, he chuckles quietly, "today we have an extra special guest who has a very important message for all you wonderful viewers out there," he claps his hands and the stage lights come on. He begins moving over to two large bright pink comfy looking chairs, "I'd like you to give a very warm welcome to our beloved and adored, Prince Asriel," this time the cheers aren't fake, because Asriel is the resistances hope. He comes out on stage smiling with confidence, Mettaton air kisses his cheeks before folding himself elegantly into one of the chairs, Asriel takes the other one, "now your highness, let's get straight to the point," Mettaton smiles and leans forwards slightly, "I give you the floor," he sweeps his arm out and leans back again,

"Thank you Mettaton," Asriel then turns to face the camera, G and I both give him thumbs up, "by now, most of you will be questioning how exactly I'm here, I assure you I'm very much alive, yes I was attacked in the castle and no it was not by the one known as Frisk Mercy, she was one of the two who saved my life that day," he sends both of us a warm smile, "but I'm not here today to discuss that, today we talk about the truth, the truth that the kingdom, that my father is hiding from everyone. My father has no intention of keeping the peace between humans and monsters, in fact he plans to wipe out humanity, by creating an unstoppable army. Under the guidance of Doctor W.D. Gaster, numerous laboratories were set up across the country, to experiment on both humans and monsters, to create something different, something new, to create a being with the magic of a monster but the strength of a human," he stands up now, "the resistance has taken out many of these labs, but we don't know how many more there could be. These experiments need to stop, for the future off all kind, we must work together. We must bring justice to those who believe themselves above it because they see themselves as Gods!" static suddenly fills my ear and I wince, it's followed by screams and gun shots,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now